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File metadata and controls

278 lines (222 loc) · 9.82 KB

Pre-Loading Fielddata

The default behavior of Elasticsearch is to load in-memory fielddata lazily. The first time Elasticsearch encounters a query which needs fielddata for a particular field, it will load that entire field into memory for each segment in the index.

For small segments, this requires a negligible amount of time. But if you have a few 5GB segments and need to load 10GB of fielddata into memory, this process could take tens of seconds. Users accustomed to sub-second response times would all of a sudden be hit by an apparently unresponsive website.

There are three methods to combat this latency spike:

  • Eagerly load fielddata

  • Eagerly load global ordinals

  • Pre-populate caches with warmers

All are variations on the same concept: pre-load the fielddata so that there is no latency spike when the user needs to execute a search.

Eagerly Loading Fielddata

The first tool is called eager loading (as opposed to the default lazy loading). As new segments are created (by refreshing, flushing or merging), fields with eager loading enabled will have their per-segment fielddata pre-loaded before the segment becomes visible to search.

This means that the first query to hit the segment will not need to trigger fielddata loading, as the in-memory cache has already been populated. This prevents your users from experiencing the ``cold cache'' latency spike.

Eager loading is enabled on a per field basis, so you can control which fields are pre-loaded:

PUT /music/_mapping/_song
  "price_usd": {
    "type": "integer",
    "fielddata": {
      "loading" : "eager" (1)
  1. By setting fielddata.loading: eager, we tell Elasticsearch to pre-load this field’s contents into memory.

Fielddata loading can be set to lazy or eager on existing fields, using the update-mapping API.


Eager loading simply shifts the cost of loading fielddata. Instead of paying at query-time, you pay at refresh-time.

Large segments will take longer to refresh than small segments. Usually, large segments are created by merging smaller segments which are already visible to search, so the slower refresh time is not important.

Global Ordinals

One of the techniques used to reduce the memory usage of (especially string) fielddata is called ordinals:

Imagine that we have a billion documents, each of which has a status field. There are only three statuses: status_pending, status_published, status_deleted. If we were to hold the full string status in memory for every document, we would use 14 to 16 bytes per document, or about 15GB.

Instead, we can identify the three unique strings, sort them, and number them: 0, 1, 2.

Ordinal | Term
0       | status_deleted
1       | status_pending
2       | status_published

The original strings are stored only once in the ordinals list, and each document just uses the numbered ordinal to point to the value that it contains.

Doc     | Ordinal
0       | 1  # pending
1       | 1  # pending
2       | 2  # published
3       | 0  # deleted

This reduces memory usage from 15GB to less than 1GB!

But there is a problem. Remember that fielddata caches are per-segment. If one segment only contains two statuses — status_deleted and status_published — then the resulting ordinals (0 and 1) will not be the same as the ordinals for a segment which contains all three statuses.

If we try to run a terms aggregation on the status field, we need to aggregate on the actual string values, which means that we need to identify the same values across all segments. A naive way of doing this would be to run the aggregation on each segment, return the string values from each segment, and then reduce them into an overall result. While this would work, it would be slow and CPU intensive.

Instead, we use a structure called global ordinals. Global ordinals are a small in-memory data structure built on top of fielddata. Unique values are identified across all segments and stored in an ordinals list like the one we have already described.

Now, our terms aggregation can just aggregate on the global ordinals, and the conversion from ordinal to actual string value only happens once at the end of the aggregation. This increases performance of aggregations (and sorting) by a factor of three or four.

Building global ordinals

Of course, nothing in life is free. Global ordinals cross all segments in an index, so if a new segment is added or an old segment is deleted, the global ordinals need to be rebuilt. Rebuilding requires reading every unique term in every segment. The higher the cardinality — the more unique terms that exist — the longer this process takes.

Global ordinals are built on top of in-memory fielddata and doc values. In fact, they are one of the major reasons that doc values perform as well as they do.

