The following are documented deviations from the Noctis theme for general reference.
"name": "TEXT",
"scope": ["string.template meta.object-literal.key"]
Use forground color for objects inside template strings.
const url = `${baseUrl}${stringify({prop: 123, anotherProp: 'foobar'}, true)}`
"name": "CONSTANT",
"scope": [
Use yellow color for variables in shell scripts.
"name": "CONSTANT",
"scope": ["variable.other.makefile"]
Use yellow color for variables in Makefiles.
"name": "CONSTANT",
"scope": ["meta.tag.other entity.other.attribute-name"]
Use yellow color for HTML attributes in Makefiles.
<!DOCTYPE html>
"name": "STRING",
"scope": ["source.env"]
Use green color for env v.
"name": "TEXT",
"scope": ["", "support.type.vendored"]
Use foreground color for CSS properties.
.killer-class {
background-color: rgba(244, 255, 245, 0.5);
"name": "MISC",
"scope": [
" punctuation.definition.entity"
Use Misc color for CSS properties.
#someID {
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 243);
"name": "TEXT",
"scope": ["meta.attribute-selector entity.other.attribute-name"]
"name": "ITALIC",
"scope": ["meta.attribute-selector entity.other.attribute-name"]
Use italic font for Attribute selectors when italic font is enabled and use Foreground palette for text.
main[type='foobar'] {
margin-top: 24px;
"name": "KEYWORD",
"scope": [
" punctuation.definition.entity"
Use Keyword color for CSS colors to match 'constant.other.color'.
#someID {
background-color: #ffffff;
"name": "ITALIC",
"scope": [
"meta.tag.attributes entity.other.attribute-name",
"text.html entity.other.attribute-name"
Use italic font for HTML JSX/TSX attributes.
<div class="foo">bar</div>
"scope": [
"comment.block.documentation storage.type.class",
"comment.block.documentation punctuation.definition.block.tag",
"comment.block.documentation punctuation.definition.inline.tag",
"comment.block.documentation variable.other"
"name": "BOLD-ITALIC",
"scope": ["comment.block.documentation variable.other"]
Use emphasized comment color for certain scopes relating to JSDoc/TSDoc. Use bold font with variables within the comment block.
* Funck
* @param args - Get funky
* @return A really sweet dance move
const func = () => null
"name": "TEXT",
"scope": ["meta.image.inline punctuation.definition.string"]
Use Foreground color for punctuation and Misc color for link descriptions.

"name": "KEYWORD",
"scope": ["punctuation.definition.list.begin.markdown"]
Use Keyword color for list dash.
- Foo
- Bar
"name": "ANNOTATION",
"scope": [
Use subtle annotation color for json punctuation/quotes.
"foobar": "baz"
"name": "CONSTANT",
"scope": ["meta.definition variable.other"]
Use highlighting as variables are declared (ie. const, let, var).
var bing = 'bam'
const foobar = 'baz'
const LOUD_VAR = 'Hey you!'
let never = 'again'
let [one, two] = [1, 2]
let {chico} = {chico: 'bark'}
bing = 'boom'
never = 'i lied'
console.log(foobar, bing, one, two, LOUD_VAR, never)