delta 2353
diff --git a/languages/lightbox-photoswipe-it_IT.po b/languages/lightbox-photoswipe-it_IT.po
index e65b1cf..39c362f 100644
--- a/languages/lightbox-photoswipe-it_IT.po
+++ b/languages/lightbox-photoswipe-it_IT.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Lightbox with PhotoSwipe\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-28 15:59+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-09 16:26+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-10 00:58+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Arno Welzel\n"
"Language-Team: Italian\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -14,6 +14,14 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Generator: Loco https://localise.biz/\n"
"X-Loco-Version: 2.6.2; wp-6.0"
+#: templates/options-tab4.inc.php:21
+msgid ""
+"the PHP EXIF extension is missing on this server!"
+msgstr ""
+"l'estensione EXIF PHP manca su questo server!"
#: templates/options-tab2.inc.php:75
msgid ""
"Language-Team: \n"
@@ -14,6 +14,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: Loco https://localise.biz/"
+#: templates/options-tab4.inc.php:21
+msgid ""
+"the PHP EXIF extension is missing on this server!"
+msgstr ""
#: templates/options-tab2.inc.php:75
msgid ""
"exifData = false;
- $rawExifData = false;
- $content = @file_get_contents($file);
- if (!$content) {
- return false;
- }
- if (in_array($extension, ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'jpe'])) {
- $data = bin2hex(substr($content, 0, 2));
- if ($data !== 'ffd8') {
- return false;
- }
- $data = bin2hex(substr($content, 2, 2));
- $size = hexdec(bin2hex(substr($content, 4, 2)));
- $pos = 6;
- $maxPos = strlen($content) - 4;
- while($pos < $maxPos && $data != 'ffe1' && $data != 'ffc0' && $data != 'ffd9') {
- switch($data) {
- case 'ffe0': // JFIF marker
- case 'ffed': // IPTC Marker
- case 'ffe2': // EXIF extension
- case 'fffe': // COM extension Marker
- if ($size-2 > 0) {
- $pos += $size-2;
- }
- break;
- }
- $data = bin2hex(substr($content, $pos, 2));
- $pos += 2;
- $size = bin2hex(substr($content, $pos, 2));
- $pos += 2;
- }
- if ('ffe1' === $data) {
- $pos += 6;
- $rawExifData = substr($content, $pos, hexdec($size));
- }
- } else if ('webp' === $extension) {
- $header = substr($content, 0, 12);
- if ('RIFF' !== substr($header, 0, 4)) {
- return false;
- }
- if ('WEBP' !== substr($header, 8, 4)) {
- return false;
- }
- $pos = 12;
- do {
- $chunkType = substr($content, $pos, 4);
- $pos += 4;
- if ($chunkType) {
- $size = unpack('Vsize', substr($content, $pos, 4));
- $pos += 4;
- $size = $size['size'];
- $payload = substr($content, $pos, $size);
- $pos += $size;
- if ($size & 1) {
- $pos++;
- }
- if ('EXIF' === $chunkType) {
- $rawExifData = $payload;
- }
- }
- } while($chunkType && !$rawExifData);
+ if (function_exists('exif_read_data')) {
+ $this->exifData = @exif_read_data($file, 'EXIF', true);
- if ($rawExifData) {
- $exitParser = new ExifParser();
- $this->exifData = $exitParser->parse($rawExifData);
+ if($this->exifData) {
+ return true;
- return $this->exifData;
+ return false;
diff --git a/src/LightboxPhotoSwipe/ExifParser.php b/src/LightboxPhotoSwipe/ExifParser.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 661abbb..0000000
--- a/src/LightboxPhotoSwipe/ExifParser.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,584 +0,0 @@
-binaryData = $binaryData;
- $this->exifData = [];
- $this->position = 0;
- $this->formatIntel = true;
- $header = $this->fetchBytes(2);
- // Analyze header
- if($header==="II") {
