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executable file
1540 lines (1331 loc) · 38.7 KB

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executable file
1540 lines (1331 loc) · 38.7 KB

Module 2: c++

// Hello world in c
# include <stdio.h>
int main () {
  printf("hello, world!\n");
  return 0;
// Hello world in c++
# include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
  cout <<"Hello, world!" <<endl;
  return 0;
  • main must return int in c++
  • stdio.h and printf are still available
    • prefer c++ I/0: header <iostream> and output std::cout << ___ << __ << __ .. and std::endl is the end of line
    • using namespace std lets you omit std::

Compiling C++ Programs

g++ -std=c++14 -Wall -o hello
# OR use the alias
g++14 -o hello


  • 3 I/O streams
    • cout for printing to stdout
    • cin for reading from stdin
    • cerr for printing to stderr
  • 2 I/O operators
    • << "put to" (output)
    • >> "get from" (input)
// Example: add 2 #'s
# include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main () {
    int x, y;
    cin >> x >> y; // gets 2 ints from stdin, skipping whitespace
    cout << x + y << endl;
  • if a read fails, will be true
  • if EOF, cin.eof() and will be true, but not until the attempted read fails!
// Example - read all ints from stdin and echo them one per line to stdout
//         - stop on bad input or EOF
int main () {
  int i;
  while (true) {
    cin >> i;
    if ( {
    cout << i << endl;
  • there is an implicit conversion from cin to bool
    • lets cin be used as a condition
    • will act like true for success or false for failure
// Same example, V2.0
int main() {
  int i;
  while (true) {
    cin >> i;
    if (!cin) break; // <- the change!
    count << i << endl;
  • operator >>
    • inputs
      • cin type iostream
      • date various types
    • outputs
      • returns cin back (iostream)
        • this is why we can write cin >> x >> y >> z
// Same example V3.0
int main () {
  int i;
  while (true) {
    if (!(cin >> i)) break;
    count << i << endl;
// Same example V4.0
int main () {
  int i;
  while (cin >> i) {
    cout << i << endl;
// Example: - read all ints and echo on stdout until EOF
//          - skip non integer inputs
int main() {
  int i;
  while (true) {
    if (!(cin >> i)) {
      if (cin.eof()) break;
      cin.clear() // reset cin after it fails
      cin.ignore() // ignore the current input (it's garbage!)
    } else { // the read was ok
      cout << i << endl;

Reading Strings

  • type std::string you get by #include <string> - more details later
int main() {
  string s;
  cin >> s; // read a string - skips leading whitespace! - stops at whitespace!
  cout << s << endl;

// What if we want whitespace??
// We would use getline(cin, s)
  • getline(cin, s) reads from current position to the newline char in s
  • consider cout << 95 << endl;, will print 95. what if we want to print it in hexadecimal?
    • cout << hex << 95 << endl; will print 5f
      • ^ says that all subsequent ints will be printed in hex forever
      • many, many other manipulators like this
        • #include <iomanip>
  • stream abstraction applies to other sources of data
    • reading from a file instead of stdin
      1. std::ifstream
      • reading from a file
      1. std::ofstream
      • writing to a file
// File access in C
int main() {
  char s[246];
  FILE \*f = fopen("suite.txt", "r");
  while (true) {
    fscanf(f, "%255s", s);
    if (feof(f)) break;
    printf("%s\n", s);
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main () {
  ifstream f { "suite.txt" } // Defining and initializing f is what opens the file
  string s;
  while (f >> s) {
    cout << s << endl;
  // No fclose needed because the file is closed when the ifstream i.e. f goes out of scope
  • anything you can do with cin or cout you can do with an ifstream or ofstream
    • ex: strings
      • you can attach a stream to a string variable and then read from or write to the string
      • #include <sstream>, you want std::istringstream (reading from string) and std:ostringstream (writing to string)
// Ex converting numbers to strings
int hi = _____, lo = _____;
ostringstream oss;
oss << "Enter a # between" << lo << "and" << hi; // Converting numbers to strings
string s = oss.str();
cout << s << endl;
// Ex converting strings to numbers
int n;
while (true) {
  cout << "Enter a #" << endl;
  string s;
  cin >> s;
  istringstream iss {s}; // Wrap a sock around the string s
  if (iss >> n) break;
  cout << "I said,";
cout << "You entered" << n << endl;

