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Arista FDK


This is an open-source version of the Arista FPGA Development Kit (FDK). For more comprehensive documentation, and a Development Kit including closed-source code visit the 7130 download portal on the Arista web site.

This kit provides the tools and information required to build applications for Arista products, including the Arista 7130 series of programmable switches. Applications are extensions to EOS that can be installed as part of a production environment. They're generally packaged as .rpm (an industry standard) or .swix (Arista's software extension format).

Building applications for Arista devices dramatically eases the problem of deploying professional-quality FPGA applications (but does not necessarily make writing FPGA code easier).

Open-source examples that use the FDK include:

  • Netnod's FPGA NTP Server -- provides an encrypted NTP server (NTPS), leveraging the FDK's Timesync core to run Sweden's NTP service.
  • Arista's Promtail Extension -- packages and runs Promtail on Arista Switches to collect logs and send them to Grafana Loki.

The intention of the FDK is twofold -- to provide:

  • the information required by developers to build applications, including: the information about hardware required by FPGA engineers to build FPGA configs; API details for interfacing with Arista's software platform (EOS).
  • libraries, examples, documents, IP cores, build systems, and any other material that will ease development.

Note: this FDK does not include all of the logic required to build financial trading applications. Notable examples of logic that might be required are a TCP offload engine, a UDP stack, order book building logic, etc. If you would like third-party logic for these components the Arista team can recommend our partners.

This open source version of the FDK includes:

  • Documentation
    • API documentation
    • FAQ
  • Board support packages for all supported board standards and devices;
  • LibApp -- a Python module for interacting with EOS, providing version independence, and convenient user APIs.
  • IP Cores (RTL libraries) provided by Arista, providing commonly required modules used in FPGA designs;
  • An example build system which can either be used as a working example of how to build applications, or as the basis for customer build systems;
  • Examples applications demonstrating APIs, IP cores, build libraries, or other.

Getting Started

To get started, unpack the FDK, and build one of the example applications. We recommend the telemexample or null example.

All examples can be built by executing make in the example directory. This produces a .swix file which you can install on a supported switch.


The file, in the root of the FDK directory, contains information relating to licensing the files within the FDK. Please see the for details.


Detailed documents regarding specific topics are available:

  • Developer's guide -- doc/
    • A guide and information on how to build applications using the FDK. This focusses on software, packaging, operations and other non-FPGA aspects of the applications.
  • LibApp User's Guide - doc/libapp/index.html
    • API information for LibApp, which provides user-friendly methods for writing EOS and MOS based applications.

In addition, each example is documented with a and a These describe the application from a developer's point of view, and a user's point of view, respectively.

Structure of the FDK

The FDK directory structure is as follows:

  • doc -- Documentation about software APIs, FAQ.
  • devkit -- Information and source code relating to Board Standards and the specific SKUs/platforms that support them.
  • resources -- Contains resources used to create applications for Arista Devices, as well as build system and software resources (e.g. libapp)
  • examples -- A set of examples, including Application files, FPGA source files, daemons, documentation, etc.
  • ipcores -- Contains documentation and requirements for IP Cores. The source for IP cores is contained within the src directory.
  • src -- All source files including Python, FPGA RTL, TCL, XCI, etc.