+ The Duckietown book
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+# Contributing to the documentation {#part:contribute-to-docs status=ready level=part}
+This part describes the workflow for contributing to our documentation.
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+# Overview {#duckumentation-intro status=ready}
+TODO: write more about the design principles.
+## Where the documentation is
+All the documentation is in the repository `duckietown/duckuments`.
+The documentation is written as a series of small files in Markdown format.
+It is then processed by a series of scripts to create publication-quality PDF and an online HTML version.
+You can find all these artifacts produced at the site [`docs.duckietown.org`](http://docs.duckietown.org).
+## Editing links
+The simplest way to contribute to the documentation is to click any of the "✎" icons next to the headers.
+They link to the "edit" page in Github. There, one can make and commit the edits in only a few seconds.
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+# Installation and compilation {#duckumentation-installing-docs-system status=ready}
+In the following, we are going to assume that the documentation system is installed in `~/duckuments`. However, it can be installed anywhere.
+We are also going to assume that you have setup a Github account with working public keys.
+See: [Basic SSH config](#ssh-local-configuration).
+See: [Key pair creation](#howto-create-key-pair).
+See: [Adding public key on Github](#howto-add-pubkey-to-github).
+### Download the `duckuments` repo
+Download the `duckietown/duckuments` repository in the `~/duckuments` directory:
+$ git clone --depth 11 git@github.com:duckietown/duckuments ~/duckuments
+$ cd ~/duckuments
+$ git submodule init
+$ git submodule update --recursive
+Here, note we are using `git lfs clone` -- it's much faster, because it downloads the Git LFS files in parallel.
+If it fails, it means that you do not have Git LFS installed. See [](#git-lfs).
+The command `--depth 10` tells it we do not care about the whole history.
+### Setup the virtual environment
+Use this to install a virtual environment and dependencies:
+$ cd ~/duckuments
+$ make dependencies-ubuntu16
+$ make install-ubuntu16
+For other distributions, you might need to modify the `install-ubuntu16` Makefile recipe (e.g. use `venv` instead of `virtualenv`).
+## Compiling the documentation {#compiling-master}
+### Compiling all the books
+To compile everything from scratch, run:
+$ make realclean all
+To see the results, open the file
+If you want to do incremental compilation, you can omit the `clean` and just use:
+$ make all
+### Compiling a single book
+After you have compiled all the books, you can use one of the following commands to re-compile one single book:
+$ make book-duckumentation
+$ make book-the_duckietown_project
+$ make book-opmanual_duckiebot_base
+$ make book-opmanual_duckiebot_fancy
+$ make book-opmanual_duckietown
+$ make book-software_carpentry
+$ make book-software_devel
+$ make book-software_architecture
+$ make book-class_fall2017
+$ make book-class_fall2017_projects
+$ make book-learning_materials
+$ make book-exercises
+$ make book-drafts
+$ make book-guide_for_instructors
+$ make book-deprecated
+$ make book-preliminaries
+The compilation is always incremental, but sometimes you might need to do a reset using:
+$ make realclean
+## Reporting problems
+First, see the section [](#markduck-troubleshooting) for common problems and their resolution.
+Please report problems with the duckuments using [the `duckuments` issue tracker][tracker].
+[tracker]: https://github.com/duckietown/duckuments/issues
+Special notes:
+* If you have a problem with a generated PDF, please attach the offending PDF.
+* If you say something like "This happens for Figure 3", then it is hard to know which figure you are referencing exactly, because numbering changes from commit to commit.
+ If you want to refer to specific parts of the text, please commit all your work on your branch, and obtain the name of the commit using the following commands:
+$ git -C ~/duckuments rev-parse HEAD # commit for duckuments
+$ git -C ~/duckuments/mcdp rev-parse HEAD # commit for mcdp
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+# Workflow to edit documentation {#duckumentation-workflow status=ready}
+This section describes the workflow to edit the documentation collaboratively.
+We make the following assumptions:
+* Every writer has a Github account with username `![username]`.
+* Every writer will *fork* the `duckuments` repo to their Github account.
+* All contributions are pull requests.
+* [Optional] Every writer will sign up on Circle CI. This will make it easier to check whether there are problems to be fixed.
+## Workflow
+### Fork the `duckuments` repo on the Github site
+For the `duckuments` repo on the Github site ([](#fork-duckuments)).
+This will create a new repo on your account that is linked to the original one.
+### [optional] Sign up on Circle
+Sign up on the Circle CI service, at the link [circleci.com](http://circleci.com).
+### [optional] Activate your build on Circle
+Activate the building at the link:
+where `![username]` is your Github username.
+Click "start building".
+### Checkout your fork locally
+Check out the forked repository as you would do normally.
+### Do your edits
+Do your edits on your
+### Compile
+Compile using:
+$ make all
+You can also compile a single book using:
+$ make book-![book name]
+Type TAB after `book-` to see the list of books.
+### Commit and push
+Commit and push as you would do normally.
+#### [optional] Make sure everything compiles on Circle
+Go to the URL:
+to see the status of your build.
+You can also preview the results by clicking the "artifacts" tab and selecting `index.html` from the list.
+### Make a pull request
+Create a pull request to the original repository.
+#### Option 1: Use the Github website
+Github offers a nice interface to create a pull request.