Example revisited: Echo all numbers, and skip the non numbers

int main() {
  string s;
  while (cin << s) {
    istringstream iss {s};
    int n;
    if (iss >> n) cout << n << endl;

More on Strings

  • in C: array of char (char * or char []) terminated by \0
    • you have to explicitly manage memory - allocate more memory as strings get larger
    • easy to overwrite \0 and corrupt memory
  • in C++: strings grow as needed
    • no need to manage memory
    • safer to manipulate
    • string s = "hello";
      • "hello" is still a c-style string, the meaning does not change
        • still a char array with a null terminator
      • s is a C++ string which is created from the C string on initialization

String Operations

  • equality/inequality
    • s1 == s2, s1 != s2 works!!
  • comparison
    • s1 <= s2 ez
  • length
    • s.length() O(1) time!!
  • get individual chars
    • s[0], s[1], etc.
  • concatenation
    • s3 = s1 + s2, s3 += s4

Default Function Params

void printSuiteFile(string name = "suite.txt") { // Gives name a default value
  ifstream f {name};
  while (f >> s) cout << s << endl;

printSuiteFile() // Defaults to suite.txt
  • Note: Optional arguments must be last


// In C:
int negInt(int n) { return -n; }
bool negBool(bool b) { return !b; }

// In C++: - functions with different parameter lists can share the same name
int neg(int n) { return -n; }
bool neg(bool b) { return !b; } // This is called overloading
  • in c++ the compiler uses the number and types of the arguments to decide which neg() is being called
    • this process is known as overload resolution
  • overloads must differ in number or types of arguments - may not differ on just the return type
  • we've seen this already
    • input/output operators are overloaded - sometimes they mean in/out, sometimes they mean bitshift
    • + sometimes means add two numbers, sometimes means concat two strings


struct Node {
  int data;
  Node \*next;
}; // NOTE: Don't forget the semicolon!!


const int maxtrade = 100; // Must be initialized
  • declare as many things const as you can, catches errors
Node n1 = {5, nullptr}; // Syntax for Null pointers in C++
const Node n2 = n1; // Immutable copy of n2
const Node *pn = &n1; // Can't change n1 through the pointer pn, but changing n1 directly is o-k.
Node *p2 = &n2; // This is ILLEGAL. You can't have ptr-to-non-const pointing to const

Parameter passing ⭐


void inc(int n) {
  int x = 5;
  cout << x; // this will print 5, because you're passing by value
  • pass-by-value: inc gets a copy of x, then increments the copy, while the original is unchanged
  • If a function needs to modify a parameter, pass a pointer
void inc(int *n) { *n = *n + 1 }

int x = 5;
count << x;
  • address passed by value
  • inc changes the data at that address
  • changes visible to the caller

Q: Why do we say cin >> x and not cin >> (&x)? A: c++ has another ptr-like type: references (⭐ important ⭐)


int y = 10;
int &z = y; // Called an lvalue reference to int (to y)
  • &z is a called an lvalue reference to int (to y)
  • it's kind of like a const ptr
  • similar to int *const z = &y, i.e. you can't change the address, but you can still change the data it's pointing to

References are like constant pointers with automatic dereferencing

z [ * ]             
  • z = 12 (NOT *z = 12) will result in y[12]
  • int *p = &z, where &z gives the address of y!!
  • in all cases, z behaves exactly like y
  • we say that z is an alias (another name) for y

Things you can't do with lvalue references

  1. you can't leave them uninitialized - e.g. int &x; is invalid ❌
  2. they must be initialized with something that has an address (i.e. an lvalue) since refs are ptrs * int &x = 4; ❌ * int &x = y + z; ❌ * int &x = y; ✔️
  3. create a pointer to a references * int &*x = ______; ❌ * ref to a ptr int *&x = ______; ✔️
  4. create a reference to a reference * int &&r = ________;
  5. create an array of references * int &r[3] = {_, _, _};

Things you can do with lvalue references

  1. pass them as function parameters ⭐
void inc(int &n) { // const ptr to the arg (x), changes to n affect x
  n = n + 1; // no ptr deref
int x = 5;
count << x; // prints 6

So, why does cin << x work? Because it takes in x by reference!

