(Docker version 17.06.2-ce or greater is required.)
Install docker according to your Operating System. Here are instructions for Ubuntu OS -
You can test your installation by running docker run hello-world
; It should print a message "Hello from Docker!" (Recommended version - 1.22.0). Select the tab based on your OS and install.
You can test by running docker-compose --version
, it should give you the version number.
Run the following steps
Linux setup:
$ curl -o- | bash #Installs NodeJS version manager
$ source ~/.bashrc #Reloads the shell
$ nvm install 8.11.3 #Installs NodeJS version 8.11.3
Windows setup:
The bootstrap script will preload all of the requisite docker images and binaries for Hyperledger Fabric
$ cd blockchain-demystified/hyperledger-fabric/scripts/
$ sudo chmod +x
$ ./ 1.2.0
$ export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/bin #Add binaries to executable path
On Linux
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential
$ sudo apt-get install python
On Windows
npm install --global windows-build-tools
npm install --global grpc
Install python version 2.7
$ sudo apt-get install python
At the end of these instructions, you must have the following softwares installed
- Docker
- Docker-compose
- NodeJS & npm
- python
All the above steps are taken from the guides below, if you want more detailed documentation.
$ cd blockchain-demystified/hyperledger-fabric/sdk/
$ sudo chmod +x ../basic-network/ ../basic-network/
$ ./
$ node enrollAdmin.js
$ node registerUser.js John
$ node query.js John fabcar queryAllCars
$ node invoke.js John fabcar createCar CAR12 Honda Accord Black Tom
$ node query.js John fabcar queryCar CAR12
$ node invoke.js John fabcar changeCarOwner CAR12 Dave
$ node query.js John fabcar queryCar CAR12