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## Written response question
How and for what reasons do countries (authoritarian or democratic) rely on NGOs? Can an international NGO working in an authoritarian country be complicit in any of that country's human rights abuses? (Answer in ≈150 words.)
+## Slides
+The slides for today's class are available online as an HTML file. Use the buttons below to open the slides either as an interactive website or as a static PDF (for printing or storing for later). You can also click in the slides below and navigate through them with your left and right arrow keys.
+```{r show-slide-tabs, echo=FALSE, results="asis"}
+slide_tabs(slide_details, "/slides/13-slides.html")
+**Fun fact**: If you type ? (or shift + /) while going through the slides, you can see a list of special slide-specific commands.
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+title: "International nonprofits"
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+class: center middle main-title section-title-2
+# International nonprofits
+**November 17, 2022**
+.light[PMAP 3210: Introduction to Nonprofits
+Andrew Young School of Policy Studies
+name: outline
+class: title title-inv-5
+# Plan for today
+.box-6.medium.sp-after[What are INGOs and what do they do?]
+.box-1.medium.sp-after[INGOs in dictatorships]
+.box-3.medium[Final projects]
+layout: false
+name: ingos
+class: center middle section-title section-title-6 animated fadeIn
+# What are INGOs and what do they do?
+layout: true
+class: title title-6
+.box-inv-6[NPO = Nonprofit organization]
+.box-inv-6[NGO = Nongovernmental organization .small[Basically the same as a nonprofit, but has connotation of non-US-based]]
+.box-inv-6.small[INGO = International NGO]
+.box-inv-6.small[GONGO = Government-operated NGO]
+.box-inv-6.small[BONGO = Briefcase-operated NGO / Business NGO]
+.box-inv-6.small[QUANGO = Quasi NGO]
+.box-inv-6.medium[NGOs that are based in one country and work in another]
+.box-6[In the US they're still 501(c)(3)s and everything we've learned in this class applies to them]
+- Health / medical / emergencies - doctors without borders, red cross, IRC
+- Human rights / legal - amnesty, journalists without borders, HRW,
+- Development - BRAC, Heifer Foundation, Oxfam, Care
+- Environment - WWF, Environmental Defense Fund
+# What do INGOs do?
+.box-inv-6.less-medium[Freedom from want]
+.box-6[Humanitarian assistance]
+.box-6[Disaster relief]
+.box-6[International development]
+layout: false
+background-image: url("img/13/freedom-from-want@3x.png")
+background-position: center
+background-size: contain
+class: title title-6
+# What do INGOs do?
+.box-inv-6.less-medium[Freedom from want]
+.box-6[Humanitarian assistance]
+.box-6[Disaster relief]
+.box-6[International development]
+.box-inv-6.less-medium[Freedom from fear]
+.box-6[Human rights advocacy]
+.box-6[Environmental advocacy]
+background-image: url("img/13/freedom-from-fear@3x.png")
+background-position: center
+background-size: contain
+layout: true
+class: title title-6
+# INGOs and political power
+.box-inv-6[Can INGOs influence the politics of other countries?]
+.box-6[They're not countries]
+.box-6[They have less power than states]
+.box-6[They have less access to things like the UN]
+.box-6[Most INGOs don't even engage in politics]
+.box-inv-6[AND YET]
+# Transnational advocacy
+1837 *The Liberator*:
+# Opposing states
+# Opposing states
+# Opposing states
+# Opposing states
+# Collaborating with states
+# Replace states
+# Issues with INGOs
+.box-inv-6.medium[Global moral compass]
+.box-inv-6.medium[Modular techniques]
+.box-inv-6.medium[Claim to be above politics]
+**Global moral compass**: INGOs appoint themselves as moral authorities for their issue - that drives their mission - and that's fine. That's what even domestic nonprofits do
+Amnesty decided that people shouldn't be imprisoned for their beliefs, so now they're an authentic moral compass for global human rights
+**Modular techniques**: practices and programs that an NGO does to address its issues
+Letter writing, adopting a child, easily replicable and portable
+**Secular sanction**: NGOS have to be above politics—but they also have to get political authority from states to act (ironic!)
+**Representative claim**: INGOs claim to speak for or empower the people
+NGOs in Egypt can overthrow government or reinforce governmental legitimacy - Muslim Brotherhood provides social services as a rival to the state + human rights NGOs are permitted to operate to make it look like the government is more open to human rights; they can be tracked by intelligence services better; government can manage the political impact of activists; foreign funding to NGOs enters the Egyptian economy
+layout: false
+name: ingos-dictatorships
+class: center middle section-title section-title-1 animated fadeIn
+# INGOs in dictatorships
+class: middle
+.box-1.large[Why do dictators let (I)NGOs work in their country?]
+class: middle
+class: middle
+class: middle
+layout: true
+class: title title-1
+# Institutional balancing
+.box-inv-1[To stay in power, dictators must give some power to rival institutions, but in a controlled and safe way]
+# "Donning democratic garb"
+.box-inv-1.medium[Dictators use democratic-ish institutions in the service of regime stability]
+.float-left[.box-1[Elections] .box-1[Parliaments]]
+.float-left[.box-1[Independent judiciary] .box-1[Protests]]
+# NGOs as institutions
+.box-inv-1.medium[(I)NGOs are yet another institution that dictators have to deal with when pursuing regime stability]
+# NGOs in dictatorships
+.box-inv-1.less-medium[PTAs, networks, and .color-5[**supporting**] state power]
+.box-inv-1.less-medium["Standing up to city hall" and .color-5[**challenging**] state power]
+.box-inv-1.less-medium[NGO fiefdoms and .color-5[**replacing**] state power]
+layout: false
+background-image: url("img/13/crackdown-1@2x.png")
+background-position: center
+background-size: contain
+background-image: url("img/13/crackdown-2@2x.png")
+background-position: center
+background-size: contain
+background-image: url("img/13/crackdown-3@2x.png")
+background-position: center
+background-size: contain
+background-image: url("img/13/crackdown-4@2x.png")
+background-position: center
+background-size: contain
+layout: true
+class: title title-1
+# Costs and benefits of INGOs
+.box-inv-1.medium[Coordinated understanding]
+.box-inv-1.medium[Boomerangs and spirals]
+.box-inv-8.medium[Provide services for regime]
+.box-inv-8.medium[Bestow legitimacy to regime]
+# Legal restrictions
+.box-inv-1.medium[Dictators use laws to avoid costs, reap benefits of NGOs]
+# Varying enforcement
+.box-inv-1.less-medium[Just because a law exists doesn't mean it is followed]
+ Civil society regulations in Egypt
+layout: false
+background-image: url("img/13/meduza-pragmatism@2x-80.jpg")
+background-position: center
+background-size: contain
+layout: true
+class: title title-1
+# Adjusting to the legal environment
+.box-inv-1[Change staff]
+.box-inv-1[Change programs]
+.box-inv-1[Change laws]
+.box-inv-1[Leave and stop]
+.box-inv-1[Leave and sneak]
+ International Media Support's different strategies
+International Media Support
+layout: false
+name: ingos
+class: center middle section-title section-title-3 animated fadeIn
+# Final projects
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