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NGINX Plus Ingress Controller using Manifests

We can now install the NGINX Ingress controller using the Kubernetes manifests or the helm chart.

In this guide we will deploying the NGINX plus Ingress controller using the Kubernetes manifests. For most up-to-date instructions, please follow the documenation on and be sure to install the NGINX Plus Ingress controller.

Clone the NGINX Plus Ingress controller repo and change to this directory

  1. Clone the NGINX Plus Ingress controller and change into this project directory for the duration of this lab excerise
git clone
cd kubernetes-ingress
git checkout v1.9.1

Building the NGINX Plus ingress v1.9.1

NGINX Plus container images are always required to be built and pushed to a private container registry since each NGINX Plus deployment depends on the customer's unique subscription certificate and key, and potentially dynamic modules and unique optimizations as a requirement for use cases

In this guide we will building the NGINX plus Ingress controller and pushing it to a private container registry, AWS ECR, as the example, and assuming we are already authenicated (logged in). For most up-to-date instructions, please follow the documenation on and be sure to build the NGINX Plus Ingress controller.

  1. Place your NGINX Plus certificate and key into the root folder, as we will need it to build the container image
# Place your certificate and key into the cloned kubernetes-ingress repo folder
cd kubernetes-ingress
ls nginx-repo*

nginx-repo.crt nginx-repo.key
  1. Build the NGINX Plus Ingress Controller Image and push the image to a private registry using the make script provided. For Detailed instructions see Building the Ingress Controller Image, and always use the stable build for production!

In this example, I am building the stable build of the NGINX Plus Ingress Controller Image and pushing it to my ECR private repository. Before running the make script, I first authenicate to our ECR and create a Ingress repo for my image

Example prerequsites when using ECR

# Retrieve authentication token and authenticate your Docker client to your registry
MY_AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query 'Account' --output text)

aws ecr get-login-password --region $MY_REGION | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $MY_AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$

# Create an ECR repository for the NGINX Plus Ingress Controller Image
aws ecr create-repository --repository-name $MY_REPO --region $MY_REGION

Now Build the Image and push the image to a private registry

# Build the nginx-plus-ingress stable debian image (default) 
# Note: Alpine is not supported for NGINX Plus (only OSS)
# See Docs for other builds (Dockerfiles) :
MY_AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query 'Account' --output text)

# the output below will look like 

make clean && make DOCKERFILE=DockerfileForPlus PREFIX=$MY_REGISTRY

Check it is there using the aws cli

aws ecr describe-repositories --region $MY_REGION | grep nginx-plus-ingress

Or in the AWS Management web Console:

open https://$\?region\=$MY_REGION

As a result, the image is built and pushed to the registry. Note that the tag 1.9.1 comes from the VERSION variable, it it latest version of the time of writing and is defined in the Makefile by default

Note: If you pushing to a private registry that you Kubernetes cluster does not default access to (e.g. Docker Hub) you will need to configure an access method such as secrets to pull an image from a private Docker registry or repository. See Enable kubernetes to Pull an Image from your Private Registry

Create required resources for NGINX Ingress

Now that we have the NGINX Ingress Controller container image readily available on your container registry, we can now install the NGINX Ingress controller.

In this guide we will deploying the NGINX plus Ingress controller using the Kubernetes manifests. For most up-to-date instructions, please follow the documenation on and be sure to install the NGINX Plus Ingress controller.

The Instructions below are taliored for our lab and will install the NGINX Ingress controller v1.9.1 using Kubernetes manifests:

Checkout the correct code version for NGINX Ingress (v1.9.1)

  1. In our Ingress controller repo change into the deployments folder and make sure we have checkout the desired version (v1.9.1):
cd kubernetes-ingress/deployments
git checkout v1.9.1

Configure RBAC

  1. Review the following files to configure RBAC. We will creating a Namespace and ServiceAccount called nginx-ingress and the Role-based access control (RBAC) or ClusterRole containing rules that represent a set of permissions granted to the nginx-ingress ServiceAccount. See Noteworthy points below

ns-and-sa.yml manifest:

  • Specification for the nginx-ingress namespace where the NGINX Ingress will later be deployed into
  • Specification for the nginx-ingress ServiceAccount used to provide an identity for pods. Pods that want to interact with the API server will authenticate with a particular service account. Note that, by default, applications will authenticate as the default service account in that namespace

rbac.yaml manifest:

  • A ClusterRole is a non-namespaced resource, unlike a Role that always sets permissions within a particular namespace. A ClusterRole can be used to:
    • define permissions on namespaced resources and be granted within individual namespace(s)
    • define permissions on namespaced resources and be granted across all namespaces
    • define permissions on cluster-scoped resources
  • A ClusterRoleBinding is used to grant permissions across a whole cluster, the ClusterRoleBinding allows a list of subjects (users, groups, or serviceAccounts) to the role being granted. In this deployment the subject its the ServiceAccount called nginx-ingress
  1. Now apply the manifests to configure RBAC
# Create a namespace and a service account for the Ingress controller:
kubectl apply -f common/ns-and-sa.yaml

