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476 lines (389 loc) Β· 11.3 KB

File metadata and controls

476 lines (389 loc) Β· 11.3 KB

About Configuration File


The configuration file is created and saved as follows

β”œβ”€β”€ .cred.toml
β”œβ”€β”€ style_default.toml
└── preferences.toml


Credential data file

# Twitter API consumer key
  Token = ""
  TokenSecret = ""

# Use `nekome account` to manipulate user information

# User credentials

    UserName = "user_name"
    ID = "0123456789"
      Token = "hoge"
      TokenSecret = "fuga"


Preferences file

  # User used by default
  main_user = "user_name"
  # Number of tweets read at one time
  load_tweets_limit = 25
  # Maximum number of tweets accumulated on a page
  accmulate_tweets_limit = 250
  # Whether to launch an external editor when editing tweets
  use_external_editor = false
  # Whether the locale setting of the execution environment is CJK or not
  # (countermeasure for display disorder of tview)
  is_locale_cjk = true
  # Commands to be executed at startup
  startup_cmds = ["home", "mention --unfocus"]

# Whether to display a confirmation modal or not
  block = true
  delete = true
  follow = true
  like = true
  mute = true
  quit = true
  retweet = true
  tweet = true
  unblock = true
  unfollow = true
  unlike = true
  unmute = true
  unretweet = true

  # Style files to load
  style_file = "style_default.toml"
  # Date format
  date_fmt = "2006/01/02"
  # Time format
  time_fmt = "15:04:05"
  # Maximum number of lines of BIO on user page
  user_bio_max_row = 3
  # Padding on left and right side of user page profile display area
  user_profile_padding_x = 4
  # Separator for user details
  user_detail_separator = " | "
  # Hide separator between tweets
  hide_tweet_separator = false
  # Hide separator for quoted tweets
  hide_quote_tweet_separator = false
  # Characters used to display the graph
  graph_char = "β–ˆ"
  # Maximum width of graph
  graph_max_width = 30
  # Separator of Tab
  tab_separator = "|"
  # Tab maximum width
  tab_max_width = 20

  # Tweet
  tweet = "{annotation}\n{user_info}\n{text}\n{poll}\n{detail}"
  # Annotate about tweet
  tweet_anotation = "{text} {author_name} {author_username}"
  # Tweet Details
  tweet_detail = "{created_at} | via {via}\n{metrics}"
  # Polls
  tweet_poll = "{graph}\n{detail}"
  # Polling Graphs
  tweet_poll_graph = "{label}\n{graph} {per} {votes}"
  # Polling Details
  tweet_poll_detail = "{status} | {all_votes} votes | ends on {end_date}"
  # User profile
  user = "{user_info}\n{bio}\n{user_detail}"
  # User information
  user_info = "{name} {username} {badge}"

  # Unit of likes
  like = "Like"
  # Unit of retweets
  retweet = "RT"
  # Display loading
  loading = "Loading..."
  # Display when there are no tweets
  no_tweets = "No tweets ΰΈ…^-Ο‰-^ΰΈ…"
  # Display tab text
  tab_home = "Home"
  tab_mention = "Mention"
  tab_list = "List: {name}"
  tab_user = "User: @{name}"
  tab_search = "Search: {query}"
  tab_likes = "Likes: @{name}"
  tab_docs = "Docs: {name}"

  # Profile location
  geo = "πŸ“"
  # Profile website
  link = "πŸ”—"
  # Pinned tweet
  pinned = "πŸ“Œ"
  # Verified badge
  verified = "βœ…"
  # Private badge
  private = "πŸ”’"

  # Global
    quit = ["ctrl+q"]
  # Main view
    close_page = ["ctrl+w"]
    focus_cmdline = [":"]
    redraw = ["ctrl+l"]
    select_next_tab = ["l", "Right"]
    select_prev_tab = ["h", "Left"]
    show_help = ["?"]
  # All pages in common
    reload_page = ["."]
  # Home timeline page
    stream_mode_start = ["s"]
    stream_mode_stop = ["S"]
  # Tweet view
    copy_url = ["c"]
    cursor_bottom = ["G", "End"]
    cursor_down = ["j", "Down"]
    cursor_top = ["g", "Home"]
    cursor_up = ["k", "Up"]
    open_browser = ["o"]
    open_user_likes = ["I"]
    open_user_page = ["i"]
    quote = ["q"]
    reply = ["r"]
    scroll_down = ["ctrl+k", "PageDown"]
    scroll_up = ["ctrl+j", "PageUp"]
    tweet = ["n"]
    tweet_delete = ["D"]
    tweet_like = ["f"]
    tweet_retweet = ["t"]
    tweet_unlike = ["F"]
    tweet_unretweet = ["T"]
    user_block = ["x"]
    user_follow = ["w"]
    user_mute = ["u"]
    user_unblock = ["X"]
    user_unfollow = ["W"]
    user_unmute = ["U"]