Like fielddata loading, global ordinals are built lazily, by default. The first request which requires fielddata to hit an index will trigger the building of global ordinals. Depending on the cardinality of the field, this can result in a significant latency spike for your users. Once global ordinals have been rebuilt, they will be reused until the segments in the index change: after a refresh, a flush, or a merge.

Eager global ordinals

Individual fields can be configured to pre-build global ordinals eagerly:

PUT /music/_mapping/_song
  "price_usd": {
    "type": "integer",
    "fielddata": {
      "loading" : "eager_global_ordinals" (1)
  1. Setting eager_global_ordinals also implies loading fielddata eagerly.

Just like the eager pre-loading of fielddata, eager global ordinals are built before a new segment becomes visible to search. Doc values can also have their global ordinals built eagerly:

PUT /music/_mapping/_song
  "price_usd": {
    "type":       "integer",
    "doc_values": true,
    "fielddata": {
      "loading" : "eager_global_ordinals" (1)
  1. In this case, fielddata is not loaded into memory but doc values are loaded into the filesystem cache.

Unlike fielddata pre-loading, eager building of global ordinals can have an impact on the ``real-time'' aspect of your data. For very high cardinality fields, building global ordinals can delay a refresh by several seconds. The choice is between paying the cost on each refresh, or on the first query after a refresh. If you index often and query seldom, it is probably better to pay the price at query time instead of on every refresh.


Make your global ordinals pay for themselves. If you have very high cardinality fields that take seconds to rebuild, increase the refresh_interval so that global ordinals remain valid for longer. This will also reduce CPU usage as you will need to rebuild global ordinals less often.

Index warmers

Finally, we come to index warmers. Warmers pre-date eager fielddata loading and eager global ordinals, but they still serve a purpose. An index warmer allows you to specify a query and aggregations that should be run before a new segment is made visible to search. The idea is to prepopulate or ``warm'' caches so that your users never see a spike in latency.

Originally, the most important use for warmers was to make sure that fielddata was pre-loaded, as this is usually the most costly step. This is now better controlled with the techniques we have discussed above. However, warmers can be used to pre-build filter caches, and can still be used to preload fielddata should you so choose.

Let’s register a warmer, then talk about what’s happening:

PUT /music/_warmer/warmer_1 (1)
  "query" : {
    "filtered" : {
      "filter" : {
        "bool": {
          "should": [ (2)
            { "term": { "tag": "rock"        }},
            { "term": { "tag": "hiphop"      }},
            { "term": { "tag": "electronics" }}
  "aggs" : {
    "price" : {
      "histogram" : {
        "field" : "price", (3)
        "interval" : 10
  1. Warmers are associated with an index (music) and are registered using the _warmer endpoint and a unique ID (warmer_1).

  2. The three most popular music genres have their filter caches pre-built.

  3. The fielddata and global ordinals for the price field will be preloaded.

Warmers are registered against a specific index. Each warmer is given a unique ID because you can have multiple warmers per index.

Then you just specify a query, any query. It can include queries, filters, aggregations, sort values, scripts…​ literally any valid query DSL. The point is to register queries that are representative of the traffic that your users will generate, so that appropriate caches can be pre-populated.

When a new segment is created, Elasticsearch will literally execute the queries registered in your warmers. The act of executing these queries will force caches to be loaded. Only after all warmers have been executed will the segment be made visible to search.


Similar to eager loading, warmers shift the cost of cold caches to refresh-time. When registering warmers, it is important to be judicious. You could add thousands of warmers to make sure every cache is populated…​but that will drastically slow down how long it takes for new segments to be made searchable.

In practice, select a handful of queries which represent the majority of your user’s queries and register those.

There are a number of administrative details (getting existing warmers, deleting warmers, etc) which have been omitted from this explanation. Refer to the {ref}indices-warmers.html#warmer-adding[warmers documentation] for the rest of the details.