diff --git a/posts/india.mdx b/posts/india.mdx
index 7129b41..f32974c 100644
--- a/posts/india.mdx
+++ b/posts/india.mdx
@@ -319,14 +319,14 @@ Aside from how Hinduism might be used in [ancient or modern] politics. This natu
## Summary
It feels like the world needs a software update. China is no longer cheap outsourcing. Japan is no longer the tech superpower and India is no longer the **India of the 80s or 90s and not even of the early 2000s. And this is not going back.**
**India will be one of the big superpowers in the next decades – especially if this generation has anything to say about it.**
I am extremely grateful to anyone who helped me in India to have such an amazing trip and I look forward to many more visits.
Thanks for reading
– Andreas