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Pragma Consumer SDK

The Pragma Consumer SDK is used to fetch options and their associated Merkle proofs so you can use them in our Pragma Oracle contract to interact with the Merkle Feed published on-chain.

We have examples to help you get started.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

pragma-consumer = "0.1.0"

Quick Start

use pragma_consumer::builder::PragmaConsumerBuilder;
use pragma_consumer::config::{ApiConfig, PragmaBaseUrl};
use pragma_consumer::macros::instrument;
use pragma_consumer::types::{BlockId, Instrument};

async fn main() -> Result<(), ()> {
    let api_config = ApiConfig {
        base_url: PragmaBaseUrl::Prod,
        api_key: "your_api_key".into(),

    let consumer = PragmaConsumerBuilder::new()

    let instrument = instrument!("BTC-16AUG24-52000-P");

    let result = consumer
        .get_merkle_feed_calldata(&instrument, None) // None = Pending block by default

    // Use the calldata with the pragma-oracle contract...
    println!("Hex calldata: {}", result.as_hex_calldata());

    // result.calldata() returns the calldata wrapped with Felt
    // from starknet-rs 0.9.0


Configure the API connection

Create an instance of an ApiConfig object:

let api_config = ApiConfig {
    // This will use our dev API
    base_url: PragmaBaseUrl::Dev, // or PragmaBaseUrl::Prod
    api_key: "your_api_key".into(),

// If you need a custom url, you can do:
let api_config = ApiConfig {
    base_url: PragmaBaseUrl::Custom("http://localhost:3000".into()),
    api_key: "your_api_key".into(),

Initializing the Consumer

Create a PragmaConsumer instance using the builder pattern:

let consumer = PragmaConsumerBuilder::new()
    .on_sepolia() // or .on_mainnet()

NOTE: By default, the network will be Sepolia if you don't specify it:

let consumer = PragmaConsumerBuilder::new()

You can also add a check_api_health call to the builder to make sure the connection with the PragmAPI is healthy:

let consumer = PragmaConsumerBuilder::new()

Fetching Merkle Feed Calldata

Use the get_merkle_feed_calldata method to fetch the necessary data for interacting with the Pragma Oracle:

let calldata = consumer
    .get_merkle_feed_calldata(&instrument, block_number)

Creating Instruments

You can create an Instrument in two ways:

1. Using the instrument! macro:

let instrument = instrument!("BTC-16AUG24-52000-P");

2. Manually constructing the Instrument struct:

use pragma_consumer::{Instrument, OptionCurrency, OptionType};
use bigdecimal::BigDecimal;
use chrono::NaiveDate;

let instrument = Instrument {
    base_currency: OptionCurrency::BTC,
    expiration_date: NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2024, 8, 16).unwrap(),
    strike_price: BigDecimal::from(52000).unwrap(),
    option_type: OptionType::Put

You can retrieve the name of an instrument with the name() method:


// BTC-16AUG24-52000-P

Specifying Block ID

You can specify the block in different ways:

use pragma_consumer::types::{BlockId, BlockTag};

// Using a specific block number
let block = BlockId::Number(85925);

// Using the latest block
let block = BlockId::Tag(BlockTag::Latest);

// Using the pending block
let block = BlockId::Tag(BlockTag::Pending);

Error Handling

The SDK uses the thiserror crate for error handling. The two main errors types are:

  • builder::BuilderError for errors during the PragmaConsumer building,
  • conssumer::ConsumerError for errors during the fetching of the option and the merkle proof.