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openQA users guide


This document provides additional information for use of the web interface or the REST API as well as administration information. For administrators it is recommend to have read the Installation Guide first to understand the structure of components as well as the configuration of an installed instance.

Use of the web interface

In general the web UI should be intuitive or self-explanatory. Look out for the little blue help icons and click them for detailed help on specific sections.

Some pages use queries to select what should be shown. The query parameters are generated on clickable links, for example starting from the index page or the group overview page clicking on single builds. On the query pages there can be UI elements to control the parameters, for example to look for more older builds or only show failed jobs or other settings. Additionally, the query parameters can be tweaked by hand if you want to provide a link to specific views.

/tests/overview - Customizable test overview page

The overview page is configurable by the filter box. Also, some additional query parameters can be provided which can be considered advanced or experimental. For example specifying no build will resolve the latest build which matches the other parameters specified. Specifying no group will show all jobs from all matching job groups. Also specifying multiple groups works, see the following example.

test overview page showing multiple groups
Figure 1. The openQA test overview page showing multiple groups at once. The URL query parameters specify the groupid parameter two times to resolve both the "opensuse" and "opensuse test" group.

Specifying multiple groups with no build will yield the latest build of the first group. This can be useful to have a static URL for bookmarking.

Description of test suites

Test suites can be described using API commands or the admin table for any operator using the web UI.

test suite description edit field
Figure 2. Entering a test suite description in the admin table using the web interface:

If a description is defined, the name of the test suite on the tests overview page shows up as a link. Clicking the link will show the description in a popup. The same syntax as for comments can be used, that is Markdown with custom extensions such as shortened links to ticket systems.

test suite description popup
Figure 3. popover in test overview with content as configured in the test suites database:

Review badges

Based on comments in the individual job results for each build a certificate icon is shown on the group overview page as well as the index page to indicate that every failure has been reviewed, e.g. a bug reference or a test issue reason is stated:

Review badges

Meaning of the different colors

  • The green icons shows up when there is no work to be done.

  • No icon is shown if at least one failure still need to be reviewed.

  • The black icon is shown if all review work has been done.

(To simplify, checking for false-negatives is not considered here.)

Show bug or label icon on overview if labeled gh#550

  • Show bug icon with URL if mentioned in test comments

  • Show bug or label icon on overview if labeled

For bugreferences write <bugtracker_shortname>#<bug_nr> in a comment, e.g. "bsc#1234", for generic labels use label:<keyword> where <keyword> can be any valid character up to the next whitespace, e.g. "false_positive". The keywords are not defined within openQA itself. A valid list of keywords should be decided upon within each project or environment of one openQA instance.

Example of a generic label
Figure 4. Example for a generic label
Example of a bug label
Figure 5. Example for bug label

Related issue: #10212

'Hint:' You can also write (or copy-paste) full links to bugs and issues. The links are automatically changed to the shortlinks (e.g. turns into poo#11110). Related issue: poo#11110

Also github pull requests and issues can be linked using the generic format `<marker>[#<project/repo>]#<id>`, e.g. gh#os-autoinst/openQA#1234, see gh#973

All issue references are stored within the internal database of openQA. The status can be updated using the /bugs API route for example using external tools.

Example for visualization of closed issue references
Figure 6. Example for visualization of closed issue references. Upside down icons in red visualize closed issues.

Build tagging

Tag builds with special comments on group overview

Based on comments on the group overview individual builds can be tagged. As 'build' by themselves do not own any data the job group is used to store this information. A tag has a build to link it to a build. It also has a type and an optional description. The type can later on be used to distinguish tag types.

The generic format for tags is

tag:<build_id>:<type>[:<description>], e.g. tag:1234:important:Beta1.

The more recent tag always wins.

A 'tag' icon is shown next to tagged builds together with the description on the group_overview page. The index page does not show tags by default to prevent a potential performance regression. Tags can be enabled on the index page using the corresponding option in the filter form at the bottom of the page.

Example of a tag coment and corresponding tagged build

Keeping important builds

As builds can now be tagged we come up with the convention that the 'important' type - the only one for now - is used to tag every job that corresponds to a build as 'important' and keep the logs for these jobs longer so that we can always refer to the attached data, e.g. for milestone builds, final releases, jobs for which long-lasting bug reports exist, etc.

Filtering test results and builds

At the top of the test results overview page is a form which allows filtering tests by result, architecture and TODO-status.

Filter form

There is also a similar form at the bottom of the index page which allows filtering builds by group and customizing the limits.

Highlighting job dependencies in 'All tests' table

When hovering over the branch icon after the test name children of the job will be highlighted blue and parents red. So far this only works for jobs displayed on the same page of the table.

highlighted child jobs

Asset cleanup

Assets like ISO files consume a huge amount of disk space. Therefore openQA removes assets automatically according to configurable limits.

This section provides an overall description of the cleanup strategy and how to configure the limits. Cleanup-related parameter for the REST API can be found in the 'Asset handling' section under 'Use of the REST API'.

