- Struct / Class / Enum definitions
- Data Structures (instantiation, pros / cons, running time)
- Bonus: Delegates, ARC / Memory Management
Reverse a number
123 -> 321
func reverse(num: Int) -> Int {
let numStr = "\(num)"
return Int(String(numStr.reversed()))!
print(reverse(num: 123))
Given an array of strings:
- we want only the strings that are greater than 3 characters long Of those, return a dictionary where the key represents the character and the value represents the count of the character across the array Bonus: Make and use a String extension called length()
let arr = ["a", "aa", "aaa", "aaaa"] -> ["a": 4]
func charCount(arr: [String]) -> [Character:Int] {
var charCount: [Character:Int] = [:]
let str = arr.filter { $0.length() > 3 }.joined()
for char in str.characters {
if charCount[char] != nil {
charCount[char] = charCount[char]! + 1
} else {
charCount[char] = 1
return charCount
extension String {
func length() -> Int {
return self.characters.count
Convert an array of Int
into an array of String
let arr = [1, 2, 3, 4] -> ["1", "2", "3", "4"]
func convert(arr: [Int]) -> [String] {
return arr.map { "\($0)" }
print(convert(arr: [1,2,3,4]))