# Create a cluster role and cluster role binding for the service account:
kubectl apply -f rbac/rbac.yaml

Create Common Resources

  1. Review the following files to create Common Resources for most of the Ingress Controller installations. See Noteworthy points below

default-server-secret.yaml manifest:

nginx-config.yaml manifest:

  • The ConfigMap resources allows you to customize or fine tune NGINX that applies globally (i.e. the http context in nginx.conf), meaning that it affects every Ingress resource (In contrast, annotations always apply to their Ingress resource)
  • The ConfigMap resource stores configuration data as key-value pairs.
  • ConfigMaps allow you to decouple configuration artifacts from image content to keep containerized applications portable
  • See more information on NGINX Plus Ingress Controller ConfigMap Resource

ingress-class.yaml manifest:

  • The IngressClass concept allows the coexistence of multiple Ingress Controllers in one cluster
  • Each Ingress should specify a class, i.e a reference to an IngressClass resource (find ingressClassName in a ingress spec) and the IngressClass resource contains additional configuration including the name of the controller that should implement the class.
  • Note: For Kubernetes >= 1.18, if the class is not set in an Ingress resource, Kubernetes will set it to the class of the default Ingress Controller. To make a Ingress Controller the default one, the "true" must be set on the IngressClass resource. We have this commented out in our example
  1. Now apply the manifests to create Common Resources common for most of the Ingress Controller installations.
# Create a secret with a TLS certificate and a key for the default server in NGINX:
kubectl apply -f common/default-server-secret.yaml

# Create a config map for customizing NGINX configuration:
kubectl apply -f common/nginx-config.yaml

# Create an IngressClass resource (for Kubernetes >= 1.18):
kubectl apply -f common/ingress-class.yaml

Create Custom Resources

In this section we will deploy CRDs to expand the capabilites of NGINX Plus ingress

A Custom Resources allows you to create your own API objects, allows you to extend Kubernetes capabilities by adding any kind of API object useful for your application, it allows you to define your own kind just like Pod, Deployment, ReplicaSet, etc.

VirtualServer, VirtualServerRoute, TransportServer and Policy resources

  1. Review the custom resource definitions for VirtualServer and VirtualServerRoute, TransportServer and Policy resources
  • The VirtualServer and VirtualServerRoute Resources are new load balancing configuration, introduced in release 1.5 as an alternative to the Ingress resource.
  • These Custom Resources enable use cases not supported with the Ingress such as traffic splitting and advanced content-based routing.
  • The following manifest files define our CustomResourceDefinition (CRD), and the Kubernetes API Server will creates a new RESTful resource path for each version specified.
  • By default, a CRD is Cluster-scoped, however these CRDs are all in Namespaced scope as specified in the CRD's scope field in the manifests, which means all the resources of this kind are managed under a certain namespace and will be removed if you delete the namespace
  1. Now apply the manifests to create the Custom Resources for NGINX Plus Ingress Controller
# Create custom resource definitions for VirtualServer and VirtualServerRoute, 
# TransportServer and Policy resources:
kubectl apply -f common/vs-definition.yaml
kubectl apply -f common/vsr-definition.yaml
kubectl apply -f common/ts-definition.yaml
kubectl apply -f common/policy-definition.yaml

GlobalConfiguration resource

  1. Review the additional CRD, GlobalConfiguration, to enable TCP and UDP load balancing features of the NGINX Plus Ingress Controller, create the following additional resources:
  • GlobalConfiguration is another Custom Resource and defines the global configuration parameters of the Ingress Controller.
  • This GlobalConfiguration resource supports configuring listeners for TCP and UDP load balancing, required by TransportServer resources which is a preview feature in v1.9
  1. Optionally, apply the manifests to create the Custom Resources for NGINX Plus Ingress Controller
# Create a custom resource definition for GlobalConfiguration resource:
kubectl apply -f common/gc-definition.yaml

# Create a GlobalConfiguration resource:
kubectl apply -f common/global-configuration.yaml

Resources for NGINX App Protect

  1. Review and apply the manifests to create the additional CRD, APPolicy and APLogConf to enable the NGINX Plus App Protect module
# Create a custom resource definition for APPolicy and APLogConf
kubectl apply -f common/ap-logconf-definition.yaml 
kubectl apply -f common/ap-policy-definition.yaml 

Deploy the Ingress Controller

We include two options for deploying the Ingress controller:

  • DaemonSet. Use a DaemonSet for deploying the Ingress controller on every node or a subset of nodes.
  • Deployment. Use a Deployment if you plan to dynamically change the number of Ingress controller replicas.

