- basic node.js project
- fix RuntimeError: float unrepresentable in integer range
- azure-pipelines using npm
- source code ported to TypeScript
- Types for input files, output files
- src/util with utilities for
- working with magick files,
- html images/input elements,
- image compare,
- extract information,
- command line string to
array conversion utility
high level functionImageContext
auxiliary classes- jasmine specs that runs in chrome (puppeteer)
- tslint
to test all supported formats- new low level
function that resolves with more information: stdout, stderr, exitCode - extractInfo() return value typings
- interactive execution context sample
- high level apis support for built in images
- npm test now execute both node and browser tests
- new call() low level function that resolves with stdout, stderr, exitCode (solves KnicKnic#11)
- src/list contains enums for "convert list" values - auto-generated using scripts/generateImEnums.ts
- npm run bundle generate bundle files that can be imported as js estandard modules or UMD - magickApi.js is one of these. uses rollup tool
- apidocs using typedoc to generate markdown - published in /apidocs and linked in readme - see apidocs
- getPixelColor
- dependencies updated (most importantly gulp 4)
- First automated release
- Support auto discovery of magick.js & magick.wasm files
- Allows simple usage in CDNs
Publish fix'd npm package
Undo publish of above
fix using let breaking web worker KnicKnic#56
use published container for build, rather than build container image every time (updated utilities were failing build)
- fix Execute fails with 'TypeError: Cannot read property 'buffer' of undefined [...]'
- fix Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getSync' of undefined
- fixed webworker location lookup code to fail to same directory on webserver (instead of failing)
- fix docs - updated basic playground url