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File metadata and controls

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Reclaiming space

Linear types and linear logic trace back to the 1980s with Girard's thesis on linear logic (ref). During that timespan the internet was invented and spread at an incredible rate. Computers became mobile, not only they could be transported in a luggage but they became as small as to fit in a jeans pocket. CPU's and GPU's have seen their performance improve by many orders of magnitude. And, most relevant for this paper, Haskell, the lambda calculus and system-F have proven to be valuable tools for driving the software that powers this incredible techonolical developement.

The same cannot be said about linear types. Though projects like Rust (ref), Cyclone (ref) and Linear haskell (ref) implement some form of linear typing, the benefits and uses of them are still surrounded by a cloud of uncertainty. This papers aims to disperse a bit of this cloud by uncovering the benefits of linear typing in performance-critical operations using Idris2 (ref) and Quantitative Type Theory (ref) as a test bed.

This paper is segmented in 2 parts, an exploration of the basic idea first and an analysis the results obtained by executing on the idea using the Idris2 compiler. The results will not benefit from strong theoretical grounds since we are measuring performance and those measurement suffer from a subjective choice of what exactly is measured and what consistutes a performance gain. Part 2 will essentially discuss which assumptions were made in order to interpret the results and discuss them.

Part 1

A link to the past

Linear types are known to model behaviour that competing type system cannot express:

two cables can't be plugged into 1 outet.

plug : (1 outlet : Outlet) -> IO ()
plug outlet = do cable1 <- makeCable Red
                 cable2 <- makeCable Blue
                 connect cable1 outlet
                 connect cable2 outlet -- type error, we've already plugged that outlet

Once the bread is baked it can't be unbaked.

bake : (1 flour : Flour) -> (1 water : Water) -> IO Bread
bake flour water = do 
  bread <- mkBread flour water
  putStrLn ("For this recipe we used " ++ show flour) -- type error, we already used the flour to bake the bread
  pure bread

There is only 1 earth.

-- This should update earth in-place instead of making a copy
globalWarming : (1 earth : Earth) -> Earth
globalWarming = record { temperature $= (+ 5) 
                       , age $= (+ 50)

In this paper we are going to inspect the last case.

Readers familiar with the literature might recognise this issue from P. Walder's papers on linear types (Is there a use for linear logic, 1991, Linear types can change the world, 1990) however those previous attempts did not feature a practial application for those claims. Indeed, at that time linear type systems did not exist outside their pen and paper typing rules, which make benchmarking programs an impossible task. This paper aims to link our past intuition using our modern tools and reflect on the concrete results we can obtain.

This past research however exhibits a limitation that, though we could work with, we find impractical if only for its aethetic qualities. Indeed, Wadler's results rely on a continuation, requiring our program to be written or re-written Continuation Passing Style (CPS). We believe we can do wihtout it and that our solution will bare interesting fruits down the line that we will mention in the Further work section.

There is only 1 Earth

How can we detect that a reference is unique and can therefore be updated in-place or deleted after its use. Let us start with a very traditional example of memory management:

universe : IO ()
universe = do
  matter <- bigBang
  objects <- createObjects matter
  earth <- indexWhere (\x => name x == "earth") object
  heatDeath -- at the end of scope, earth can be freed

After heatDeath, earth and all other local variable should be freed. However, using this piece of information, could we expect the following?

universe : IO ()
universe = do
  matter <- bigBang
  objects <- createObjects matter
  earth <- indexWhere (\x => name x == "earth") object
  let earth = globalWarming earth -- update earth in-place
  heatDeath -- at the end of scope, earth can be freed

You will note that in this example we purposely used the same identifier earth to indicate that we do not create a copy.

Here is another example of what we are after:

universe : IO ()
universe = do
  matter <- bigBang
  objects <- createObjects matter
  earth <- indexWhere (\x => name x == "earth") object
  sun <- indexWhere (\x => name x == "sun") object
  giantRed <- age (+ 10'000'000) sun
  giantRed `engulf` earth -- 1. last referece from earth, free memory
  newPlanet <- MkNewPlanet objects -- 2. reuse memory from freed earth

In this example we observe two behaviours:

  1. freeing memory associated to a reference before the end of its scope
  2. reusing freed memory so that the memory footprint of the function stays constant during its runtime even though objects are being allocated and freed.

An astute reader will probably have realized that both those problem are really similar, indeed one could interpret the first one as a special case of the second:

universe : IO ()
universe = do
  matter <- bigBang
  objects <- createObjects matter
  earth1 <- indexWhere (\x => name x == "earth") object
  -- last use of `earth1`, reclaim its memory and use it to put `earth2` there instead
  let earth2 = globalWarming earth1 

However the memory impact is very different. In this case, we do a free and malloc operation in succession but simply changing some values in the middle of a memory buffer would be equivalent.