- $this->formatIntel = true;
- } else if($header==="MM") {
- $this->formatIntel = false;
- }
- $tag = bin2hex($this->fetchBytes(2));
- $offset = $this->getHexValue($this->fetchBytes(4));
- $offset = hexdec($offset);
- if ($offset > 100000) {
- return false;
- }
- if ($offset > 8) {
- $this->position += ($offset - 8);
- }
- $numTags = hexdec($this->getHexValue($this->fetchBytes(2)));
- if ($numTags > 1000) {
- return false;
- }
- $offsetEXIF = false;
- for ($tag = 0; $tag < $numTags; $tag++) {
- $entry = $this->readEntry();
- if ($entry['tagName'] === 'Exif_IFD_Pointer') {
- $offsetEXIF = $entry['value'];
- } else if ($entry['tagName'] !== 'GPS_IFD_Pointer') {
- $this->exifData['IFD0'][$entry['tagName']] = $entry['value'];
- }
- }
- if ($offsetEXIF) {
- $this->position = $offsetEXIF;
- $numTags = hexdec($this->getHexValue($this->fetchBytes(2)));
- if ($numTags > 1000) {
- return false;
- }
- for ($tag = 0; $tag < $numTags; $tag++) {
- $entry = $this->readEntry();
- $this->exifData['EXIF'][$entry['tagName']] = $entry['value'];
- }
- }
- return $this->exifData;
- }
- /**
- * Fetch a number of bytes from the binary data buffer
- */
- private function fetchBytes($count)
- {
- if (strlen($this->binaryData) >= $this->position + $count) {
- $result = substr($this->binaryData, $this->position, $count);
- $this->position += $count;
- } else {
- $result = false;
- }
- return $result;
- }
- /**
- * Get hex string for binary data
- */
- function getHexValue($data)
- {
- $value = bin2hex($data);
- if ($this->formatIntel) {
- $len = strlen($value);
- $reversed = '';
- for($i=0; $i<=$len; $i+=2) {
- $reversed .= substr($value,$len-$i,2);
- }
- $value = $reversed;
- }
- return $value;
- }
- /**
- * Read data entry at the current position from the binary data buffer
- */
- private function readEntry()
- {
- $tag = $this->getHexValue($this->fetchBytes(2));
- $tagName = $this->getTagName($tag);
- $typeId = $this->getHexValue($this->fetchBytes(2));
- $size = 0;
- $this->getType($typeId, $type, $size);
- $count = $this->getHexValue($this->fetchBytes(4));
- $bytesofdata = $size * hexdec($count);
- $value = $this->fetchBytes(4);
- $data = false;
- if ($bytesofdata <= 4) {
- $data = $value;
- } else if ($bytesofdata < 100000) {
- $offset = hexdec($this->getHexValue($value));
- $data = substr($this->binaryData, $offset, $bytesofdata);
- } else {
- return;
- }
- return [
- 'tagName' => $tagName,
- 'value' => $this->formatData($type, $tag, $data),
- ];
- }
- /**
- * Get EXIF datatype and length for given ID
- */
- private function getType($typeId, &$type, &$size) {
- switch($typeId) {
- case "0001":
- $type = "UBYTE";
- $size = 1;
- break;
- case "0002":
- $type = "ASCII";
- $size = 1;
- break;
- case "0003":
- $type = "USHORT";
- $size = 2;
- break;
- case "0004":
- $type = "ULONG";
- $size = 4;
- break;
- case "0005":
- $type = "URATIONAL";
- $size = 8;
- break;
- case "0006":
- $type = "SBYTE";
- $size = 1;
- break;
- case "0007":
- $type = "UNDEFINED";
- $size = 1;
- break;
- case "0008":
- $type = "SSHORT";
- $size=2;
- break;
- case "0009":
- $type = "SLONG";
- $size = 4;
- break;
- case "000a":
- $type = "SRATIONAL";
- $size = 8;
- break;
- case "000b":
- $type = "FLOAT";
- $size = 4;
- break;
- case "000c":
- $type = "DOUBLE";
- $size = 8;
- break;
- default:
- $type = "UNKNOWN-".$typeId;
- $size = 0;
- break;
- }
- return $type;
- }
- function getTagName($tag) {
- $tagNames = [
- '0001' => 'InteroperabilityIndex',
- '0002' => 'InteroperabilityVersion',
- '000b' => 'ACDComment',
