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Approach used to build


Chatbot is a service, powered by rules and sometimes artificial intelligence (AI), that you interact with via a chat interface. It can be used in applications ranging from functional to fun. There are several architectures which can be used in the building chatbot (i.e. Generative based, retrieval based, heuristic based, etc.) and each of this technique somewhere uses entity detection in its pipeline.

In this repository, we are open-sourcing Named-entity recognition (NER) viz. one of the important module in building the chatbots.

NER is a subtask of information extraction that seeks to locate and classify named entities in text into predefined categories such as the names of persons, organizations, locations, expressions of times, quantities, monetary values, percentages, etc.

For example,

"Remind me to call Mainland China day afer tommorrow at 6:00pm"

In this example:

  • Mainland China is a named entity that belongs to category restaurant 
  • day after tommorrow is a date
  • 6:00pm is a time

The current NER is a heuristic based that uses several NLP techniques to extract necessary entities from chat interface. We can also create our own entity and add it to the database which is explained in detail in this section.

In this section of document we have explained the approach and architecture that we have used to extract the entities from the chat interface.

Priority of detection

The priority of detecting entity from various modes is shown in following figure:


  1. Run entity detection on UI elements because this information is extracted from some structured format.
  2. If detection fails on UI element then run detection on a message and return the output.
  3. If it is not able to detect anything from a given message then assign fallback value as an output.

Entity Detection methods

In chatbot, there are several entities that need to be identified and each entity has to be distinguished based on its type as a different entity has different detection logic. Following is the brief hierarchical representation of the entity classification.  

![entity hierarchy](images/entity hierarchy.png)

We have classified entities into four main types i.e. numeral, pattern, temporal and textual.

  • numeral: This type will contain all the entities that deal with the numeral or numbers. For example, number detection, budget detection, size detection, etc.

  • pattern: This will contain all the detection logics where identification can be done using patterns or regular expressions. For example, email, phone_number, pnr, etc.

  • temporal: It will contain detection logics for detecting time and date.

  • textual: It identifies entities by looking at the dictionary. This detection mainly contains detection of text (like cuisine, dish, restaurants, etc.), the name of cities, the location of a user, etc.

    Following are the different detection logics used in detecting entities:

Entity type Class Name Description example
text TextDetector Detects custom entities in text string by performing similarity searches against a list fetched from datastore. Mainland china, Sneakers, La La Land
email EmailDetector Detects email addresses in given text. [email protected]
phone_number PhoneDetector Detects phone numbers in given text. +919222222222
pnr PNRDetector Detects PNR (serial) codes in given text. 4SGX3E, 9876543210
date DateDetector Detects date in various formats from given text. 28-12-2096, 09th Nov 2014, Tomorrow
date_advance DateAdvanceDetector Detects dates subject to conditions like "departure date" and "return date". on 21st January, to 22nd Jan
city CityDetector Similar to TextDetection. It detects citites from the text. Delhi, Mumbai, Andheri
city_advance CityAdvanceDetector Detects city with some advance properties like departure city and arrival city that is used in travelling purpose. from mumbai, mumbai to pune
location LocationDetector Detects location from the text. It is similar to TextDetection but we are trying to improve it with better version. Andheri, Goregaon
time TimeDetector Detects time in various formats from given text. in 15 mins, 12:30pm, 4:30
budget BudgetDetector Detects the budget from the text. less than 3000, 3-4k, less than 2k
number NumberDetector Detects number from the text. for 3 people, 30 units
shopping_size ShoppingSizeDetector Detects size which are used for shopping. XL, large, 34 size

NOTE: path to the above entity_types -> v1/entities/

Parameters for entity detection

There are several paramters thats needs to be consider while executing detection logic. Following are the list of parameters which are used for detection:

  1. message: message on which detection logic needs to run. It is an unstructured text from which entity needs to be extracted. For example, "I want to order pizza".

  2. entity_name: name of the entity. This parameter is important when the detection logic relies on dictionary. It is used to run particular detection logic by looking at its dictionary.

    For example, in detection logic get_text() the entity name is based on which entities we need to detect.

    • For detecting:
      • cuisine entity_name will be "cuisine"
      • dish entity_name will be "dish"

    In some detection logic, like get_phone_number() entity_name does not have any siginificance as detection logic of phone number won't change based on entity_name.

  3. structured_value: It is a value which is obtained from the structured text. For example, UI elements like form, payload, etc.

  4. structured_value_verification: This parameter tells us what to do with structure_value. It is a verification method which either processes the structure_value or take it as it is an entity value. It takes these values: 0, 1 and 2.