About date and time formats

Uses the same format as time package

About layout customization

  • You can customize the layout by combining valid tags {tag} within an item
  • If there is no content to replace for a given tag, that tag + one trailing space/line break will be removed
    • Example: If a tweet has no annotation {annotation} {name}, {annotation} will be removed and only name will be displayed
  • Only for tweet user, if all tags are replaced and end with a newline, the newline will be removed


Layout of overall tweet

Correspondence between display and settings
RT by arrow2nd @arrow_2nd                        ── {annotation}
arrow2nd @arrow_2nd                              ── {user_info}
This is test tweet                               ── {text}
test1                                            ┐
β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ 0.1% (2)                                     β”‚
test2                                            β”‚
β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ 0.2% (4)                                 β”‚
test3                                            β”œβ”€ {poll}
β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ 0.4% (7)                            β”‚
test4                                            β”‚
β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ 0.2% (4)                                 β”‚
closed | 17 votes | ends on 2022/06/28 10:07:56  β”˜
2022/06/21 10:07:56 | via Twitter for Android    ┬─ {detail}
1Like 2RTs                                       β”˜


Layout of annotations in tweets

{text} {author_name} {author_username}
Correspondence between display and settings
RT by arrow2nd @arrow_2nd
~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
  β”‚      β”‚         └── {author_username}
  β”‚      └──────────── {author_name}
  └─────────────────── {text}


Layout of tweet detail

{created_at} | via {via}\n{metrics}
Correspondence between display and settings

2022/06/21 10:07:56 | via Twitter for Android
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1Like 2RTs    β”‚                    └───────── {via}
~~~~~~~~~~    └────────────────────────────── {created_at}
    └──────────────────────────────────────── {metrics}


Layout of overall poll

Correspondence between display and settings
test1                                            ┐
β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ 0.1% (2)                                     β”‚
test2                                            β”‚
β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ 0.2% (4)                                 β”‚
test3                                            β”œβ”€ {graph}
β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ 0.4% (7)                            β”‚
test4                                            β”‚
β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ 0.2% (4)                                 β”˜
closed | 17 votes | ends on 2022/06/28 10:07:56  ── {detail}


Layout of poll graph

{label}\n{graph} {per} {votes}
Correspondence between display and settings
test1 ─────── {label}
β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ 0.1% (2)
~~~ ~~~~ ~~~
 β”‚    β”‚   └── {votes}
 β”‚    └────── {per}
 └─────────── {graph}


Layout of poll detail

{status} | {all_votes} votes | ends on {end_date}
Correspondence between display and settings
closed | 17 votes | ends on 2022/06/28 10:07:56
~~~~~~   ~~                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  β”‚       β”‚                         └────────── {end_date}
  β”‚       └──────────────────────────────────── {all_votes}
  └──────────────────────────────────────────── {status}


Layout of user profile

Correspondence between display and settings
         arrow2nd @arrow_2nd           ── {user_info}
            I am super cat             ── {bio}
πŸ“ Japan | πŸ”—  ── {user_detail}


Layout of user info

  • Common layout in tweet and user
{name} {username} {badge}
Correspondence between display and settings
arrow2nd @arrow_2nd βœ… πŸ”’
~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
   β”‚         β”‚        └──── {badge}
   β”‚         └───────────── {username}
   └─────────────────────── {name}


The default style definition file.

  # Background color of the entire app
  background_color = "#000000"
  # Border
  border_color = "#ffffff"
  # Text
  text_color = "#f9f9f9"
  # Placeholder
  sub_text_color = "#979797"
  # Caution and warning text
  emphasis_text = "maroon:-:bi"

  # Text
  text = "white:-:-"
  # Background
  background_color = "#000000"

  # Item Text
  text_color = "#000000"
  # Unselected item background
  background_color = "#808080"
  # Selecting item background
  selected_background_color = "#C0C0C0"

  # Text
  text = "black:-:-"
  # Background
  background_color = "#ffffff"

  # Annotation (RT by ...)
  annotation = "teal:-:-"
  # Detail (date, via)
  detail = "gray:-:-"
  # Likes
  like = "pink:-:-"
  # Retweets
  retweet = "lime:-:-"
  # Hashtag
  hashtag = "aqua:-:-"
  # Mention
  mention = "aqua:-:-"
  # Graph
  poll_graph = "aqua:-:-"
  # Poll detail (status, total votes, end date)
  poll_detail = "gray:-:-"
  # Separator
  separator = "gray:-:-"

  # Nickname
  name = "white:-:b"
  # Username (starting with @)
  user_name = "gray:-:i"
  # User detail (Geo, URL)
  detail = "gray:-:-"
  # Verified badge
  verified = "blue:-:-"
  # Private badge
  private = "gray:-:-"

  # Tweets / Text
  tweets_text = "black:-:-"
  # Tweets / Background
  tweets_background_color = "#a094c7"
  # Following / Text
  following_text = "black:-:-"
  # Following / Background
  following_background_color = "#84a0c6"
  # Followers / Text
  followers_text = "black:-:-"
  # Followers / Background
  followers_background_color = "#89b8c2"

Syntax of configuration items

Items ending with _color

Hexadecimal color codes starting with # or W3C color names can be used

Other items

Color tag for tview can be used

Syntax: <foreground>:<background>:<flags>