OpenEmbedded/Yocto Project layer for Qualcomm based platforms.
This layer depends on:
URI: git://
layers: meta
branch: master
revision: HEAD
This layers has an optional dependency on meta-oe layer:
URI: git://
layers: meta-oe
branch: master
revision: HEAD
The dependency is optional, and not strictly required. When meta-oe is enabled in the build (e.g. it is used in BBLAYERS) then additional recipes from meta-qcom are added to the metadata. You can refer to meta-qcom/conf/layer.conf for the implementation details.
Some SoC depends on firmware and/or packages that are covered by Qualcomm EULA. To have the right to use those binaries in your images you need to read and accept the EULA available as:
conf/eula/$MACHINE, e.g. conf/eula/dragonboard-410c
In order to accept it, you should add, in your local.conf file:
ACCEPT_EULA_$MACHINE = "1", e.g.: ACCEPT_EULA_dragonboard-410c = "1"
If you do not accept the EULA the generated image will be missing some components and features.
If you want to contribute changes, you can send Github pull requests at
Alternatively you can send patches to [email protected], in which case, please:
- When creating patches, please use something like:
git format-patch -s --subject-prefix='meta-qcom][PATCH' origin
- When sending patches, please use something like:
git send-email --to [email protected] <generated patch>
You can discuss about this layer, on #linaro
on FreeNode IRC network.
Please report any issue on
Nicolas Dechesne [email protected]