Simple task list written in django
These instructions will get a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Python dependancies
Additional requirements
1. A locally served PostgreSQL database. I used the on my Mac but
any postgresql server should be fine.
2. Web browser open to
Optional requirements (goes with PostgreSQL database reset example below) If you use on Mac, add the following lines to your .bashrc or .profile to enable CLI tools for the PostgreSQL database
# add CLI tools for PostGRESQL
export PATH="/Applications/$PATH"
After copying the repo you will need to create two files
Create in settings directory (/taskorganizer/config/settings) with the following code and replace name_of_postgresql_db with the name of your PostgreSQL database
from .base import *
# JSON-based secrets module
with open('secrets.json') as f:
secrets = json.loads(
def get_secret(setting, secrets=secrets):
"""Get the secret variable or return explicit exception."""
return secrets[setting]
except KeyError:
error_msg = 'Set the {0} environment variable'.format(setting)
raise ImproperlyConfigured(error_msg)
SECRET_KEY = get_secret('SECRET_KEY')
DEBUG = True
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql',
'NAME': 'name_of_postgresql_db',
'HOST': 'localhost',
INSTALLED_APPS += ['debug_toolbar',
MIDDLEWARE += ['debug_toolbar.middleware.DebugToolbarMiddleware', ]
Create secrets.json in root directory (/taskorganizer/) with the following code and replace your_key_here with a secret key that only you will know
"FILENAME": "secrets.json",
"SECRET_KEY": "your_key_here",
"PORT": "5432"
For version control, make sure and secrets.json are listed in your .gitignore file
Start the app on a local server by running the following code in a terminal and view at
cd ~/taskorganizer # cd to wherever you put the repo locally
python runserver 8000 --settings=config.settings.local
You should now have a running version of the app!
Try adding/editing/deleting tasks and enjoy
Whenever you change the model you will need to first reset the database and then redo the migrations
To reset the database, run the following code in a terminal and replace db_name with the name of your PostgreSQL database
dropdb name_of_postgresql_db
create name_of_postgresql_db
To redo the migrations, delete the file in the /tasklist/app/migrations folder and run the following code in a terminal
python makemigrations --settings==config.settings.local
python migrate --settings==config.settings.local
- Django - web framework
- Andrew T. Crooks - Github
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details