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🧩 Theoros SDK

The official TypeScript SDK for interacting with the Pragma Theoros API. The Theoros SDK simplifies the process of:

  • Fetching calldata for given feed IDs.
  • Subscribing to real-time data feed updates via WebSocket.


npm install @pragmaoracle/theoros-sdk


The Theoros SDK provides a convenient way to interact with the Pragma Theoros API. It allows developers to:

  • Fetch available data feeds and their details.
  • Retrieve the list of supported chains.
  • Fetch calldata for specific feeds on a given chain.
  • Subscribe to real-time updates for data feeds over WebSockets.

Getting Started

Initializing the SDK

Import the SDK and create an instance:

import { TheorosSDK } from "@pragmaoracle/theoros-sdk";

const sdk = new TheorosSDK({
  baseUrl: "", // Optional, defaults to this value
  timeout: 10000, // Optional, in milliseconds
  • baseUrl (optional): The base URL of the Pragma Theoros API. Defaults to ''.
  • timeout (optional): The request timeout in milliseconds. Defaults to 10000.


Fetching Available Feeds

Retrieve the list of available feeds:

const feeds = await sdk.getAvailableFeeds();
console.log("Available Feeds:", feeds);

This method returns a promise that resolves to an array of Feed objects, each containing:

  • feed_id: The unique identifier for the feed.
  • asset_class: The asset class of the feed.
  • feed_type: The type of the feed.
  • pair_id: The pair identifier associated with the feed.

Fetching Supported Chains

Retrieve the list of supported chains:

const chains = await sdk.getSupportedChains();
console.log("Supported Chains:", chains);

This method returns a promise that resolves to an array of strings representing the chain names.

Fetching Calldata

Fetch calldata for specific feed IDs on a given chain:

const chain = "zircuit_testnet";
const feedIds = ["0x4e5354522f555344", "0x4c5553442f555344"];

try {
  const calldataResponses = await sdk.getCalldata(chain, feedIds);
  console.log("Calldata Responses:", calldataResponses);
} catch (error) {
  console.error("Error fetching calldata:", error);
  • chain: The name of the chain.
  • feedIds: An array of feed IDs.

The method returns a promise that resolves to an array of CalldataResponse objects, each containing:

  • feed_id: The feed ID.
  • encoded_calldata: The calldata encoded as a hex string.

Subscribing to Data Feeds

Subscribe to data feed updates over WebSocket:

const chain = "zircuit_testnet";
const feedIds = ["0x4e5354522f555344", "0x4c5553442f555344"];

const subscription = sdk.subscribe(chain, feedIds);

Handling Updates

Listen for updates and other events:

subscription.on("update", (dataFeeds) => {
  console.log("Data Feed Update:", dataFeeds);

subscription.on("error", (error) => {
  console.error("Subscription Error:", error);

subscription.on("close", () => {
  console.log("Subscription Closed");
  • 'update': Emitted when new data feed updates are received. The callback receives an array of RpcDataFeed objects.
  • 'error': Emitted when an error occurs. The callback receives an error object.
  • 'close': Emitted when the subscription is closed.

Adding and Removing Feed IDs

You can dynamically add or remove feed IDs from the subscription:

// Add new feed IDs

// Remove feed IDs


To unsubscribe from all feeds and close the connection:



Here's a complete example demonstrating how to use the SDK:

import {
  type Feed,
  type RpcDataFeed,
  type TheorosSDKError,
} from "@pragmaoracle/theoros-sdk";

const sdk = new TheorosSDK({
  baseUrl: "http://localhost:3000/v1", // Local Theoros instance

try {
  // Fetch available feeds
  const feeds = await sdk.getAvailableFeeds();
  console.log("📜 Available Feeds:", feeds);

  // Fetch supported chains
  const chains = await sdk.getSupportedChains();
  console.log("⛓️‍💥 Supported Chains:", chains);

  // Choose a chain and feed IDs
  const chain = chains[0];
  const feedIds = feeds.slice(0, 2).map((feed: Feed) => feed.feed_id);

  // Fetch calldata
  const calldataResponses = await sdk.getCalldata(chain, feedIds);
  console.log("👉 Calldata Responses:", calldataResponses);

  // Subscribe to data feed updates
  const subscription = sdk.subscribe(chain, feedIds);

  subscription.on("update", (dataFeeds: RpcDataFeed[]) => {
    console.log("👉 Data Feed Update:", dataFeeds);

  subscription.on("error", (error: TheorosSDKError) => {
    console.error("😱😱 Subscription Error:", error);

  // Add a new feed ID after some time
  setTimeout(() => {
  }, 5000);

  // Unsubscribe after some time
  setTimeout(() => {
  }, 15000);
} catch (error) {
  console.error("An error occurred:", error);


This project is licensed under the MIT License.