  • istream &operator >> (istream &in, int &x);
    • you can't copy a stream, so you need to pass in it by reference, and give it back as reference

Pass-by-value, e.g. int f(int x) { ... } copies the argument

  • if the argument is really big, this is expensive
struct ReallBig {...1 trillion elements...};
int f(ReallyBig rb) {...} // SLOW AF
int g(ReallyBig &rb) {...} // Alias - fast, but you lose the guarantee that rb won't change

// Is there a compromise? (Pass rb quickly, but guarantee it wont change)
int h(const ReallyBig &rb) {...} // FAST, NO COPY, PARAMETER CAN NOT CHANGE
  • Advice: prefer pass-by-const-ref over pass-by-value for anything larger than a pointer, unless the function needs to make a copy anyways (in that case, use pass-by-value)


int f(int &n) { ... }
int g(const int &n) { ... }
f(5); // you can't do this, because 5 doesn't have an address ❌
g(5); // you CAN do this, since n can never change the compiler allows it ✅
  • for g(5), the compiler makes a temporary location in memory to hold the 5, so the ref n has something to point to

Dynamic Memory Allocation

In C: malloc(....), free(...) - don't use this in C++!! Instead: new/delete - a lot better (type aware, better integrated, error-prone)

e.g. Node *np = new Node; ... delete np;

  • Stack
    • all local variables reside on the stack
    • vars are deallocated when they go out of scope (stack is popped)
  • Heap
    • allocated memory resides on the heap
    • remains allocated until delete is called
    • if you don't delete all allocated memory, you get a memory leak
      • the program will eventually fail
      • incorrect behaviour
heap stack
Node np


Node getMeANode() {
  Node n;
  return n;
  • this is potentially very expensive - n is copied to the caller's stack frame on return
  • should be return a reference/ptr instead?
❌ ❌ ❌
Node & getMeANode() {
  Node n;
  return n;
  • ❌ "this is one of the worst things you could ever do" - Brad Lushman
  • you're pointing at something in an old frame, the frame that the var is in will be overwritten!!
Node *getMeANode() {
  return new Node;
  • this works, is ok because we're returning a pointer to the heap (will be alive)
  • but you have to remember to delete the data when you're done with it

Operator Overloading

Give meanings to c++ operators or new types! e.g.

struct Vec {
  int x, y;

Vec operator +(const Vec &v1, const Vec &v2) {
  Vec v { v1.x + v2.x, v1.y + v2.y };
  return v;

Vec operator *(const int k, const Vec &v1) { // Only works when the scalar is on the left
  return { k*v1.x, k*v1.y };

Vec operator *(const Vec &v1, const int k) {
  return k*v1;

Vec v, w, x;
v = w + x;

Overloading << and >>

// Example
struct Grade {
  int theGrade;

ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, const Grade &g) {
  return out << g.theGrade << '%';

istream &operator>>(istream &in, Grade &g) {
  in >> g.theGrade;
  if (g.theGrade < 0) g.theGrade = 0;
  if (g.theGrade > 100) g.theGrade = 100;
  return in;

The Preprocessor

  • Transforms the program before the compiler sees it
  • #_________ - preprocessor directive, e.g. #include
  • Including old C headers - new naming convention
    • instead of #include <stdio.h>, you do #include <csdio>
  • #define VAR VALUE sets a preprocessor variable
    • then all occurrences of VAR in src file are replaced with VALUE
#define MAX 10
int x[MAX]; // transformed by the preprocessor to int x[10];

// it's whack, look at this:
#define ever ;;
for(ever) {

  • nowadays you would use const definitions instead
  • but, defined constants are useful for conditional compilations
// Controlling what code the compiler is seeing
  short int
  long long int
// SPECIAL CASE - heavy duty commenting out
#if 0 // will never be true
  • heavy duty commenting out is better because /* */ doesn't nest, can't comment within comments

Can also define symbols via compile args:

int main () {
  cout << X << endl;

and then run with

g++14 -DX=15 -o define // Tells the processor to define X as 15

another case:

// true if name has/has not been defined

#ifdef NAME
#ifndef NAME
int main() {
  #ifdef DEBUG
    cout << "setting x = 1" << endl;
    int x = 1;
    while (x < 10) {
      x += 1
      #ifdef DEBUG
        cout << "x is now" << x << endl;
    cout << x << endl;

Separate Compilation

Split programs into composable modules which each provide:

  • interface
    • type definitions, function headers, .h file
  • implementation
    • full definition for every provided function, will be in your .cc file

