Maxim custom Bluetooth profile and service that advertises as "MCS" and accepts connection requests.
Each LED is controlled by a characteristic. Write the characteristic to 1 to turn on the LED, 0 to turn off the LED. Boards without 3 LEDs have the characteristics combined.
Red LED Characteristic : 0x85FC567F31D9418587C6339924D1C5BE
Green LED Characteristic : 0x85FC568031D9418587C6339924D1C5BE
Blue LED Characteristic : 0x85FC568131D9418587C6339924D1C5BE
On startup:
terminal: init
Calculating database hash
McsApp got evt 119
McsApp got evt 32
>>> Reset complete <<<
dmAdvActConfig: state: 0
dmAdvActSetData: state: 0
dmAdvActSetData: state: 0
dmAdvActStart: state: 0
dmDevPassEvtToDevPriv: event: 12, param: 33, advHandle: 0
McsApp got evt 33
>>> Advertising started <<<
Database hash calculation complete
McsApp got evt 21
Database hash updated
When a connection has been made.
dmDevPassEvtToDevPriv: event: 13, param: 34, advHandle: 0
McsApp got evt 34
>>> Advertising stopped <<<
dmAdvActConfig: state: 0
dmAdvActStart: state: 0
dmDevPassEvtToDevPriv: event: 12, param: 33, advHandle: 0
McsApp got evt 33
>>> Advertising started <<<
dmConnIdByBdAddr not found
dmConnCcbAlloc 1
dmConnSmExecute event=28 state=0
dmAdvConnected: state: 1
dmDevPassEvtToDevPriv: event: 13, param: 34, advHandle: 0
AttsCccInitTable connId=1
smpDbGetRecord: connId: 1 type: 1
SmpDbGetFailureCount: connId: 1 count: 0
smpDbGetRecord: connId: 1 type: 1
SmpDbGetPairingDisabledTime: connId: 1 period: 0 attemptMult: 0
McsApp got evt 39
>>> Connection opened <<<
McsApp got evt 65
McsApp got evt 87
attsProcMtuReq features 0x00
hciCoreTxAclStart len=7
McsApp got evt 22
connId=1 idleMask=0x0004
hciCoreTxAclStart len=18
connId=1 idleMask=0x0004
hciCoreTxAclStart len=26
hciCoreTxAclStart len=34
connId=1 idleMask=0x0004
hciCoreTxAclStart len=34
attsCccMainCback connId=1 handle=19
hciCoreTxAclStart len=5
McsApp got evt 20
ccc state ind value:2 handle:19 idx:0
hciCoreTxAclStart len=90
hciCoreTxAclStart len=9
connId=1 idleMask=0x0004
hciCoreTxAclStart len=10
connId=1 idleMask=0x0004
hciCoreTxAclStart len=9
attsCccMainCback connId=1 handle=5379
hciCoreTxAclStart len=7
hciCoreTxAclStart len=14
When push buttons pressed
btn 1 s
Short Button 1 Press
mcsAppBtnCback; 2
> hciCoreTxAclStart len=8
McsApp got evt 18
btn 1 m
Medium Button 1 Press
mcsAppBtnCback; 3
> hciCoreTxAclStart len=8
McsApp got evt 18
btn 1 l
Long Button 1 Press
mcsAppBtnCback; 4
> hciCoreTxAclStart len=8
McsApp got evt 18
btn 1 x
XL Button 1 Press
mcsAppBtnCback; 5
> hciCoreTxAclStart len=8
McsApp got evt 18
btn 2 s
Short Button 2 Press
mcsAppBtnCback; 7
> hciCoreTxAclStart len=8
McsApp got evt 18
btn 2 m
Medium Button 2 Press
mcsAppBtnCback; 8
> hciCoreTxAclStart len=8
McsApp got evt 18
btn 2 l
Long Button 2 Press
mcsAppBtnCback; 9
> hciCoreTxAclStart len=8
McsApp got evt 18
btn 2 x
XL Button 2 Press
mcsAppBtnCback; 10
> hciCoreTxAclStart len=8
McsApp got evt 18
Type the desired command and parameter (if applicable) and press enter to execute the command.
help Displays the available commands.
echo (on|off) Enables or disables the input echo. On by default.
btn (ID) (s|m|l|x) Simulates button presses. Example: "btn 1 s" for a short button press on button 1.
pin (ConnID) (Pin Code) Used to input the pairing pin code.
Push buttons can be used to set McsButton characteristic. The value can be read via BLE.
short press is less than 200 ms
medium press is between 200 and 500 ms
long press is between 500 and 1000 ms
extra long press is greater than 1000 ms
- Button 1 short press: set McsButton = 0x02
- Button 1 medium press: set McsButton = 0x03
- Button 1 long press: set McsButton = 0x04
- Button 1 extra long press: set McsButton = 0x05
- Button 2 short press: set McsButton = 0x07
- Button 2 medium press: set McsButton = 0x08
- Button 2 long press: set McsButton = 0x09
- Button 2 extra long press: set McsButton = 0x0A