Ingress deployed as DaemonSet Ingress deployed as deployment with replicas=6

Option 1: Deploy the Ingress Controller as a DaemonSet

This section will deploy the Ingress Controller as a DaemonSet, and is based on Documentation on Installing NGINX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes

The DaemonSet will create ports mappings for port 80 and 443 of the Ingress controller container to the same ports of the worker nodes where the container is running and so the Ingress pods are reachable via the node IPs. Since Clients would need to know the list of node IPs somehow, a DaemonSet is typically deployed with a loadBalancer in front of to provide load balancing of all ingress pods in a DaemonSet

  1. Update the daemon-set/nginx-plus-ingress.yaml with the container image that you have built

For example, replace the nginx/nginx-ingress:1.9.1 placeholder:

  # `-image: nginx/nginx-ingress:1.9.1
  1. Deploy NGINX Plus Ingress Controller as a DaemonSet, and Kubernetes will create an Ingress controller pod on every node of the cluster.
# For NGINX Plus, run:
kubectl apply -f daemon-set/nginx-plus-ingress.yaml
  1. Run the following command to make sure that the Ingress controller pods are running and assoicated with a DaemonSet:
# Unless you have specified the namespace, the manifests applied will designate
# `nginx-plus-ingress` as the target namespace to deploy our Ingress Controllers
 kubectl get pods,daemonset --namespace=nginx-ingress
  1. To access ingresswe need to modify the security group of the Kubernetes nodes to allow incoming traffic through the port 80 and 443. Refer to our previous excerise on NodePort: Modifying the security group to allow incoming traffic on nodePorts, however in this case we want to open ports 80 and 443 to the internet.

security group inbound rules allowing port 80 and 443

  1. Get the Kubernetes worker Nodes External-IP using the following command
kubectl get nodes -o wide |  awk {'print $1" " $2 " " $7'} | column -t

NAME                                          STATUS  EXTERNAL-IP  Ready   Ready   Ready
  1. Once, security groups on your cloud provider is open to allow incoming traffic on hostPorts 80 and 443, pick a Node/External-IP along with the nodePort from the last step and use curl to test external access
# External IP address to a node and port 80 mapping

# Test host HTTP port 80
curl -s http://$NODE_EXTERNAL_IP | grep nginx

# Test host HTTPS port 443
curl -s -k https://$NODE_EXTERNAL_IP | grep nginx

Note: The default server returns a HTTP 404 Not Found page or HTTP400 bad request status code for all requests for domains for which there are no Ingress rules defined.

We should see the following output if NodepPort is configured correctly for ingress:


Option 2: Deploy the Ingress Controller as a Deployment

This section will deploy the Ingress Controller as a Deployment, and is based on Documentation on Installing NGINX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes

  1. If you want to remove an existing nginx-ingress DaemonSet from the last section before deploying nginx-ingress as a deployment, you can run the following command:
kubectl delete daemonset/nginx-ingress -n nginx-ingress
  1. Update the deployment/nginx-plus-ingress.yaml with the container image that you have built

for example replace the nginx/nginx-ingress:1.9.1 placeholder:

  # `-image: nginx/nginx-ingress:1.9.1
  1. Deploy NGINX Plus Ingress Controller as a Deployment and by default, Kubernetes will create one Ingress controller pod.
# For NGINX Plus, run:
kubectl apply -f deployment/nginx-plus-ingress.yaml
  1. Run the following command to make sure that the Ingress controller pods are running:
# Unless you have specified the namespace, the manifests applied will designate
# `nginx-plus-ingress` as the target namespace to deploy our Ingress Controllers
# Check installation and get a current count of ingress pods 
kubectl get pods --namespace=nginx-ingress
  1. To Scale the number of Ingress Pods run and check updated deployment
# As an example, scale to four pods:
kubectl scale deployments/nginx-ingress --replicas=4 -n nginx-ingress

# Check deployment progres and get a current count of ingress pods
# and see which worker nodes they are deployed on
kubectl get deployments,pods -n nginx-ingress -o wide
  1. Get Access to the Ingress Controller. If you created a deployment, below are two options for accessing the Ingress controller pods:
  • NodePort service
  • LoadBalancer service

NodePort service

  1. Create a service with the type NodePort by applying the manifest
kubectl create -f service/nodeport.yaml
  1. Confirm a nodePort service has been assigned and maps to your Ingress pods
# look at PORT(S) column fo rport 80 and 443 Mapping 
kubectl get service -n nginx-ingress -o wide