Recall: declaration vs definition

  • declaration asserts existence
  • definition gives the "full details" and also allocates space (in the case of variables and fn's)
// INTERFACE (vec.h)
struct Vec { // DEFINE the structure
  int x, y;

Vec operator+(const Vec &v1, const Vec &v2); // DECLARE the function

#include vec.h

int main () {
  Vec v{1, 2};
  v = v + v;

#include vec.h
Vec operator+(const Vec &v1, const Vec &v2) {
  return {v1.x + v2.x, v1.y + v2.y};
  • Recall: an entity can be declared many times but defined at most once

Compiling Separately ⭐:

g++14 -c // -c means compile only... do NOT link
// this creates vgector.o (object file)

g++14 -c // creates main.o

g++14 main.o vector.o -o main // this puts the pieces together, runs the linker

What if we want a module to provide a global variable?

  • abc.h: int globalNum;, this is a declaration AND a definition
    • every file that includes abc.h defines a separate globalNum - program will not link
  • int globalNum; this is a defn, ❌
  • abc.h: extern int globalNum; this is a declaration but NOT a definition ✅

Suppose we write a linear algebra module:

  • linalg.h: #include vector.h
  • #include "linalg.h" and #include "vector.h"
  • this wont compile because linalg.h includes vector.h as does
  • at the end, vector.h is included twice
  • therefore struct Vec defined twice ❌

Thus, we need to prevent files from being included more than once

  • sol'n: #include guard
// vector,h
#ifndef VECTOR_H
#define VECTOR_H
  • the first time vector.h is included, VECTOR_H becomes defined
  • the next time its included, the shit in the middle doesn't run

ALWAYS put #include guards in .h files ⭐ NEVER EVER compile .h files or include .cc files NEVER EVER put using namespace std in headers - it forces the client to open the namespace, should be the client's choice not the library's choice ALWAYS use std:: prefix in headers



Node *np = new Node,
delete np;


int *p = new int [40];
delete [] p; // The form of delete must match the form of new


  • Can put function inside of structs


struct Student {
  int assns, mt, final;
  float grade(){
    return assns * 0.4 + mt * 0.2 + final * 0.4;

Student s{60, 70, 80};
cout << s.grade() << endl;


  • A structure type that can contain functions.
  • C++ has a class keyword - we will use it later.


  • An instance of a class

Member Function:

  • Also known as a method
  • Is the function contained in the class (like grade() in Student)

What do assns, mt, final mean inside of grade(){...}?

  • They are fields of the current object: the object upon which the method was called.
Student billy {...};
billy.grade();   // Uses Billy's assns, mt, final
  • Formally: Methods take a hidden extra parameter called this - A pointer to the object upon which the method was called.
billy.grade();       // this == &billy in the function.
  • We can write:
struct Student{
  int assns, mt, final;
  float grade(){
    return this->assns * 0.4 + this->mt * 0.2 + this->final * 0.4;

Initializing Objects

  • Student billy{60, 70, 80}; is okay, but limited
  • Better: A method that does initialization: a constructor.
    Struct Student {
      int assns, mt, final;
      Student (int assns, int mt, int final){
        this->assns = assns;
        this->mt = mt;
        this->final = final;
    Student billy {60, 70, 80};
    • If a constructor has been defined, these arguments are passed to the constructor
    • If no constructor has been defined, then these arguments initialize the individual fields of Student
Initializing variables:
  • int x=5; // Works
  • int x(5); // Works
  • string s = "hello"; // Works
  • string s("hello"); // Works
  • ifstream f = "hello.txt"; // DOESN"T WORK
  • ifstream f("hello.txt"); // Works

In 2010:

  • Student billy(60, 70, 80); // Constructor call
  • Student billy {60, 70, 80}; // C-style direct initialization
  • int a[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

From 2011:

  • {} is set to the default initialization method.
  • int x{5}; // Works
  • string s{"hello"}; // Works
  • ifstream f{"hello.txt"}; // Works
Advantages of Constructors:
  • Default parameters, overloading, sanity checks
struct Student{
  Student (int assns = 0, int mt = 0, int final = 0){
    this->assns = assns;
    this->mt = mt;
    this->final = final;

