diff --git a/packages/app/components/map/WebMap.web.tsx b/packages/app/components/map/WebMap.web.tsx
index 53baff588..dd2657688 100644
--- a/packages/app/components/map/WebMap.web.tsx
+++ b/packages/app/components/map/WebMap.web.tsx
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-import React, { useState } from 'react';
+import { MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN } from '@packrat/config';
+import { useWebMap } from 'app/hooks/map/useWebMap';
+import useCustomStyles from 'app/hooks/useCustomStyles';
import mapboxgl from 'mapbox-gl';
-import { View, Modal, Alert } from 'react-native';
+import React, { useState } from 'react';
+import { View } from 'react-native';
import { isPolygonOrMultiPolygon } from '../../utils/mapFunctions';
import MapButtonsOverlay from './MapButtonsOverlay';
import MapPreview from './MapPreview';
-import useCustomStyles from 'app/hooks/useCustomStyles';
-import { useWebMap } from 'app/hooks/map/useWebMap';
import useGpxUpload from './useGpxUpload';
-import { MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN } from '@packrat/config';
mapboxgl.accessToken = MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN;
@@ -64,13 +64,16 @@ const WebMap = ({ shape: shapeProp }) => {
- return showModal ? (
- {element}
- ) : (
- element
- );
+ // TODO: Fix this. The modal is not working as expected.
+ return element;
+ // return showModal ? (
+ //
+ // {element}
+ //
+ // ) : (
+ // element
+ // );
const loadStyles = () => ({
diff --git a/packages/app/hooks/map/useWebMap.ts b/packages/app/hooks/map/useWebMap.ts
index 6e2c625e2..e8cfdedec 100644
--- a/packages/app/hooks/map/useWebMap.ts
+++ b/packages/app/hooks/map/useWebMap.ts
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ import { useState, useEffect, useRef, useMemo, useCallback } from 'react';
import { Dimensions } from 'react-native';
import mapboxgl from 'mapbox-gl';
import togpx from 'togpx';
import {
@@ -17,91 +16,123 @@ import {
} from 'app/utils/mapFunctions';
import { saveFile } from 'app/utils/fileSaver/fileSaver.web';
-export const useWebMap = ({ shape: shapeProp }) => {
- // useEffect(() => {
- // // temporary solution to fix mapbox-gl-js missing css error
- // if (Platform.OS === 'web') {
- // // inject mapbox css into head
- // const link = document.createElement('link');
- // link.href = 'https://api.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/v2.15.0/mapbox-gl.css';
- // link.rel = 'stylesheet';
- // document.head.appendChild(link);
- // // inject mapbox js into head
- // const script = document.createElement('script');
- // script.src = 'https://api.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/v2.15.0/mapbox-gl.js';
- // script.async = true;
- // document.head.appendChild(script);
- // }
- // }, []);
+// Hook to handle state management
+const useMapState = (shapeProp) => {
+ // State to store the shape data
const [shape, setShape] = useState(shapeProp);
+ // Refs for map container and instance
const mapContainer = useRef(null);
const map = useRef(null);
+ // States for map coordinates and zoom level
const [lng, setLng] = useState(-77.0369);
const [lat, setLat] = useState(38.9072);
- // consts
- const dw = Dimensions.get('screen').width;
- const dh = Dimensions.get('screen').height;
- const fullMapDiemention = useMemo(() => ({ width: dw, height: 360 }), [dw]);
- const previewMapDiemension = { width: dw * 0.9, height: 220 };
const [zoomLevel, setZoomLevel] = useState(10);
const [trailCenterPoint, setTrailCenterPoint] = useState(null);
const zoomLevelRef = useRef(10);
const trailCenterPointRef = useRef(null);
+ // States for UI and user interaction
const [mapFullscreen, setMapFullscreen] = useState(false);
const [downloading, setDownloading] = useState(false);
const [showModal, setShowModal] = useState(false);
const [mapStyle, setMapStyle] = useState(mapboxStyles[0].style);
const [showUserLocation, setShowUserLocation] = useState(false);
const [userLng, setUserLng] = useState(null);
