diff --git a/class/05-class.qmd b/class/05-class.qmd index 815ccae..7e29c9d 100755 --- a/class/05-class.qmd +++ b/class/05-class.qmd @@ -33,3 +33,17 @@ You just read a bunch of research about what makes nonprofit boards effective. M ## Team prep work What type of board would be appropriate for your team's nonprofit? Why is it the best fit with your type of nonprofit? You'll spend class time deciding on the type and structure of your team's nonprofit. (Answer in ≈75 words.) + + +## Slides + +The slides for today's class are available online as an HTML file. Use the buttons below to open the slides either as an interactive website or as a static PDF (for printing or storing for later). You can also click in the slides below and navigate through them with your left and right arrow keys. + +```{r show-slide-tabs, echo=FALSE, results="asis"} +slide_buttons("/slides/05-slides") +slide_tabs(slide_details, "/slides/05-slides.html") +``` + +:::{.callout-tip} +**Fun fact**: If you type ? (or shift + /) while going through the slides, you can see a list of special slide-specific commands. +::: diff --git a/slides/05-slides.Rmd b/slides/05-slides.Rmd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5ccacef --- /dev/null +++ b/slides/05-slides.Rmd @@ -0,0 +1,517 @@ +--- +title: "Board governance" +author: "Andrew Heiss" +date: "`r Sys.Date()`" +output: + xaringan::moon_reader: + lib_dir: "libs" + chakra: "libs/remark-latest.min.js" + css: ["default", "css/ath-slides.css", "css/ath-jost-fonts.css", "css/animate.css"] + seal: false + anchor_sections: false + nature: + highlightStyle: github + highlightLines: true + countIncrementalSlides: false + ratio: "16:9" + navigation: + scroll: false +editor_options: + chunk_output_type: console +--- + +```{r setup, include=FALSE} +knitr::opts_chunk$set(warning = FALSE, message = FALSE, + fig.retina = 3, fig.align = "center") +``` + +```{r packages-data, include=FALSE} +library(countdown) +``` + +```{r xaringanExtra, echo=FALSE} +xaringanExtra::use_xaringan_extra(c("tile_view")) +``` + +class: center middle main-title section-title-2 + +# Board
governance + +.class-info[ + +**September 22, 2022** + +.light[PMAP 3210: Introduction to Nonprofits
+Andrew Young School of Policy Studies +] + +] + +--- + +name: outline +class: title title-inv-5 + +# Plan for today + +-- + +.box-4.medium.sp-after[What do boards do?] + +-- + +.box-7.medium[What makes a good board?] + +--- + +layout: false +name: boards-do +class: center middle section-title section-title-4 animated fadeIn + +# What do
boards do? + +--- + +layout: true +class: title title-4 + +--- + +class: middle + +# Typical nonprofit structure + +.center[ +
+ Nonprofit structure +
+] + +--- + +layout: true +class: title title-4 + +--- + +# What is a board? + +-- + +.box-inv-4.medium.sp-after[A group of volunteers
who help direct the nonprofit] + +-- + +.box-inv-4.medium[The board sets the strategic
vision for the nonprofit] + +--- + +# Requirements + +.box-inv-4.medium[Legal requirements for being
a nonprofit board member:] + +-- + +.box-4.large[Be 18+ years old] + +-- + +.box-4[That's it.] + +--- + +# Board member legal duties + +-- + +.box-inv-4[Duty of Care] + +.float-left.center[.box-4.small[Due diligence] .box-4.small[Monitor finances] .box-4.small[Supervise management]] + +-- + +.box-inv-4[Duty of Loyalty] + +.float-left.center[.box-4.small[Put nonprofit's interests above own] .box-4.small[Avoid conflicts of interest]] + +-- + +.box-inv-4[Duty of Obedience] + +.float-left.center[.box-4.small[Keep nonprofit in line with law and mission] .box-4.small[Avoid mission drift]] + +--- + +# Board responsibilities + +-- + +.box-inv-4[Personnel] + +.box-4.small[Select new board members] + +.box-4.small[Appoint, advise, evaluate, dismiss the CEO/executive director] + +-- + +.box-inv-4[Planning] + +.float-left.center[.box-4.small[Approve policies and