NAME            TYPE       CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE   SELECTOR
nginx-ingress   NodePort   <none>        80:31203/TCP,443:30338/TCP   44s   app=nginx-ingress
  1. Before we test accessing NodeIP:NodePort from an outside cluster, we need to modify the security group of the Kubernetes nodes to allow incoming traffic through the the high ports 30000-32767. Refer to our previous excerise on NodePort: Modifying the security group to allow incoming traffic on nodePorts

inbound rule for nodeport

  1. Get the Kubernetes worker Nodes External-IP using the following command
kubectl get nodes -o wide |  awk {'print $1" " $2 " " $7'} | column -t

NAME                                          STATUS  EXTERNAL-IP  Ready   Ready   Ready
  1. Once, security groups on your cloud provider is open to allow incoming traffic on nodePorts, pick a Node/External-IP along with the nodePort from the last step and use curl to test external access
# External IP address to a node and port 80 mapping

# Test NodePort
curl -s http://$NODE_EXTERNAL_IP:$NODEPORT | grep nginx

Note: The default server returns a HTTP 404 Not Found page or HTTP400 bad request status code for all requests for domains for which there are no Ingress rules defined.

We should see the following output if NodepPort is configured correctly for ingress:

Remove NodePort services
  1. If we no longer want to expose our Services using NodePort we can simply delete the nginx-ingress service exposing Nodeport
# delete the nodePort service only!
kubectl delete service/nginx-ingress -n nginx-ingress

# Check it is deleted. We should see the following output
kubectl get service -n nginx-ingress -o wide

No resources found in nginx-ingress namespace.
  1. Lastly, there is no need to expose NodePorts on your nodes and you can once again remove Security group

LoadBalancer service

  1. Create a LoadBalancer service by applying the appropriate manifest for your cloud provider

For AWS, run:

kubectl apply -f service/loadbalancer-aws-elb.yaml

Or, for Azure or GCP, run:

# GCP or Azure Load Balancer
kubectl apply -f service/loadbalancer.yaml
  1. Confirm there is a nginx-ingress services with TYPE loadBalancer. You will see the External FQDN mappings under EXTERNAL-IP . Also You will notice that ClusterIP , an Internal only address, for those services coexist with loadBalancer, the external address

In the example below we see an external Address, xxxx.[region], map to a nodePort (30950) address mapping to port 80 and nodePort (31362) port 443

kubectl get deployments,services -n nginx-ingress

NAME                            READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/nginx-ingress   1/1     1            1           23h

NAME                    TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP                                                              PORT(S)                      AGE
service/nginx-ingress   LoadBalancer   80:30950/TCP,443:31362/TCP   2m9s

Note: Kubernetes has allocate a Classic Load Balancer (ELB) in TCP mode with the PROXY protocol enabled to pass the client’s information (the IP address and the port). In the next step we must configure NGINX to use the PROXY protocol.

  1. Important: configure NGINX to use the PROXY protocol. Add the following keys in the data section of the config map file nginx-config.yaml from a previous step to avoid HTTP 400 bad Requests
kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
  name: nginx-config
  namespace: nginx-ingress
  proxy-protocol: "True"
  real-ip-header: "proxy_protocol"
  set-real-ip-from: ""
  1. Update the nginx-config.yaml config map:
# Apply our configMap changes
kubectl apply -f common/nginx-config.yaml

# View updated configMap
kubectl describe configmap/nginx-config -n nginx-ingress
  1. Test access to ingress usings LoadBalancer from an external client. Get the loadBalancer Address for our nginx-ingress service, then run a curl command to test access
# Get External loadBalancer address
LB=$(kubectl get services/nginx-ingress -n nginx-ingress -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].hostname}')

# Access Ingress through LoadBalancer
curl -s http://$LB | grep nginx

Note: The default server returns a HTTP 404 Not Found page or HTTP400 bad request status code for all requests for domains for which there are no Ingress rules defined.

We should see the following output if loadBalancer is configured correctly for ingress:

Remove LoadBalancer services
  1. If we no longer want to expose our Services using LoadBalancer we can simply delete the nginx-ingress service using LoadBalancer
# delete the nodePort service only!
kubectl delete service/nginx-ingress -n nginx-ingress

# Check it is deleted. We should see the following output
kubectl get service -n nginx-ingress -o wide

No resources found in nginx-ingress namespace.

Deploy Ingress!

Now we have an Ingress Controller to satisfy an Ingress. We can configure load balancing for our sample web applications using an Ingress resource. See: Expose a sample application with ingress

Uninstall the Ingress Controller

Unless you have specified the namespace, the example manifests designate nginx-plus-ingress as the target namespace to deploy our Ingress Controllers

  1. Delete the nginx-ingress namespace to uninstall the Ingress controller along with all the auxiliary resources that were created:
# Delete the `nginx-ingress` along with the Ingress controller and 
# all the auxiliary resources that were created:
kubectl delete namespace nginx-ingress

# Delete non-namespaced resources,  ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding 
kubectl delete clusterrole nginx-ingress
kubectl delete clusterrolebinding nginx-ingress
