Angel Xuan Chang
+ ++ I am an Associate Professor at Simon Fraser University. + Prior to this, I was a visiting research scientist at Facebook AI Research and a research scientist at Eloquent Labs working on dialogue. I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science from Stanford, where I was part of the Natural Language Processing Group and advised by Chris Manning. + My research focuses on connecting language to 3D representations of shapes and scenes and grounding of language for embodied agents in indoor environments. I have worked on methods for synthesizing 3D scenes and shapes from natural language, and various datasets for 3D scene understanding. In general, I am interested in the semantics of shapes and scenes, the representation and acquisition of common sense knowledge, and reasoning using probabilistic models. + Some of my other interests include drawing and dance. +
++ +
++ Assistant Professor
+ School of Computing Science
+ Simon Fraser University
+ 3dlg-hcvc + | GrUVi Lab + | SFU NatLang
+ Canada CIFAR AI Chair (Amii)
+ TUM-IAS Hans Fischer Fellow (2018-2022)
+ Google Scholar +
+ + + +
Contact Details
+Mailing Address
+ Angel Xuan Chang+ School of Computing Science
+ ASB 9971-8888 University Drive
+ Simon Fraser University
+ Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6, Canada +
+ Campus: Burnaby Campus+ Building: TASC1
+ Room: 8031 +