Setup Documentum xCP docker environment using Vagrant and Docker Container on Hyper-V VM. The guide below is valid for Windows 10 Pro users who has Admin permissions to run referenced commands.
Below assumtions have been made while creating this document. Please skip the relevant sections below if you already have referenced components installed/configured.
- Windows package manager (Chocolatey) and Hyper-V are not installed and configured
- Git and Vagrant are not installed and configured
- A private docker registry exists, and is accessible to use documentum content server image
Configuration | Software/Specs | Other Info |
Windows 10 Pro (HOST) | Hyper-V | CentOS 7 (GUEST), Docker (CONTAINER) |
RAM | 8 of 16 GB is available | |
CORES | 2 of 6 are available | |
DISK | 50 GB SSD available |
Open the Windows PowerShell as Administrator, and run the commands below.
cd ~
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V -All
Open the Windows PowerShell as Administrator, and run the commands below.
cd ~
choco install -y git # Remove if you already have git
choco install -y vagrant # Remove if you already have vagrant
This step integrate many manual steps into one Vagrantfile and delivers the Dockerised xCP environment. Some command-line options will be presented to deal with Hyper-V VM provisioning, and until the limitations are removed, will be not automated. Open a new Windows PowerShell as Administrator, and run the commands below.
cd ~
mkdir DCTM-Projects
cd DCTM-Projects
git clone
cd .\win-vagrant-docker-xcp
- da.war
- process_engine_linux.tar
- media-files/tomcat-users.xml : Update passwords
- documentum-environment.profile : Update passwords
# Import the environment variables to connect with private docker hub registry.
# This is not a good practice, and would highly recommend to use
# In this instance, we are enforcing to get rid of history at the end of session exit.
Set-PSReadlineOption -HistorySaveStyle SaveNothing
$env:DHUBID = 'Docker HUB ID'
cd ~\DCTM-Projects\win-vagrant-docker-xcp
vagrant up
[DM_CRYPTO_F_KEYSTORE_INIT]fatal: "Failed to initialize keystore at /opt/dctm/dba/secure/CSaek. Internal error - 1057226582"
Even if you are not using lockbox feature, this has fixed the issue after rebooting the hyper-v, and the containers. Please refer
# Take the backup of the $DOCUMENTUM/dba/secure folder
cp -r $DOCUMENTUM/dba/secure $DOCUMENTUM/dba/secure_bkp
if [ -f $DM_HOME/bin/dm_crypto_manage_lockbox ]; then
cd $DM_HOME/bin/
chmod +x dm_crypto_manage_lockbox
dm_crypto_manage_lockbox -lockbox -lockboxpassphrase -resetfingerprint
dm_crypto_boot -all -passphrase
echo "$DM_HOME/bin/dm_crypto_manage_lockbox does not exist.. so issue can not be resolved"
exit 1