const [userLat, setUserLat] = useState(null);
- // download variables
const [downloadable, setDownloadable] = useState(false);
+ // Dimensions for full and preview map
+ const dw = Dimensions.get('screen').width;
+ const fullMapDiemention = useMemo(() => ({ width: dw, height: 360 }), [dw]);
+ const previewMapDiemension = { width: dw * 0.9, height: 220 };
+ // Effect to update shape when shapeProp changes
useEffect(() => {
- // update the shape state when a new shapeProp gets passed
if (shapeProp !== shape) setShape(shapeProp);
}, [shapeProp]);
+ return {
+ shape,
+ setShape,
+ mapContainer,
+ map,
+ lng,
+ setLng,
+ lat,
+ setLat,
+ zoomLevel,
+ setZoomLevel,
+ trailCenterPoint,
+ setTrailCenterPoint,
+ zoomLevelRef,
+ trailCenterPointRef,
+ mapFullscreen,
+ setMapFullscreen,
+ downloading,
+ setDownloading,
+ showModal,
+ setShowModal,
+ mapStyle,
+ setMapStyle,
+ showUserLocation,
+ setShowUserLocation,
+ userLng,
+ setUserLng,
+ userLat,
+ setUserLat,
+ downloadable,
+ setDownloadable,
+ fullMapDiemention,
+ previewMapDiemension,
+ };
+// Hook to handle side effects
+const useMapEffects = ({
+ shape,
+ map,
+ mapContainer,
+ mapStyle,
+ setMapStyle,
+ lng,
+ lat,
+ zoomLevel,
+ zoomLevelRef,
+ trailCenterPointRef,
+ mapFullscreen,
+ showUserLocation,
+ setLng,
+ setLat,
+ setZoomLevel,
+ setDownloadable,
+ fullMapDiemention,
+ addPoints,
+ addPolygons,
+ addTrailLayer,
+ removeTrailLayer,
+}) => {
+ // Effect to handle shape data and calculate bounds
useEffect(() => {
if (shape?.features[0]?.geometry?.coordinates?.length >= 1) {
let bounds = getShapeSourceBounds(shape);
bounds = bounds[0].concat(bounds[1]);
const mapDim = fullMapDiemention;
const latZoom = calculateZoomLevel(bounds, mapDim);
const trailCenter = findTrailCenter(shape);
zoomLevelRef.current = latZoom;
trailCenterPointRef.current = trailCenter;
}, [shape, fullMapDiemention]);
+ // Effect to initialize and configure Mapbox map
useEffect(() => {
- console.log(
- !mapFullscreen || !isPolygonOrMultiPolygon(shape),
- 'is polygon or not',
- );
if (!mapFullscreen && !isPolygonOrMultiPolygon(shape)) return;
if (!lng || !lat) return;
try {
const mapInstance = new mapboxgl.Map({
container: mapContainer.current,
style: mapStyle,
- // center: [lng, lat],
trailCenterPointRef.current &&
!isNaN(trailCenterPointRef.current[0]) &&
@@ -112,11 +143,11 @@ export const useWebMap = ({ shape: shapeProp }) => {
interactive: mapFullscreen,
+ // Map load event handler
mapInstance.on('load', () => {
if (isPoint(shape)) {
} else if (isPolygonOrMultiPolygon(shape)) {
} else {
@@ -139,10 +170,7 @@ export const useWebMap = ({ shape: shapeProp }) => {
- // const marker = new mapboxgl.Marker()
- // .setLngLat([lng, lat])
- // .addTo(mapInstance);
+ // Map move event handler
mapInstance.on('move', () => {
const { lng, lat } = mapInstance.getCenter();
@@ -157,6 +185,7 @@ export const useWebMap = ({ shape: shapeProp }) => {
}, [mapFullscreen]);
+ // Effect to handle shape changes and update map layers
useEffect(() => {
if (map.current && isPoint(shape)) {
@@ -166,50 +195,47 @@ export const useWebMap = ({ shape: shapeProp }) => {
- //
}, [shape]);
- /**
- * Removes the existing source and layers for the trail-cap and trail from the map instance.
- *
- * @param {object} mapInstance - The map instance to remove the layers and source from.
- */
+// Hook to handle actions
+const useMapActions = ({
+ map,
+ shape,
+ mapStyle,
+ setMapStyle,
+ setDownloading,
+ userLng,
+ userLat,
+ setUserLng,
+ setUserLat,
+ setShowUserLocation,
+ setMapFullscreen,
+ setShowModal,
+}) => {
+ // Function to remove trail layer from map
const removeTrailLayer = (mapInstance) => {
- // Remove existing source and layers if they exist
if (mapInstance.getLayer('trail-cap')) {
if (mapInstance.getSource('trail-cap')) {
if (mapInstance.getLayer('trail')) {
if (mapInstance.getSource('trail')) {
- /**
- * Adds a trail layer to the given map instance.
- *
- * @param {Object} mapInstance - The map instance to add the trail layer to.
