A deployment tool for apigee solutions. Helps orchestrating the deployement of any solution comprising of apps, products, developer, proxy, baas data etc
Usage: gulp < deploy / build / clean > [options]
--resource <resource> Pick any resource defined in config file
--subresource <subresource1,subresource2> Pick any subresources defined under respective resource in config file
--item <item1,item2> Pick any items defined in respective RESOURCE,SUBRESOURCE in config file
--strict Do not run dependent tasks. eg. deploy will not run clean and build if --strict flag is passed
--env test Choose which edge environment for deployment
--config <path to config file> Relative to execution directory
Additional parameters can be passed to deploy script to avoid prompt. see eg2
eg1 : gulp deploy
eg2 : gulp deploy --username [email protected] --org bumblebee --env test --resource openbank_apis
Run the following command from the solution directory
docker run -it -v $(pwd):/opt/apigee/deploy kidiyoor/edge-launchpad:2.0.2 gulp deploy
You can also see openbank configuration here - samples/configuration/config_one.yml
You can find the bootstrap code in bootstrap folder
- copy all the files in bootstrap folder to your project directory
- run
docker run -it -v $(pwd):/opt/apigee/deploy kidiyoor/edge-launchpad:2.0.2 gulp deploy
- run
npm install
- run
npm install --global gulp-cli
- run
gulp deploy
refer the developer guide to add more subresources to the yaml file to deploy your project artifacts
- Post a question in Apigee community
- Create an issue