- '00fe' => 'ImageType',
- '00ff' => 'SubfileType',
- '0100' => 'ImageWidth',
- '0101' => 'ImageLength',
- '0102' => 'BitsPerSample',
- '0103' => 'Compression',
- '0106' => 'PhotometricInterpretation',
- '010e' => 'ImageDescription',
- '010f' => 'Make',
- '0110' => 'Model',
- '0111' => 'StripOffsets',
- '0112' => 'Orientation',
- '0116' => 'RowsPerStrip',
- '0117' => 'StripByteCounts',
- '0115' => 'SamplesPerPixel',
- '011a' => 'XResolution',
- '011b' => 'YResolution',
- '011c' => 'PlanarConfiguration',
- '0128' => 'ResolutionUnit',
- '012d' => 'TransferFunction',
- '0131' => 'Software',
- '0132' => 'DateTime',
- '013b' => 'Artist',
- '013c' => 'HostComputer',
- '013d' => 'Predictor',
- '013e' => 'WhitePoint',
- '013f' => 'PrimaryChromaticities',
- '0142' => 'TileWidth',
- '0143' => 'TileLength',
- '0144' => 'TileOffsets',
- '0145' => 'TileByteCounts',
- '014a' => 'SubIFDs',
- '015b' => 'JPEGTables',
- '0201' => 'JpegIFOffset',
- '0202' => 'JpegIFByteCount',
- '0212' => 'YCbCrSubSampling',
- '0211' => 'YCbCrCoefficients',
- '0213' => 'YCbCrPositioning',
- '0214' => 'ReferenceBlackWhite',
- '1000' => 'RelatedImageFileFormat',
- '1001' => 'RelatedImageWidth',
- '1002' => 'RelatedImageLength',
- '828d' => 'CFARepeatPatternDim',
- '828e' => 'CFAPattern',
- '828f' => 'BatteryLevel',
- '8298' => 'Copyright',
- '829a' => 'ExposureTime',
- '829d' => 'FNumber',
- '83bb' => 'IPTC/NAA',
- '8649' => 'PhotoshopSettings',
- '8769' => 'Exif_IFD_Pointer',
- '8822' => 'ExposureProgram',
- '8824' => 'SpectralSensitivity',
- '8825' => 'GPS_IFD_Pointer',
- '8827' => 'ISOSpeedRatings',
- '8773' => 'InterColorProfile',
- '8828' => 'OECF',
- '8829' => 'Interlace',
- '882a' => 'TimeZoneOffset',
- '882b' => 'SelfTimerMode',
- '9000' => 'ExifVersion',
- '9003' => 'DateTimeOriginal',
- '9004' => 'DateTimedigitized',
- '9101' => 'ComponentsConfiguration',
- '9102' => 'CompressedBitsPerPixel',
- '9201' => 'ShutterSpeedValue',
- '9202' => 'ApertureValue',
- '9203' => 'BrightnessValue',
- '9204' => 'ExposureBiasValue',
- '9205' => 'MaxApertureValue',
- '9206' => 'SubjectDistance',
- '9207' => 'MeteringMode',
- '9208' => 'LightSource',
- '9209' => 'Flash',
- '920a' => 'FocalLength',
- '920b' => 'FlashEnergy',
- '920c' => 'SpatialFrequencyResponse',
- '920d' => 'Noise',
- '9211' => 'ImageNumber',
- '9212' => 'SecurityClassification',
- '9213' => 'ImageHistory',
- '9214' => 'SubjectLocation',
- '9215' => 'ExposureIndex',
- '9216' => 'TIFF/EPStandardID',
- '927c' => 'MakerNote',
- '9286' => 'UserComment',
- '9290' => 'SubsecTime',
- '9291' => 'SubsecTimeOriginal',
- '9292' => 'SubsecTimeDigitized',
- 'a000' => 'FlashPixVersion',
- 'a001' => 'ColorSpace',
- 'a002' => 'ExifImageWidth',
- 'a003' => 'ExifImageHeight',
- 'a004' => 'RelatedSoundFile',
- 'a005' => 'ExifInteroperabilityOffset',
- 'a20c' => 'SpacialFreqResponse',
- 'a20b' => 'FlashEnergy',
- 'a20e' => 'FocalPlaneXResolution',
- 'a20f' => 'FocalPlaneYResolution',
- 'a210' => 'FocalPlaneResolutionUnit',
- 'a214' => 'SubjectLocation',
- 'a215' => 'ExposureIndex',
- 'a217' => 'SensingMethod',
- 'a300' => 'FileSource',
- 'a301' => 'SceneType',
- 'a302' => 'CFAPattern',
- 'a401' => 'CustomerRender',
- 'a402' => 'ExposureMode',
- 'a403' => 'WhiteBalance',
- 'a404' => 'DigitalZoomRatio',
- 'a406' => 'SceneCaptureMode',
- 'a407' => 'GainControl',
- 'a408' => 'Contrast',
- 'a409' => 'Saturation',
- 'a40a' => 'Sharpness',
- ];
- if (isset($tagNames[$tag])) {
- return $tagNames[$tag];
- }
- return false;
- }
- private function formatData($type, $tag, $data) {