Student jane{70, 80};  // 70, 80, 8
Student newKid;        // 0, 0, 0
  • Note: Every class comes with a built-in default constructor (i.e. takes no args).
  • This just default constructs all fields that are objects.
  • For non-objects, the default constructor does nothing.
Vec V; // Does nothing
  • The built in constructor goes away if you provide any constructor.
struct Vec {
  int x, y;
  Vec (int x, int y){
    this->x = x;
    this->y = y;
Vec v;       // Error! no default constructor.
Vec v{1, 2}; // Works
  • What if struct contains constants or references?
    struct MyStruct {
      const int myConst;     // Must be Initialized
      int &myRef;            // Must be Initialized
  • So initialize it:
    int z;
    struct MyStruct {
      const int myConst = 5;     // Must be Initialized
      int &myRef = z;            // Must be Initialized
  • But does every instance of MyStruct need to have the same value of MyConst?
    Struct Student {
      const int id;  // constant (i.e. doesn't change), but not the same for every student
  • Then where do we initialize?
  • Constructor Body - Too late as fields must be fully constructed by then.
  • When an object is created:
  1. Space is allocated
  2. Fields are constructed in declaration order
  3. Constructor body runs
Member Initialization List (MIL):
struct Student{
 const int id;
 int assns, mt, final;
 Student (int id, int assns, int mt, int final):
  id{id}, assns{assns}, mt{mt}, final{final} {}
 // The outer id, assns, etc. have to be fields by the rules so it doesn't use the internal scope
 // The inner id, etc. is the parameter from the internal scope.
 // We may initialize any field this way. Not just Consts and Refs

Example: Not using the MIL

struct Student{
  string name;
  Student(string name){
    this->name = name;
  • String is default constructed to "" in step 2. it is then assigned the value in step 3.
  • Using the MIL makes the initialization only occur once (step 2 it is assigned the parameter value).

Note: Fields are initialized in the order in which they are declared in class. Even if the MIL orders them differently.

Embrace the MIL!

  • What if a field is defined inline AND in the MIL?
    struct Vec {
      int x = 0, y = 0;    // Only happens if the field is not mentioned in the MIL
      Vec (int x): x{x} {}
  • The MIL takes precedence.

Example: Now consider this

Student billy {60, 70, 80};
Student bobby = billy;      // How does this initialize?
  • The Copy Constructor is used for constructing on e object as a copy of another.

Note: Every class comes with:

  1. Default constructor (default constructs all objects)
  • Lost if you write any constructors
  1. Copy constructor (just copies all fields)
  2. Copy assignment operator
  3. Destructor
  4. Move constructor
  5. Move assignment operator


Node *n = new Node{1, new Node{2, new Node{3, nullptr}}}
Node m = *n
Node *p = new Node{*n}
  • pointer n is on the stack, points to a linked list on the heap
  • pointer m is on the stack, points to what n points to
  • pointer p is on the stack, points to a copy of the first node (its a shallow copy)
  • if you want a deep copy, i.e. copies the whole list, then you must write your own copy constructor:
struct Node {
  Node (const Node &other): data { }, // must pass other by ref, by value would call the copy constructor again and be infinite recursion
    next { ? new Node { * } : nullptr } // we use * because is not a node, its a ptr

The copy constructor is called:

  1. when an object is initialized with another object
  2. when an object is passed by value
  3. when an object is returned by a function

Note: all of these are only sometimes true, there are exceptions!!!!

Beware! of constructors that can take one argument. e.g:

struct Node {
  Node (int data): data { data { next { nullptr }}}

Single-arg constructors create implicit conversions e.g. Node n{4}; but also Node n = 4 <- implicit conversion from int to Node string s = "hello" <- implicit conversion from char* to string

So what's the problem:

int f(Node n) { ... }
f(4); // works - 4 implicitly converted to a Node
  • danger: accidentally pass an int to a function expecting a Node
  • silent conversion - no error message
  • potential errors not caught
  • disable it by making the constructor explicit
Node n {4}; // OK!
Node n = 4; // NOT OK!
f(4); // NOT OK!


When an object is destroyed:

  • stack allocated: goes out of scope
  • heap allocated: is destroyed

A method calls the destructor runs

  1. destructor body runs
  2. fields' destructors (if they are objects) are called in reverse declaration order
  3. space is deallocated

As before, classes come with a destructor (just calls destructors for all fields that are objects) When do we need to write a destructor???