programs] .box-4.small[Maintain clear mission and purpose]] + +.box-4.small[Establish standards for performance and hold the organization accountable] + +--- + +# Board responsibilities + +-- + +.box-inv-4[Finance] + +.float-left.center[.box-4.small[Ensure sound financial management and transparency] .box-4.small[Approve budget]] + +-- + +.box-inv-4[Fundraising] + +.float-left.center[.box-4.small[Approve plans for fundraising events] .box-4.small[Contribute and participate]] + +-- + +.box-inv-4[Public Relations] + +.box-4.small[Encourage outside participation in the organization.] + + +--- + +# Where does management fit? + +.center[ +
+ Nonprofit structure +
+] + +-- + +.box-inv-4[Management = executive team] + +.box-4.smaller[Executive director/CEO and staff] + +-- + +.box-inv-4[Usually paid; direct day-to-day activities of the nonprofit] + + +--- + +# Where do boards come from? + +.box-inv-4.medium[Elected] + +.box-inv-4.medium[Self-perpetuating] + +.box-inv-4.medium[Hybrid] + +--- + +# Elected boards + +-- + +.box-inv-4[Membership elects the board] + +-- + +.pull-left[ +.box-4.small[Pros] + +.box-inv-4.small[Nonprofit more responsive to
members' needs and priorities] +] + +-- + +.pull-right[ +.box-4.small[Cons] + +.box-inv-4.small[Membership divisions
reflected in board] + +.box-inv-4.small[High turnover makes it hard to
sustain long-term strategies] + +.box-inv-4.small[Board skills may be uneven
because of popularity contest] +] + +--- + +# Self-perpetuating boards + +-- + +.box-inv-4[New board members selected by existing board] + +-- + +.pull-left[ +.box-4.small[Pros] + +.box-inv-4.small[Continuity of culture,
goals, and priorities] + +.box-inv-4.small[Can target members
with specific skills] +] + +-- + +.pull-right[ +.box-4.small[Cons] + +.box-inv-4.small[May become unrepresentative
of the community] + +.box-inv-4.small[Too stable to respond to changes] + +.box-inv-4.small[Often give too much
authority to the CEO/ED] +] + +--- + +# Hybrid boards + +-- + +.box-inv-4[Some positions are elected;
some are appointed or ex officio] + +-- + +.pull-left[ +.box-4.small[Pros] + +.box-inv-4.small[Combines the
advantages of elected and
self-perpetuating boards] +] + +-- + +.pull-right[ +.box-4.small[Cons] + +.box-inv-4.small[Different interests and
loyalties may lead to a stalemate] +] + +--- + +# Executive committee + +-- + +.box-inv-4[Boards often have internal committees] + +.box-inv-4[Most common (and important) is the
**executive committee** of board officers] + +.float-left.center[.box-4.small[Chair] .box-4.small[Vice chair] .box-4.small[Secretary] .box-4.small[Treasurer]] + +-- + +.box-inv-4.small[Executive board can have the power of the full board for lots of decisions] + +-- + +.box-inv-4.small[Other committees are useful too, depending on size and needs] + +.float-left.center[.box-4.smaller[Finance committee] .box-4.smaller[Marketing committee] .box-4.smaller[Strategy committee]] + +??? + +Can have the power of the full board to make decisions with the exceptions that it cannot: + +- Fill vacancies on the board +- Adopt, amend, or repeal bylaws +- Have powers inconsistent with those established when it was created by the board. + +--- + +# Special kinds of boards + +-- + +.box-inv-4.less-medium[Advisory boards] + +.box-4.small[Famous, rich, well-connected, or expert people
who want to be affiliated with the nonprofit
but don't have time for actual governance] + +-- + +.box-inv-4.less-medium[Client boards] + +.box-4.small[Members of the community the nonprofit serves
who consult with the governing board and executive team] + +--- + +# Decisions to be made + +-- + +.box-inv-4[Board elected, self-perpetuating, or hybrid?] + +-- + +.box-inv-4[Board size?] + +-- + +.box-inv-4[Quorum size?] + +-- + +.box-inv-4[Should *ex officio* members (like the CEO/ED)
have a vote on the board?] + +-- + +.box-inv-4[How should the executive committee be formed?