- if('ASCII' === $type) {
- // Make sure there are no unwanted leading or trailing spaces or null bytes
- $data = trim($data);
- } else if('URATIONAL' === $type || 'SRATIONAL' == $type) {
- $data = $this->getHexValue($data);
- if ($this->formatIntel) {
- $top = hexdec(substr($data, 8, 8));
- } else {
- $top = hexdec(substr($data, 0, 8));
- }
- if($this->formatIntel) {
- $bottom = hexdec(substr($data,0,8));
- }
- else {
- $bottom = hexdec(substr($data,8,8));
- }
- if ('SRATIONAL' === $type && $top>2147483647) {
- // This is a signed value
- $top = $top - 4294967296;
- }
- if(0 !== $bottom ) {
- $data = $top / $bottom;
- }
- else if(0 === $top) {
- $data = 0;
- }
- else {
- $data = $top."/".$bottom;
- }
- if (('011a' === $tag || '011b' == $tag) && $bottom==1) {
- // XResolution YResolution
- $data = $top;
- } else if ('829a' === $tag) {
- // Exposure Time
- if($top/10 == 1) {
- $data = "1/".round($bottom / 10, 0);
- } else {
- $data = $top."/".$bottom;
- }
- } else if('829d' === $tag) {
- // FNumber
- } else if('9204' === $tag) {
- // ExposureBiasValue
- } else if('9205' === $tag || '9202' === $tag) {
- // ApertureValue and MaxApertureValue
- $data = exp(($data * log(2)) / 2);
- $data = round($data, 1);
- } else if($tag=="920a") {
- // FocalLength
- } else if($tag=="9201") {
- // ShutterSpeedValue
- $data = exp($data * log(2));
- if ($data > 1) $data = floor($data);
- if ($data > 0) {
- $data = 1 / $data;
- $nominator = 0;
- $denominator = 0;
- $this->convertToFraction($data, $nominator, $denominator);
- if ($nominator >= 1 && $denominator == 1) $data = $nominator;
- else $data = $nominator.'/'.$denominator;
- } else {
- $data = "b";
- }
- }
- } else if (in_array($type, ['USHORT', 'SSHORT', 'ULONG', 'SLONG', 'FLOAT', 'DOUBLE'])) {
- $data = $this->getHexValue($data);
- if(!$this->formatIntel && ('USHORT' === $type || 'SSHORT' === $type)) {
- $data = substr($data,0,4);
- } else {
- $data = substr($data, 4, 4);
- }
- $data=hexdec($data);
- if ('SSHORT' === $type && $data > 32767) {
- // This is a signed value
- $data = $data - 65536;
- }
- if ('SLONG' === $type && $data > 2147483647) {
- // This is a signed value
- $data = $data - 4294967296;
- }
- if ('0112' === $tag) {
- // Orientation
- // 1 - normal
- // 2 - mirrored
- // 3 - upsidedown
- // 4 - upsidedown mirrored
- // 5 - 90 degree clockwise mirrored
- // 6 - 90 degree counter clockwise
- // 7 - 90 degree counter clockwise mirrored
- // 8 - 90 degree clockwise
- } else if('0128' === $tag || 'a210' === $tag) {
- // ResolutionUnit, FocalPlaneResolutionUnit and ThumbnailResolutionUnit
- // 1 - no unit
- // 2 - inch
- // 3 - centimeter
- } else if('0213' === $tag) {
- // YCbCrPositioning
- // 1 - Center of pixel array
- // 2 - Datum point
- } else if ('8822' === $tag) {
- // ExposureProgram
- // 1 - Manual
- // 2 - Program
- // 3 - Aperature Priority
- // 4 - Shutter Priority
- // 5 - Program Creative
- // 6 - Program Action
- // 7 - Portrat
- // 8 - Landscape
- } else if ('9207' === $tag) {
- // MeteringMode
- // 0 - Unkown
- // 1 - Average
- // 2 - Center Weighted Average
- // 3 - Spot
- // 4 - Multi-Spot
- // 5 - Multi-Segment
- // 6 - Partial
- // 255 - Other
- } else if ('9208' === $tag) {
- // LightSource
- // 0 - Unknown or Auto
- // 1 - Daylight
- // 2 - Flourescent
- // 3 - Tungsten
- // 10 - Flash
- // 17 - Standard Light A
- // 18 - Standard Light B
- // 19 - Standard Light C
- // 20 - D55
- // 21 - D65
- // 22 - D75
- // 255 - Other
- } else if('9209' === $tag) {
- // Flash
- // 0 - No flash
- // 1 - Flash