  • i.e. llists. if the pointer goes out of scope all the stuff on the heap is LEAKED (but the pointer isn't)
struct Node {
  ~Node() { delete next; } // deletes next, recursively calls *next destructor therefore the whole list is deallocated

Copy Assignment Operator

Student bill { 60, 70, 80 }
Student jane = billy; // copy constructor
Student joey; // Default constructor 0, 0, 0
joey = bill; // Copy, but not a constructor - uses copy assignment operator (default one is SHALLOW)

May need to write our own:

struct Node {
  Node &operator = (const Node &other) {
    data =
    next = ? new Node{*} : nullptr;
    return *this;


Node n {1, newNode{2, newNode{3, nullptr}}}
n = n // deletes n, then tries to copy n to n, undefined behaviour

*p = *q;
a[i] = a[j];
struct Node {
  Node &operator (const Node &other) {
    data =;
    delete next;
    next = ? new Node{*} : nullptr;
    return *this;
  } // Dangerous?? n = n
struct Node {
  Node &operator  = (const Node &other) {
    if (this == &other) return * this;
    data =;
    delete next;
    next = ? new Node {*} : nullptr;
    return * this;
  • what if new fails? i.e. there's no more memory
  • then next would be pointed to deleted memory, i.e. you have a corrupted data structure


Node &operator = (const Node &other) {
  if (this == other) return * this;
  Node &tmp = next;
  data =;
  next = ? new Node{*} : nullptr;
  delete tmp;
  return * this;
  • if new fails -- operator aborts
  • next points at undeleted old nodes - data structure is not corrupted

alternative - copy and swap idiom

#include <utility>
struct Node {
  void swap(Node &other) {
    using std::swap;

  Node &operator=(const Node &other) {
    Node tmp = other; // Calls the copy constructor
    swap(tmp); // "this" holds a deep copy of other
    return * this; // tmp goes out of scope here, destructor runs on tmp and frees the old data

Notice: operator= is a member fn, not a standalone fn

  • when an operator is declared as a member fn, it has one less argument
  • *this plays the role of the first operand, eg:
struct Vec {
  int x, y;
  Vec operator+(const Vec &other) {
    return {x + other.x, y + other.y};
  Vec operator*(const int k) {
    return { x * k, y * k }
  • note: this is the scalar operand for v * k NOT k * v
  • so how would I implement k * v?? you can't as a member fn because the first arg is not a Vec. Must be standalone:
Vec operator*(const int k, const Vec &v) {
  return v * k;

What about I/O operators?

// What's wrong with this ? ❌
// - will it compile? ya
struct Vec {
  ostream &operator<<(ostream &out) {
    return out << x << ' ' << y;
  • it makes Vec the LHS operand, not the RHS
    • use as v << cout ❌ confusing
  • MORAL: define operators input and output as stand alones

certain operators MUST be members

  • operator=
  • operator[]
  • operator->
  • operator()
  • operator T where T is a type

Separate Compilation For Classes

// Node.h
#ifndef NODE_H
#define NODE_H
struct Node {
  int data;
  Node *next;
  explicit Node(int data, Node *next = nullptr);
  bool isSingleton();
#include "Node.h"
  Node::Node (int data, Node *next): data{data}, next{next}{}
  bool Node::isSingleton() { return next == nullptr }
  • :: is called the scope resolution operator
  • Node::_______ means ______ in the context of struct node

Const objects

int f(const Node &n) { ... }
  • const objects arise often, especially as Params

  • what is a const object?

    • fields cannot be modified
  • can we call methods on a const object?

Issue: the method may modify fields, which would violate the const

  • Answer: yes, you can call methods on a const object. (strings attached)
    • we can call methods that promise not to modify fields
    • eg:
struct Student {
  int assns, mt, final;
  float grade() const; // doesn't modify fields, so DECALRE IT CONST
float Student::grade() const {-----}
// Compiler checks that const methods don't modify fields
  • only const methods may be called on const objects ⭐

Rvalues and Rvalue references


  • an lvalue is anything with an address
  • an lvalue reference is like a const pointer with automatic dereferencing
    • always initialized to an lvalue

Now consider:

Node n {l, new Node{2, nullptr}};
Node m = n; // calls the copy constructor
m2 = n; // calls the copy assignment operator