Nominated or open?] + +--- + +layout: false +class: middle + +.box-4.medium[Find the board for a nonprofit
you're interested in. Who's on it?
What expertise do they bring?] + +.box-4.medium[Find a nonprofit with an advisory board.
Who's on it? Why do you think
the nonprofit sought them out?] + +--- + +layout: false +name: good-boards +class: center middle section-title section-title-7 animated fadeIn + +# What makes
a good board? + +--- + +class: middle + +.box-7.large["Effective governance by the board of a nonprofit organization is a rare and unnatural act."] + +.box-inv-7.medium["Nonprofit boards are often little more than a collection of high-powered people engaged in low-level activities."] + +??? + + + +--- + +class: middle + +.center[ +
+ The New Work of the Nonprofit Board +
+] + +--- + +layout: true +class: title title-7 + +--- + +# What should board members bring? + +
+ +-- + +.box-inv-7.large[Wealth, wisdom, work?] + +??? + +This can omit critical voices though + +--- + +# Board recruitment and diversity + +-- + +.box-inv-7.sp-after[Why care about board diversity?] + +-- + +.box-inv-7[Recruit board members with different:] + +-- + +.box-7.small[Expertise (legal, fundraising, fiscal, personnel management)] + +-- + +.float-left.center[.box-7.small[Ages] .box-7.small[Races and Religions]] + +-- + +.box-7.small[Backgrounds (government, business, nonprofit)] + +-- + +.box-7.small[Experiences (clients of the nonprofit, advocacy work, volunteering)] + +--- + +# Best practices + +.center[ +
+ Board best practices +
+] + +--- + +# Best practices + +.pull-left[ + +.box-inv-7[Top 10 organizations
used 86% of the
correct procedures] + +.box-inv-7[Bottom 10 organizations
used 70% of the
correct procedures] + +] + +.pull-right[ +```{r board-practices-diffs, echo=FALSE, fig.width=6, fig.height=5.5} +library(dplyr) +library(forcats) +library(ggplot2) + +df <- tribble( + ~type, ~pct, + "Top 10 organizations", 0.86, + "Bottom 10 organizations", 0.7 +) %>% + mutate(type = fct_inorder(type)) + +ggplot(df, aes(x = type, y = pct, fill = type)) + + geom_col() + + scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent_format()) + + scale_fill_manual(values = c("#ffd06f", "#e76254")) + + annotate(geom = "linerange", x = 1.5, xmin = 1, xmax = 2, y = 0.9, + size = 2, color = "grey50") + + annotate(geom = "text", x = 1.5, y = 0.95, label = "t = 3.7***", + size = 5, family = "Jost") + + labs(x = NULL, y = NULL) + + guides(fill = "none") + + coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, 1)) + + theme_bw(base_size = 20, base_family = "Jost") + + theme(panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(), + panel.grid.major.y = element_blank(), + panel.grid.minor = element_blank()) +``` +] + +??? + +> The top 10 organizations reported using 86% of the correct procedures, whereas the bottom 10 use 70% (a difference significant at the .001 level, with a t value of 3.7). The correlation between reported use of prescribed board practices and correct procedures is r = .32 in the restricted sample; the same correlation in the full sample is r = .24. The relation is stronger in the sample of the most and least effective organizations, although the increase is not as great as expected. (p. 157) + +--- + +layout: false +class: middle + +.box-7.large[Your most important things] diff --git a/slides/img/05/best-practices.png b/slides/img/05/best-practices.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..119d7a3 Binary files /dev/null and b/slides/img/05/best-practices.png differ diff --git a/slides/img/05/taylor-chait-holland.jpg b/slides/img/05/taylor-chait-holland.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ed79b57 Binary files /dev/null and b/slides/img/05/taylor-chait-holland.jpg differ