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Releases: aspect-build/bazel

Aspect patches for bazel 4.0.0

12 Aug 21:01
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Based on the bazelbuild/bazel 4.0.0 tag

This is released from the aspect-4.0.0 branch in this repo.
Therefore the delta between the upstream Bazel release and ours is

We do this because our clients need some fixes and cannot wait for the long journey of getting Google to merge changes and release them.

To publish a new binary:

Checkout the HEAD of aspect-4.0.0 branch.

Amend the bazel docker container with a layer that adds a user ID matching yours.

Needed to avoid python2 KeyError: 'getpwuid(): uid not found: 1000

$ cat Dockerfile 
RUN echo "alexeagle:x:1000:1000:Alex Eagle,,,:/home/alexeagle:/bin/bash" >> /etc/passwd

build that docker container to run bazel in it with docker build . -t bazel_with_uid

set arguments

    -v "$PWD":/workspace
    -v /tmp/build_output:/tmp/build_output
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
    -v "$HOME/.npm:/home/.npm"
    -w /workspace
    -e USER="$(id -u)"
    -u="$(id -u)"
    -e HOME=/home
    -p 3000:3000

build bazel

docker run "${docker_args[@]}" bazel_with_uid --output_user_root=/tmp/build_output build -c opt --stamp src:bazel

then copy the resulitng