- Install the required dependencies
sudo pip install scipy math matplotlib tqdm
Run main.blend file and dorp down at bar in scripting tab and run env.py.
- Make sure map path is added in line 7.
- For now 3 maps are already loaded in the blender env. Hide and unhide the map according to the requirement.
In env3D.py add map path location at line 8.For eg. For eg.
file_path = '/home/ankitmittal/Documents/STUDY/RBE595/HW2a/amittal_p2a/src/sample_maps/map2.txt'
In env3D.py set starting and goal positon in line 52 and 53 repectively.
self.start = np.array([0, 20, 2]) self.goal = np.array([10, 20, 3])
In main.py in blender set the starting location of the drone for blender environment in line 93 - 95.
startx = 0 starty = 20 startz = 2