Process monitor. Currently only support linux system. If those process that had been configured was killed or exit normally, it will be relaunched. This is an alternative of supervisor writen in Python, or pm2 writen in node.js. It's written in C++.
Hello.jar and Hello2.jar are the same. It only print hello message using "System.out.println" then sleep 5 seconds in a dead loop. Please read in the work directory. Parameters for spring cloud is useless here, just because there is a bug to using such parameters and now had been fixed.
make && make clear
This program needs C++ 11 compiler. If you want to compile it with some old C++ compiler such as g++ 4.8.5, you have to change those code converting int to string using "std::to_string" to stringstream. To make it simple, just copy files in gcc485 directory to the parent directory.
PSMON_HOME enviroment must be set, or it will use the default /opt/psmon directory. For example, run it like this:
export PSMON_HOME=pwd
./psmon -d
./pscli status
./pscli stop hello
./pscli start hello
If you kill psomn with -9, you should use "./psmon -s" before restart it.