University Assignment: Implement LSH algorithm for d-dimensional images in C++, using Lloyd's algorithm and Hypercube & L-Hashtables structures. L1 metric: Manhattan.
We can run it like this, from outside of the src/
make && ./lsh -d Datasets/dataset -q Datasets/queryset -k 4 -L 1 -o test.txt -N 2 -R 10000
Or like this to run the cube algorithm
make && ./cube -d Datasets/dataset -q Datasets/queryset -k 14 -M 10 -probes 5 -o results2.txt -N 5 -R 10000
make && ./cluster -i Datasets/dataset -c cluster.conf -o testOutputCluster.txt -complete -m Classic
File paths have to be without "" Provided that we have the dataset in the folder ./Datasets/dataset Provided that we have the dataset in the folder ./Datasets/queryset