- */
+ // Function to add trail layer to map
const addTrailLayer = (mapInstance) => {
const processedShape = processShapeData(shape);
- // Add new source and layers
mapInstance.addSource('trail', {
type: 'geojson',
data: processedShape || shape,
id: 'trail',
type: 'line',
@@ -220,8 +246,6 @@ export const useWebMap = ({ shape: shapeProp }) => {
'line-opacity': 1,
- // Add circle cap to the line ends
id: 'trail-cap',
type: 'circle',
@@ -234,12 +258,7 @@ export const useWebMap = ({ shape: shapeProp }) => {
- /**
- * Adds points to the map instance.
- *
- * @param {type} mapInstance - The map instance to add points to.
- * @return {type} None
- */
+ // Function to add point markers to map
const addPoints = (mapInstance) => {
if (mapInstance) {
const pointLatLong = shape?.features[0]?.geometry?.coordinates;
@@ -258,11 +277,7 @@ export const useWebMap = ({ shape: shapeProp }) => {
- /**
- * Adds polygons to the map instance.
- *
- * @param {object} mapInstance - The map instance to add the polygons to.
- */
+ // Function to add polygon layers to map
const addPolygons = (mapInstance) => {
if (mapInstance) {
@@ -280,120 +295,39 @@ export const useWebMap = ({ shape: shapeProp }) => {
- /**
- * Fetches the GPX download and handles the download process.
- * This function sets the state of 'downloading' to true and then tries to fetch the GPX data
- * using the provided shape and options. After receiving the GPX data, it calls the 'handleGpxDownload'
- * function to handle the download. If there is an error during the process, it logs the error to the console.
- *
- * @return {Promise} A promise that resolves when the GPX download is complete.
- */
+ // Function to fetch and download GPX file
const fetchGpxDownload = async () => {
try {
const options = {
- creator: 'PackRat', // Hardcoded creator option
+ creator: 'PackRat',
metadata: {
- name: shape.name || '', // Extract name from geoJSON (if available)
- desc: shape.description || '', // Extract description from geoJSON (if available)
+ name: shape.name || '',
+ desc: shape.description || '',
- // featureTitle: (properties) => properties.name || "", // Extract feature title from properties (if available)
- // featureDescription: (properties) => properties.description || "", // Extract feature description from properties (if available)
const gpx = togpx(shape, options);
await handleGpxDownload(gpx);
} catch (error) {
- /**
- * Enables full screen mode.
- *
- * @return {void}
- */
+ // Function to enable fullscreen mode
const enableFullScreen = () => {
- /**
- * Disable full screen.
- *
- * @return {undefined} No return value.
- */
+ // Function to disable fullscreen mode
const disableFullScreen = () => {
- const setMapboxStyle = useCallback(
- (style) => {
- if (map.current) {
- // Step 1: remove sources, layers, etc.
- removeTrailLayer(map.current);
- // Step 2: change the style
- map.current.setStyle(style);
- // Step 3: add the sources, layers, etc. back once the style has loaded
- if (isPoint(shape)) {
- map.current.on('style.load', () => addPoints(map.current));
- } else if (isPolygonOrMultiPolygon) {
- // Add Polygon
- } else {
- map.current.on('style.load', () => {
- addTrailLayer(map.current);
- });
- }
- }
- },
- [addTrailLayer, removeTrailLayer],
- );
- /**
- * Updates the map style and mapbox style to the specified style.
- *
- * @param {style} style - The style to set for the map and mapbox.
- * @return {void} This function does not return a value.
- */
- const handleChangeMapStyle = (style) => {
- setMapStyle(style);
- setMapboxStyle(style);
- };
- const openMaps = () => {
- const pointLatLong = shape?.features[0]?.geometry?.coordinates;
- const { type } = shape.features[0].geometry;
- if (type !== 'Point') {
- const [latlng] = pointLatLong;
- window.open(`https://maps.google.com?q=${latlng[1]},${latlng[0]}`);
- } else {
- const [lng, lat] = pointLatLong;
- window.open(`https://maps.google.com?q=${lat},${lng}`);
- }
- // console.log()
- // if(type !== 'Point') {
- // } else {
- // window.open(`https://maps.google.com?q=${lat},${lng}`);
- // }
- };
- /**
- * Handles the download of a GPX file.
- *
- * @param {Object} gpxData - The GPX data to be downloaded.
- * @param {string} [filename="trail"] - The name of the file to be downloaded.
- * @param {string} [extension="gpx"] - The extension of the file to be downloaded.
- * @return {Promise} - A promise that resolves when the download is complete.
