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PasswordSafe is being ported to Linux using the wxWidgets user interface library. Following are notes for programmers wishing to build the Linux version. Currently, PasswordSafe is being built on Debian-based platforms (Debian and Ubuntu), and Fedora, so requirements are described in terms of .deb and .rpmpackages.

The source code can be downloaded from or cloned via git: git clone

For all Linux distros, your version of gcc/g++ needs to be 4.7 or higher because gcc 4.6 doesn't support the C++11 standard. It does support the draft C++0x standard, but our makefiles have -std=c++11, which needs 4.7+

Even 4.7 doesn't seem to support the C++11 standard fully, so if you get compilation errors, try using a more recent version of gcc, if possible. It's best to try to build pwsafe on a recent version of Linux than retrofit a new gcc on an old distro.

Here are the packages/tools required for building the Linux version under Debian/Ubuntu: cmake (See note 1 below) fakeroot g++ gettext git libgtest-dev libqrencode-dev libuuid1 libwxgtk3.0-dbg (See note 2 below) libwxgtk3.0-dev (See note 2 below) libxerces-c-dev libxt-dev libxtst-dev libykpers-1-dev (see note 3 below) libyubikey-dev make pkg-config uuid-dev zip

The script Misc/ can be run (sudo or as root) to install these and setup the gtest library.

For Fedora: cmake (See note 1 below) gcc-c++ git gtest-devel libXt-devel libXtst-devel libqrencode-devel libuuid-devel libyubikey-devel make wxGTK3-devel xerces-c-devel ykpers-devel (see note 3 below) qrencode-devel

To compile without Yubikey support, set the NO_YUBI flag for make, e.g., $ NO_YUBI=1 make (In this case, you don't need the libyubikey or libykpers-1 development packages)

Note #1 - cmake As of Dec. 2015 PasswordSafe can be built on Linux platforms using cmake, e.g., mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make Currently, this is in addition to the 'standard' toplevel make. In the long term, it will probably replace it. The cmake build can be configured in the standard manner, e.g, via cmake-gui.

Note #2 - wxWidgets

Some distributions lag behind the required version of wxWidgets, providing a version older than that required by PasswordSafe. If this is the case, you can either: (a) Get the wxWidgets package from the relevant link in under "Binaries", or (b) Download the sources from here and build the libraries yourself. If you do so:

  1. Configure the build using the following: $ ./configure --disable-shared --enable-stl --enable-utf8only
    --enable-intl --enable-xlocale --enable-debug_gdb
  2. Set the WX_CONFIG environment variable to point to the correct location, e.g. add the following to you .bashrc file: export WX_CONFIG=$HOME/src/wxWidgets-3.0.2/wx-config

Note that we use a static build of wxWidgets in order to simplify the distribution, not requiring users to get the wx3 package, and avoiding potential conflicts with 2.8.

Note #3 - libykpers-1/ykpers-devel: If your distro doesn't have the development version of this you will need to build and install it from the source:

In case you want to specify a non-standard location from which yubikey-personalization headers/libs are to be used, invoke "make" like this: $ YBPERS_LIBPATH=<dir with libykpers-1.a or .so> YBPERS_INC=<yubikey-pers dir/ykcore/> make unicode{release,debug}

If your build linked with in a non-standard location, you might need to invoke pwsafe as

$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<libykpers-1.a or dir> pwsafe

Running 'make' at the top of the source tree will result in the debug version of pwsafe being built under src/ui/wxWidgets/GCCUnicodeDebug, and the release version under src/ui/wxWidgets/GCCUnicodeRelease.

Note that under Fedora and RHEL5, wxGTK-devel doesn't support "wx-config --debug=yes --unicode=yes" so just "make" fails. The workaround is to use "make release", which will only build the release version.

Fedora 22 didn't rebuild wxGTK with gcc 5 yet it seems, to the ABI-version was at version 2, which was the default up until gcc 4.9. A way to solve this would be adding '-fabi-version=2' to the CXXFLAGS.

Create a Debian Package

Extract the source tree into some directory and change into this directory, i.e. where CMakeLists.txt is present.

  • mkdir build
  • cd build
  • cmake ..
  • cpack -G DEB ..

Install the Debian Package

  • sudo dpkg -i passwordsafe-<debian|ubuntu>-<version>.<arch>.deb

Create a RPM Package

Based on the procedure for building a Debian package a RPM based package can be created as well.

  • mkdir build
  • cd build
  • cmake ..
  • cpack -G RPM ..

Install the RPM Package

To install the RPM package use the following command as root.

  • rpm -ivh passwordsafe-fedora-<version>.<arch>.rpm

Upgrading an already installed RPM package can be done with the following command as root. This is the same as install, except all other version(s) of the package are removed after the new package is installed.

  • rpm -Uvh passwordsafe-fedora-<version>.<arch>.rpm