    • 0 (STRUCTURED): This will execute entity detection on the structured_value.

    • 1 (UNCHANGED): This will consider structured_value as an entity value without executing entity detection logic.

    • 2 (IF_POSSIBLE): This will execute entity detection on structured_value, if it returns None then we consider structured_value as entity value.

      NOTE: this is used because sometimes, user may enter a value in structured_value which might not be able to detect from entity detection but since it is coming from structured_value we assume that this should get high preference and select it as it is.

  5. fallback_value: it is a fallback value. If the detection logic fails to detect any value either from structured_value or message then we return a fallback_value as an output. This value is derived from third party api or from users profile.

    For example, if user says "Nearby ATMs". In this example user has not provided any information about his location in the chat but, we can pass a fallback_value that will contain its location that can be obtained from its profile or third party apis (like geopy, etc).

  6. bot_message: previous message from a bot/agent. This is an important parameter, many times the entity value relies on the message from the bot/agent i.e. what is bot saying? or asking?

    For example, bot might ask for departure date to book a flight and user might reply with a date. Now, it is difficult to disambiguate whether its departure date or arrival date unless, we know what bot is asking for?

    bot: Please help me with date of departure?
    user: 23rd March

Architecture to detect named entities

Following is the pseudo-code of any entity detection logic:

def func(entity_name, message, structured_value, structured_value_verification, fallback_value, bot_message):
  detection_object = detection_logic(entity_name=entity_name)
  if structured_value:
      if structured_value_verification == STRUCTURED:
          return detection_object.detect_entity(text=structured_value)
      elif structured_value_verification == UNCHANGED:
          return structured_value
          output = detection_object.detect_entity(text=structured_value)
          if output:
              return output:
              return structured_value
  output = detection_object.detect_entity(text=message)
  if output:
      return output
  elif fallback_value
      return fallback_value

First, we initialize the individual entity detection class by passing necessary paramters. Next, we check if structured_value is present, if it does then we check for its verification value (i.e. UNCHANGED) based on that we either run the detection logic on strucutred_value or assign structured_value as an output. Once, it fails to detect anything from structured_value or if structured_value is empty then we execute detection logic on the message (i.e. unstructured text) and returns the output if the detection is successful else it will return the fallback_value if exisits.

Output Format

The output of entities detected will be stored in a list of dictionary containing the following structure:

        "entity_value": entity_value,
        "detection": detection_method,
        "original_text": original_text

Consider the following example for detailed explanation:

"I want to order from mcd"
  • entity_value: This will store the value of entity (i.e entity value) that is detected. The output will be in dictionary format. For example, {"value": "McDonalds"}.
  • detection: This will store how the entity is detected i.e. whether from message, structured value or fallback value.
  • original_text: This will store the actual value that is detected. For example, mcd.
Example 1:
input:  message = 'i want to order chinese from  mainland china and pizza from domminos'
        entity_name = 'restaurant'
        structured_value = None
        structured_value_verification = 0
        fallback_value = None
        bot_message = None

    "detection": "message",
    "original_text": "mainland china",
    "entity_value": {
      "value": "Mainland China"
    "detection": "message",
    "original_text": "domminos",
    "entity_value": {
      "value": "Domino's Pizza"

Example 2:
input:  message = 'i wanted to watch movie'
        entity_name = 'movie'
        structured_value = 'inferno'
        structured_value_verification = 0
        fallback_value = None
        bot_message = None

    "detection": "structure_value_verified",
    "original_text": "inferno",
    "entity_value": {
      "value": "Inferno"

Built-in Entities

Following are the list of entities which we have provided for detection purpose:

entity_name type description
restaurant text Detection of restaurant names from India
movie text Detction of movie names. Mostly, Indian
dish text Dish detection
cuisine text Cuisine detection. For example, pizza, italian, chinese
footwear text Footwear detection. For example, shoes, sandals,
date date, date advance Date detection, also detection of additional properties using date_advance
time time Time detection
city city, text, city_advance City detection, also detection of additional properties using city_advance
locality location, text Detection of indian localities
train_pnr pnr PNR identification for trains
flight_pnr pnr PNR identification for flights
number_of_people number Detection of number of people from text
number_of_units number Detection of numberof units
budget budget Detection of budget
shopping_size size Detects size which are used for shopping.
phone_number phone_number Phone number detection
brand text Brand detection of apparels. For example, adidas, nike
email email Email detection

NOTE: To run and check the above entities please have a look at API call example documentation.