- Data structure creation
- Using zip
Create as many different forms of the following as possible:
- Array of Ints
- Dictionary of Ints and Booleans
- Set of Strings
var ints: [Int] = []
var ints2 = [Int]()
var ints3: [Int] = [0,1,2]
var ints4 = [0,1,2]
var dict: [Int:Bool] = [:]
var dict2 = [Int:Bool]()
var dict3: [Int:Bool] = [2:true, 4: false]
var set: Set<String> = []
var set1 = Set<String>()
var set2: Set<String> = ["Kyle","is","cool"]
Use zip to:
- create a dictionary where the key is a
and the value is anInt
- the key represents a word in the first array and the value represents a count in the second array
let strArr = ["Kyle", "is", "like", "cool", "I", "word"]
let intArr = [3,6,5,10,4,2]
zipper(arr1: strArr, arr2: intArr) -> ["Kyle": 3, "is": 6, "like": 5, "cool": 10, "I": 4, "word": 2]
func zipper(arr1: [String], arr2: [Int]) -> [String:Int] {
var swiftDict = [String:Int]()
for (str, int) in zip(arr1, arr2) {
swiftDict[str] = int
return swiftDict
print(zipper(arr1: strArr, arr2: intArr))