- // 5 - Flash, strobe return light not detected
- // 7 - Flash, strob return light detected
- // 9 - Compulsory flash
- // 13 - Compulsory flash, return light not detected
- // 15 - Compulsory flash, return light detected
- // 16 - No flash;
- // 24 - No flash;
- // 25 - Flash, auto-mode
- // 29 - Flash, auto-mode, return light not detected
- // 31 - Flash, auto-mode, return light detected
- // 32 - No flash
- // 65 - Red eye
- // 69 - Red eye, return light not detected
- // 71 - Red eye, return light detected
- // 73 - Red eye, compulsory flash
- // 77 - Red eye, compulsory flash, return light not detected
- // 79 - Red eye, compulsory flash, return light detected
- // 89 - Red eye, auto-mode
- // 93 - Red eye, auto-mode, return light not detected
- // 95 - Red eye, auto-mode, return light detected
- } else if ('a001' === $tag) {
- // ColorSpace
- // 1 - sRGB
- } else if('a002' === $tag || 'a003' === $tag) {
- // ExifImageWidth, ExifImageWidthHeight
- } else if ('0103' === $tag) {
- // Compression
- // 1 - No compression
- // 6 - JPEG compression
- } else if ('a217' === $tag) {
- // SensingMethod
- // 1 - Not defined
- // 2 - One Chip Color Area Sensor
- // 3 - Two Chip Color Area Sensor
- // 4 - Three Chip Color Area Sensor
- // 5 - Color Sequential Area Sensor
- // 7 - Trilinear Sensor
- // 8 - Color Sequential Linear Sensor
- } else if('0106' === $tag) {
- // PhotometricInterpretation
- // 1 - Monochrome
- // 2 - RGB
- // 6 - YCbCr
- }
- } else if ('UNDEFINED' === $type) {
- if('9000' === $tag || 'a000' === $tag || '0002' === $tag) {
- // ExifVersion, FlashPixVersion, InteroperabilityVersion
- $data = $data / 100;
- }
- if('a300' === $tag) {
- // FileSource
- // 0 - None
- // 3 - Digital still camera
- }
- if('a301' === $tag) {
- // SceneType
- // 0 - None
- // 1 - Directly photographed
- }
- if($tag=="9101") {
- // ComponentsConfiguration
- // 0 - None
- // 1 - Y
- // 2 - Cb
- // 3 - Cr
- // 4 - R
- // 5 - G
- // 6 - B
- }
- } else {
- $data = $this->getHexValue($data);
- }
- return $data;
- }
- private function convertToFraction($value, &$nominator, &$denominator)
- {
- $maxLoops = 15;
- $minDenominator = 0.000001;
- $maxError = 0.00000001;
- $f = $value;
- $nominatorOne = 1;
- $denominatorOne = 0;
- $nominatorTwo = 0;
- $denominatorTwo = 1;
- $loopCount = 0;
- while ($loopCount < $maxLoops)
- {
- $a = floor($f);
- $f = $f - $a;
- $nominator = $nominatorOne * $a + $nominatorTwo;
- $denominator = $denominatorOne * $a + $denominatorTwo;
- $nominatorTwo = $nominatorOne;
- $denominatorTwo = $denominatorOne;
- $nominatorOne = $nominator;
- $denominatorOne = $denominator;
- if ($f < $minDenominator)
- break;
- if (abs($value - $nominator / $denominator) < $maxError)
- break;
- $f = 1 / $f;
- $loopCount++;
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/LightboxPhotoSwipe/LightboxPhotoSwipe.php b/src/LightboxPhotoSwipe/LightboxPhotoSwipe.php
index f788b4e..3e5a174 100644
--- a/src/LightboxPhotoSwipe/LightboxPhotoSwipe.php
+++ b/src/LightboxPhotoSwipe/LightboxPhotoSwipe.php
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
class LightboxPhotoSwipe
- const VERSION = '5.2.3';
+ const VERSION = '5.2.4';
const SLUG = 'lightbox-photoswipe';
const META_VERSION = '16';
diff --git a/templates/options-tab1.inc.php b/templates/options-tab1.inc.php
index 2438334..b0bdec5 100644
--- a/templates/options-tab1.inc.php
+++ b/templates/options-tab1.inc.php
@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@
820/1400 * $this->imageSizes[0]['width'],
); ?>
Redis Object Cache