All block types derive from the base class
does not represent a syntactic construct in the markdown document but serves as a means to combine multiple blocks into one. For example,MdDocument
has a single root block that represents the entire document. To build a document that contains multiple blocks, they are wrapped in an instance ofMdContainerBlock
: Reprents a block quote The quoted content can be any other block (typicallyMdParagraph
: Represents an list item. Whether the item an item in an ordered list or a bullet list, depdens on whether the item is added to aMdOrderedList
or aMdBulletList
: Represents a heading. Headings can be both ATX headings or Setext headings in the output depdening on the selected serialization options.MdCodeBlock
: Represents a fenced code block.MdParagraph
: Represent a paragraphMdTable
: Represents a table. Tables are not part of the CommonMark specification, but a widely adopted table format is defined as part of the GitHub Flavored Markdown specification.
Tables can be written to the output either as GitHub Flavored Markdown tables (default) or as inline HTML tables. See Serialization Options for details.MdThematicBreak
: Represents a thematic break
Strictly speaking, lists are neither container blocks nor leaf blocks.
Lists cannot directly contain other blocks, but a sequence of MdListItem
that in turn are container blocks.
There are two types of lists:
: Represents a bullet listMdOrderedList
: Represents a ordered list
The namespace Grynwald.MarkdownGenerator.Extensions
provides additional block types that implement elements supported by most
Markdown renderers.
Use with caution.
: Adds support for emitting admonitions for use with the "Admonitions" extension for Python Markdown.