- */
+ // Function to handle GPX file download
const handleGpxDownload = async (
filename = shape?.features[0]?.properties?.name ?? 'trail',
@@ -405,36 +339,26 @@ export const useWebMap = ({ shape: shapeProp }) => {
- /**
- * Fetches the user's location and updates the map accordingly.
- *
- * @return {Promise} A Promise that resolves when the location is fetched and the map is updated.
- */
+ // Function to fetch user location
const fetchLocation = async () => {
try {
const location = await getLocation();
if (location) {
const { latitude, longitude } = location.coords;
if (map.current) {
center: [longitude, latitude],
zoom: 14,
- // Remove existing user location layer if it exists
if (map.current.getLayer('user-location')) {
if (map.current.getSource('user-location')) {
- // Add new user location layer
id: 'user-location',
type: 'circle',
@@ -452,11 +376,156 @@ export const useWebMap = ({ shape: shapeProp }) => {
- } catch (error) {
+ } catch (error) {}
+ };
+ // Function to open location in Google Maps
+ const openMaps = () => {
+ const pointLatLong = shape?.features[0]?.geometry?.coordinates;
+ const { type } = shape.features[0].geometry;
+ if (type !== 'Point') {
+ const [latlng] = pointLatLong;
+ window.open(`https://maps.google.com?q=${latlng[1]},${latlng[0]}`);
+ } else {
+ const [lng, lat] = pointLatLong;
+ window.open(`https://maps.google.com?q=${lat},${lng}`);
+ // Function to set Mapbox style
+ const setMapboxStyle = useCallback(
+ (style) => {
+ if (map.current) {
+ removeTrailLayer(map.current);
+ map.current.setStyle(style);
+ if (isPoint(shape)) {
+ map.current.on('style.load', () => addPoints(map.current));
+ } else if (isPolygonOrMultiPolygon) {
+ // Add Polygon
+ } else {
+ map.current.on('style.load', () => {
+ addTrailLayer(map.current);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ [addTrailLayer, removeTrailLayer],
+ );
+ // Function to change map style
+ const handleChangeMapStyle = (style) => {
+ setMapStyle(style);
+ setMapboxStyle(style);
+ };
+ return {
+ removeTrailLayer,
+ addTrailLayer,
+ addPoints,
+ addPolygons,
+ fetchGpxDownload,
+ enableFullScreen,
+ disableFullScreen,
+ handleGpxDownload,
+ fetchLocation,
+ openMaps,
+ setMapboxStyle,
+ handleChangeMapStyle,
+ };
+// Main hook to combine state, effects, and actions
+export const useWebMap = ({ shape: shapeProp }) => {
+ // State management hook
+ const {
+ shape,
+ setShape,
+ mapContainer,
+ map,
+ lng,
+ setLng,
+ lat,
+ setLat,
+ zoomLevel,
+ setZoomLevel,
+ trailCenterPoint,
+ setTrailCenterPoint,
+ zoomLevelRef,
+ trailCenterPointRef,
+ mapFullscreen,
+ setMapFullscreen,
+ downloading,
+ setDownloading,
+ showModal,
+ setShowModal,
+ mapStyle,
+ setMapStyle,
+ showUserLocation,
+ setShowUserLocation,
+ userLng,
+ setUserLng,
+ userLat,
+ setUserLat,
+ downloadable,
+ setDownloadable,
+ fullMapDiemention,
+ previewMapDiemension,
+ } = useMapState(shapeProp);
+ // Actions hook
+ const {
+ removeTrailLayer,
+ addTrailLayer,
+ addPoints,
+ addPolygons,
+ fetchGpxDownload,
+ enableFullScreen,
+ disableFullScreen,
+ handleGpxDownload,
+ fetchLocation,
+ openMaps,
+ setMapboxStyle,
+ handleChangeMapStyle,
+ } = useMapActions({
+ map,
+ shape,
+ mapStyle,
+ setMapStyle,
+ setDownloading,
+ userLng,
+ userLat,
+ setUserLng,
+ setUserLat,
+ setShowUserLocation,
+ setMapFullscreen,
+ setShowModal,
+ });
+ // Side effects hook
+ useMapEffects({
+ shape,
+ map,
+ mapContainer,
+ mapStyle,
+ setMapStyle,
+ lng,
+ lat,
+ zoomLevel,
+ zoomLevelRef,
+ trailCenterPointRef,
+ mapFullscreen,
+ showUserLocation,
+ setLng,
+ setLat,
+ setZoomLevel,
+ setDownloadable,
+ fullMapDiemention,
+ addPoints,
+ addPolygons,
+ addTrailLayer,
+ removeTrailLayer,
+ });
return {