Each approach has different trade-off, in-place memory updates are a lot more efficient than free and malloc. However being able to track freed memory and allocate new objects in previously. However in-place memory updates are not always possible take this example

allocateList : Nat -> List Objects
allocateList size = let object = operation size
                        moreObjects = moreOperations object -- last use of object, free
                        evenMore = keepOperating moreObjects -- alst use of `moreObjects`, free
                        ls = createList evenMore -- reuse the memory freed by `object` and `evenMore` in

In this example we have no information about the memory footprint of object and moreObjects. However, we know that whatever space they occuped we can reuse for ls. (note: This example is bad because object and moreObjects would be allocated on the stack and ls on the heap so they don't share the same memory region, we should fix this example with one that doesn't have this problem)

Knowing one's unique

Rust CHEATS and everything is unique provided it's not lent to a function that borrows it. Identifiers cannot be aliased and usage is tracked around with lifetimes and careful control flow analysis. This puts Rust in another linear category of uniqueness type. Our type system, QTT does not say anything about uniqueness, it is then our responsibility to carefully construct and study situations where uniqueness can be inferred and/or enforced.

To this end we've added a new uniqueness tag to each definintion which has 2 states

data Uniqueness = 
    ||| This definition is unique
    Unique |
    ||| This definition has been shared

This is eerily similar to the semiring we use for linearity which contains 0, 1 and ω, albeit without 0.

What do we expect to gain?

This allows us to look into definitions of linearity 1 with a bit more scrutiny and generating code that is different if a value is unique or of its shared. A unique value allows in-place updates as well as early freeing of memory without relying on garbage collection. If reming ourselves of our globalWarming function

globalWarming : (1 earth : Earth) -> Earth
globalWarming earth = record { temperature $= (+ 5) 
                             , age $= (+ 50)
                             } earth

it should compile to something that would look like this, if we were to output c-like code:

// let's assume `ptr` contains a bit more information, including its uniqueness property
Earth * globalWarming( ptr<Earth> * earth) {
    if (isUnique(earth)) {
        earth->temperature += 5;
        earth->age += 50;
        return earth;
    } else {
        Earth * earth2 = malloc(Earth);
        earth_cpy(earth, earth2);
        earth2->temperature += 5;
        earth2->age += 50;
        return earth2;

Both of those feature are useful when considering performance-critical software where reliance on garbage collection is a liability. However, those benefits are only useful as they come up in practice. Indeed, if we get a x1000 speed increase on unique values but they only represent 2% of our program, we've only improved our programs performance by about 2%, (amdhal's law).

However, despite our lack of data about the current state of most idris programs regarding uniqueness, our goal is to make a compelling enough argument for unique variable such that performance-critical and low-level software can be expressed in Idris with strong type safety and strong performance guarantee. Maybe at the cost of ergonomics.

Part 2

A Tool for measuring runtime performance

Running benchmarks is difficult, here is the methodolgy we employed and how you can reproduce the results:

Hand picked examples

we're picking examples that showcase the change we're making. We should also try to find examples that would showcase a negative impact on performance. Since we cannot test on every program possible we've settled on those few:

Have we gained anything?

variance etc


We found a:

  • significant performance improvement across the board
  • some improvement in some tests and some decline in others
  • some insignificant differences
  • significant performance decline across the board


  • Because the examples were wrong?
  • Because we made a mistake in our implementation?
  • Because our theoretical model is incomplete or too weak?
  • Because

Further work

Uniqueness and ARC

Reference counting and automatic reference counting are mechanisms for automatic "garbage collection" (in the sense that is frees garbage from the heap), they rely on compile-time analysis to insert free or alloc operations as well as refcount += 1 or refcount -= 1 at runtime. Those operations allow to defer memory analysis to compile-time rather than runtime, making the runtime more predictible by avoiding reliance on "GC Pauses" where the runtime is stopped until the garbage collector mechanism is done sweeping the runtime memory.

ARC suffers from two big drawbacks however:

  • it still adds some runtime cost (albeit constant) by inserting those increment and decrement operation
  • Cyclic data structures cannot be modeled.

Nevertheless we believe we can solve the first issue with careful analysis of the control flow helped by linear annotation. Indeed, the literature for how ARC and linearity are related is sparse and the implications are still unconclusive.

The second drawback turn out to be extremely simple to solve: Purely functional program cannot create cyclic data structures to begin with so the point is moot. It is true that with careful use of escape hatches it is possible (IORef and the like) but in the general case cyclicity is not a concern.

We believe our existing implementation can be extended to support reference counting by replacing our Uniqueness type by a simpler one but that carries more information:

RefCount : Type
RefCount = Maybe Nat

isUnique : RefCount -> Bool
isUnique (Just 1) = True
isUnique _ = False

isErased : RefCount -> Bool
isErased (Just 0) = True
isErased _ = False

increment : RefCount -> Refcount
increment (Just n) = Just (S n)
increment Nothing = Just (S Z)

Here RefCount is just an alias for Maybe Nat where the Nothing case represens a lack of information about the reference count and the Just case represents the number of references pointing to that definition.

isErased is called like so because of how it interacts with 0 linearity annotations, a 0 linearity definition will never be allocated and therefore its Refcount will always be 0, 0 linearity annotation are interprested as erased types at runtime.


Is it faster? yes why? because X

is it faster? no why? Because Y