Node plusOne(Node n) { // copy constructor on n on the way in ⭐
  for (Node * p = &n; p; p = p->next) {
    ++p-> data;
    return n; // copy constructor on n on the way out ⭐
Node m3 = plusOne(n); // This is also the copy constructor
  • in the cpy constructor, "other" is the plusOne(n) part.
  • the compiler create a temporary object to hold the result of plusOne(n)
  • so other is a reference to this temporary object
  • copy constructor deep copies the data from this temporary

But - the temporary is just gonna be discarded anyways

  • wasteful to deep copy, why not just steal the data?
  • but how can you tell whether 'other' is a reference to a temporary or a standalone object


  • Node && is a reference to a temporary object (rvalue) of type Node
  • So, we should write a version of the constructor that takes an rvalue reference (Node &&)
struct Node {
  Node(Node && other): data{}, next{}{}// called a move constructor

New lecture

Recall: move ctor

struct Node {
  Node (Node &&other): data(, next( { = nullptr;


Node m;
m = plusOne(n);

// Move assignment operator
Struct Node {
  // Needs to steal others data
  // Needs to destroy my old data
  Node &operator=(Node &&other) { // steal other's data
      using std::swap;
      return * this; // temp will be destroyed, takes the old data with it
  • if you don't write a move constructor and a move assignment, the copy version will be used
  • if the move constructor/assignment is defined, it will replace all calls to the copy constructor / assignment operator when the argument is a temporary

Copy/Move Elision (to omit)

Vec makeAVec() {
  return {0, 0}; // invokes basic constructor

Vec v = makeAVec(); // What runs??
                    // Copy ctor? (if Vec has no move ctor)
                    // Move ctor? (if there exists one)
  • g++ - basic ctor only - no copy, no move
  • in some circumstances, the compiler is allowed to skip calling copy and move ctors, but doesn't have to
  • in the example above, makeAVec writes its result ({ 0, 0 }) directly into the sapce occupied by v in the caller, rather than copy it later
void doSomething(Vec v) { ... } // pass by value - copy or move ctor

// Result of makeAVec() is written directly into the param - no copy or move
  • this is allowed, even if dropping constructor calls would change the behavior of the program
  • good news: you are nOt eXpEcTeD to KNow eXActlY wHen tHe ElisION iS aLLowEd
    • just know that's its possible
  • if you need all ctors to run:
    • g++14 -fno-elide-constructors
    • this can slow your program, will cause thousands of extra fnction calls

In summary: Rule of 5 (big 5) ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

If you need to customize any one of:

  1. copy ctors
  2. copy assignment
  3. dtor
  4. move ctor
  5. move assignment

Then you usually need to customize all 5.

Arrays of objects

struct Vec {
  int x, y;
  Vec (int x, int y): x{x}, y{y} {};

Vec *vp = new Vec[15]; // On the heap
Vec moreVecs[10]; // On the stack
  • c++ needs to call constructor on each item, so it looks for default constructor, but there is none for Vec and therefore theres an error
  • Options to fix:
    1. provide a default constructor, then the program compiles
    2. For stack arrays:
    • Vec moreVecs[] = {Vec{0, 0}, Vec{1, 1}, Vec{2, 3}}
    1. For heap arrays, create an array of pointers:
Vec **vp = new Vec*[3];
v[0] = new Vec{0, 0};
v[1] = new Vec{1, 2};
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
  delete vp[i];
delete [] vp;

Invariants & encapsulation

struct Node {
  int data;
  Node *next;
  Node (int data, Node *next); // fill in urself
  ~Node() { delete next; }

Node n1 {1, new Node {2, nullptr}};
Node n2 {3, nullptr};
Node n3 {4, &n2};
  • question: what happens when n1,n2,n3 go out of scope?
    • n1: dtor runs, deletes the whole list
    • n2 and n3: n3's destructor tries to delete n2, but n2 is on the stack, not the heap. ❌
      • if you call delete on a ptr on the stack, then undefined behavior happens

Node relies on an assumption for its proper operation: that next is either anullptr or a valid ptr to the heap, allocated by new. This is an invariant.

An invariant is a statement that always holds true. (the invariant is that next is either nullptr or allocated by new - upon which node relies).

But we can't guarantee the invariant - can't trust the user to use node properly.

Right now, can't enforce any invariants - the user can interfere with our data.

  • e.g. stack: invariant is that the last item pushed is the first item popped
    • but not if the client can rearrange the underlying data~!
    • i.e. it is very hard to reason about programs without invariants ⭐

We want to treat our objects as black boxes - capsules.