Cleanup strategy

openQA frequently checks whether assets need to be removed according to the configured limits.

To find out whether an asset should be removed, openQA determines by which job groups the asset is used. If at least one job within a certain job group is using an asset, the asset is considered to be used by that group.

So an asset can be accounted to multiple groups. The assets table which is accessible via the admin menu shows these groups for each asset and also the latest job.

If the size limit for assets by a certain group is exceeded, openQA will remove assets accounted to that group:

  • Assets belonging to old jobs are preferred.

  • Assets belonging to jobs which are still scheduled or running are not considered.

  • Assets which are also accounted to another group that has still space left are not considered.

Assets which do not belong to any group are removed after a configurable duration. Keep in mind that this behavior is also enabled on local instances and affects all cloned jobs (unless cloned into a job group).

Configure limit for assets within groups

To configure the maximum size for the assets of a group, open 'Job groups' in the operators menu and select a group. The size limit for assets can be configured under 'Edit job group properties'. It also shows the size of assets which belong to that group and not to any other group.

Job groups inherit the size limit from their parent group unless the limit is set explicitely. The default size limit for groups can be adjusted in the default_group_limits section of the openQA config file.

Configure limit for groupless assets

Assets not belonging to jobs within a group are deleted automatically after a certain number of days. That duration can be adjusted by setting untracked_assets_storage_duration in the misc_limits section of the openQA config to the desired number of days.

Use of the REST API

openQA includes a client script which - depending on the distribution - is packaged independantly if you just want to interface with an existing openQA instance without needing to install the full package. Call <openqa-folder>/script/client --help for help (openSUSE: openqa-client --help).

Basics are described in the Getting Started guide.

Triggering tests

Tests can be triggered over multiple ways, using, jobs post, isos post as well as retriggering existing jobs or whole media over the web UI.

Cloning existing jobs -

If one wants to recreate an existing job from any publically available openQA instance the script can be used to copy the necessary settings and assets to another instance and schedule the test. For the test to be executed it has to be ensured that matching ressources can be found, for example a worker with matching WORKER_CLASS must be registered. More details on can be found in Writing Tests.

Spawning single new jobs - jobs post

Single jobs can be spawned using the jobs post API route. All necessary settings on a job must be supplied in the API request. The "openQA client" has examples for this.

Spawning multiple jobs based on templates - isos post

The most common way of spawning jobs on production instances is using the isos post API route. Based on previously defined settings for media, job groups, machines and test suites jobs are triggered based on template matching. The Getting Started guide already mentioned examples. Additionally to the necessary template matching parameters more parameters can be specified which are forwarded to all triggered jobs. There are also special parameters which only have an influence on the way the triggering itself is done. These parameters all start with a leading underscore but are set as request parameters in the same way as the other parameters.

The following scheduling parameters exist

Do not obsolete jobs in older builds with same DISTRI and VERSION (as is the default behavior). With this option jobs which are currently pending, for example scheduled or running, are not cancelled when a new medium is triggered.


Setting this switch '1' will not immediately obsolete jobs of old builds but rather deprioritize them up to a configurable limit of priority.


The configurable limit of priority up to which jobs should be deprioritized. Needs _DEPRIORITIZEBUILD. Default 100.


Only obsolete (or deprioritize) jobs for the same BUILD. This is useful for cases where a new build appearing does not necessarily mean existing jobs for earlier builds with the same DISTRI and VERSION are no longer interesting, but you still want to be able to re-submit jobs for a build and have existing jobs for the exact same build obsoleted.


Job templates not matching the given group name are ignored. Does not affect obsoletion behavior, so you might want to combine with _NO_OBSOLETE.


Same as _GROUP but allows to specify the group directly by ID.


Sets the priority for the new jobs (which otherwise defaults to the priority of the job template)


openqa-client isos post ISO=my_iso.iso DISTRI=my_distri FLAVOR=sweet \
         ARCH=my_arch VERSION=42 BUILD=1234 \

Asset handling

Multiple parameters exist to reference assets to be used by tests, for example ISO, HDD, ASSET, KERNEL, INITRD. Corresponding files must be provided within the path /var/lib/openqa/share/factory local to the openQA web-UI. All assets specified in this way in any job are tracked by openQA and considered by the automatic cleanup described under 'Asset cleanup'.

Multiple options can be used based on special suffix types. These types can also be combined, for example ISO_1_DECOMPRESS_URL.

The following options exist

To specify multiple assets of the same type use a number digit, for example ISO_1, ISO_2.


Before starting these jobs try to download these assets into the asset directory of the openQA web-UI from trusted domains specified in /etc/openqa/openqa.ini.


Specify a compressed asset to be downloaded that will be uncompressed by openQA. Specify the non-suffixed parameter additionally to provide a rename target, for example ISO_1_DECOMPRESS_URL=http://host/foo2.iso.xz and ISO_1=foo.iso

Where to now?

For test developers it is recommended to continue with the Test Developer Guide.