  • implies details sealed away
  • can only interact via provided methods
  • creates an abstraction - regains control over our objects


struct Vec{
  Vec(int x, int y);
private: // can't be accessed outside the struct
  int x, y;
  Vec operator+(const Vec &other);
  • if you don't say anything, it's public
  • in general - fields should be private; only methods should be public.
  • better to have default visibility = private
    • switch from struct to class:
class Vec {
  int x, y;
  Vec(int x, int y);
  Vec operator+(const Vec &v);

The difference between class and struct is default visibility: public in struct, private in class

Enforcing invariants: encapsulation!

  • create a wrapper class for the Nodes of a linked list
// list.h
class List {
  struct Node; // private nested class
  Node \*theList = nullptr;
  void addToFront(int n);
  int ith(int i);

struct List::Node {
  int data;
  Node \*next;
  Node(int data, Node * next): ....
  ~Node() { delete next; }

List::~List(){ delete theList; }
List::addToFront(int n) { theList = new Node(n, theList); }
int List::ith(int i) {
  Node * curr = theList;
  for (int j = 0; j < i && curr; curr = curr->next, ++j);
  return curr->data;
  • using encapsulation, we have garenteed the node invariant
    • what is the cost? (how do we traverse/iterate the list?)
    • what is the efficiency of printing the list?
      • now O(n^2) instead of O(n)
        • as the ith function is O(n) and needed n times to O(n^2)
    • how do we provide O(n) traversal while still using encapsulation?

Design Patterns

Previously identified programming scenarios with previously developed good solutions

Iterator Design Pattern:

  • create another iterator class that acts as an abstraction of a ptr into the list
// array is an int array
for (int * p = array; p != array + arraySize; ++p) {
  ....* p ....


class List {
  struct Node;
  Node * theList = nullptr;
  class Iterator {
    Node * curr;
    Iterator(Node * curr): curr(curr) {}
    int &operator*() { return curr->data; }
    Iterator &operator++() {
      curr = curr->next;
      return * this;
    bool operator==(const Iterator &other) const {
      return cur == other.curr;
    bool operator!=(const Iterator &other) const {
      return !(* this == other);
  }; // done iterator class
  Iterator begin() {
    return Iterator(theList);
  Iterator end() {
    return Iterator(nullptr);

for (List::Iterator i = list.begin(); i != list.end(); ++i) {
  cout << * i << endl;

Using C++11 automatic type deduction

auto x = y; // defines x to be the same type as y auto i = l.begin();

Range-based for loops

  • build in support for iterator pattern
for (auto n: l) {
  cout << n << endl;


for (List::iterator i = l.begin(); i != l.end(); ++i) {
  cout << * i << endl;

For pass by reference

for (auto &n: l) {
  • range based for loops can only be used if:
    • class has begin and end operators that return the same iterator object
    • the iterator class must be implemented with:
      • !=
      • prefix ++
      • unary *

Topic: Friendship

Motivation: iterator class is public, but we would like it to be private

But if we made it private, begin & end wouldn't be able to call Iterator() either


  • We make iterator constructor private
  • but iterator class says list is my friend
    • friend has access to all the private parts
    • don't make too many friends!!
class List {
  struct Node;
  class Iterator {
    Iterator(Node * curr) {..}
    friend class List; // now list is a friend

Mandatory CS Tutorial

makefile v2
          CXXFLAGS=-std=c++14 -Wall -g -Werror
      book.o: book,h
      _ ${CXX} ${CXXFLAGS} -c

OBJECTS=main.o book.o comic.o text.o
-include ${DEPENDS}

⭐see tutorial5.pdf⭐


  • permenant
  • can be anywhere
  • have an address
int n = 10;
5 = n; ❌
n = 5;
int m = n;


  • temps
  • can only be on the RIGHT of expressions

missed lect on iterator pattern. see dzed

Recall: accessors + mutators

class Vec {
  int x, y;
  int getX() const { return x } // accessor
  void setT(int x) { y = x; } // mutator

What about <<?

  • needs x + y, but can't be a member
  • if getX, getY defined, then you're ok.
class Vec {
  friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, const vec &v);

ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, const vec &v) {
  return out << v.x << ' ' << v.y;
Node(const Node &other): data(, next( ? new Node(* : nullptr) {}
Node(const Node &&other): data(, next( { = nullptr;