+#### Option 2: Use the command-line program `hub`
+You can create a pull request from the command-line using [`hub`](#hub):
+$ hub pull-request
+See: [](#hub)
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+# Markdown editors {#duckumentation-editors status=ready}
+We suggest the following:
+* Find a visual Markdown editor that you like.
+* Complement with a superb text-only editor.
+## Graphical Markdown editors
+### Typhora
+Typhora is our favorite beacause it allows to preview LaTeX formulas.
+## Text editors good for Markdown
+## Atom
+See: [](#atom)
+## PyCharm
+See: [](#pycharm)
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+oid sha256:6f4adb382b3b3a792b3e879ba718ebfe97678cbb5a76755bcf9214f597c0a362
+size 193104
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+oid sha256:06694858b87f573aea54e46c6ba5cc29814d83944d58151e3fb4b00ec62801df
+size 240162
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+# Markduck format {#part:markduck status=ready}
+This part describes the Markdown dialect that is used in the documentation.
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+# Basic Markduck guide {#markduck-basic status=ready}
+The Duckiebooks are written in Markduck, a Markdown dialect.
+It supports many features that make it possible to create publication-worthy materials.
+## Markdown
+The Duckiebook are written in a Markdown dialect.
+See: [A tutorial on Markdown][tutorial].
+[tutorial]: https://www.markdowntutorial.com/
+## Variables in command lines and command output
+Use the syntax "![name]" for describing the variables in the code.
+For example, to obtain:
+ $ ssh ![robot name].local
+Use the following:
+For example, to obtain:
+ $ ssh ![robot name].local
+Make sure to quote (with 4 spaces) all command lines. Otherwise, the dollar symbol confuses the
+LaTeX interpreter.
+## Character escapes
+Use the string $ to write the dollar symbol
+$, otherwise it gets confused with LaTeX math materials. Also notice
+that you should probably use "USD" to refer to U.S. dollars.
+Other symbols to escape are shown in [](#tab:escapes).
+ use $instead of $
+ use `instead of `
+ use &#lt;instead of <
+ use &#gt;instead of >
+## Keyboard keys
+Use the `kbd` element for keystrokes.
+For example, to obtain:
+> Press a then Ctrl-C.
+use the following:
+Press a then Ctrl-C.
+## Figures {#figures}
+To create a figure, use the element `figure`:
+ Hello
+ Hello
+### More attributes
+Use `class="caption-left"` to have the caption show up on the left rather than on the bottom:
+ Hello
+ Hello
+## Subfigures
+You can create subfigures by nesting `figure` elements:
+ Main caption
+ Hello
+ second
+ Main caption
+ Hello
+ second
+By default, they are displayed one per block.
+To make them flow horizontally, add `class="flow-subfigures"` to the external figure:
+ Main caption
+ Hello
+ second
+ Main caption
+ Hello
+ second
+For any element, adding an attribute called `figure-id` with value `fig:![figure ID]` or `tab:![table ID]` will create a figure that wraps the element.
+## Shortcut for tables
+The shortcuts `col2`, `col3`, `col4`, `col5`
+are expanded in tables with 2, 3, 4 or 5 columns.
+The following code:
+gives the following result:
+ A
+ B
+ C
+ D
+### `labels-row1` and `labels-row1`
+Use the classes `labels-row1` and `labels-row1` to make pretty tables like the following.
+`labels-row1`: the first row is the headers.
+`labels-col1`: the first column is the headers.
+ Using class="labels-col1"
+ header A
+ B
+ C
+ 1
+ header D
+ E
+ F
+ 2
+ header G
+ H
+ I
+ 3
+ Using class="labels-row1"
+ header A
+ header B
+ header C
+ D
+ E
+ F
+ G
+ H
+ I
+ 1
+ 2
+ 3
+## Linking to documentation {#linking-to-documentation}
+### Establishing names of headers {#establishing}
+You give IDs to headers using the format:
+### ![header title] {#![topic ID]}
+For example, for this subsection, we have used:
+### Establishing names of headers {#establishing}
+With this, we have given this header the ID "`establishing`".
+### How to name IDs - and why it's not automated
+Some time ago, if there was a section called
+## My section
+then it would be assigned the ID "my-section".
+This behavior has been removed, for several reasons.
+One is that if you don't see the ID then you will be tempted to just change the name:
+## My better section
+and silently the ID will be changed to "my-better-section" and all the previous links will be invalidated.
+The current behavior is to generate an ugly link like "autoid-209u31j".
+This will make it clear that you cannot link using the PURL if you don't assign an ID.
+Also, I would like to clarify that all IDs are *global* (so it's easy to link stuff, without thinking about namespaces, etc.).
+Therefore, please choose descriptive IDs, with at least two IDs.
+E.g. if you make a section called
+## Localization {#localization}
+that's certainly a no-no, because "localization" is too generic.
+## Localization {#intro-localization}
+Also note that you don't *need* to add IDs to everything, only the things that people could link to. (e.g. not subsubsections)
+### Linking from the documentation to the documentation
+You can use the syntax:
+ [](#![topic ID])
+to refer to the header.
+You can also use some slightly more complex syntax that also allows
+to link to only the name, only the number or both ([](#tab:link-examples)).
See [](#establishing).
+ See
See <a class="only_name" href="#establishing"></a>.
+ See .
See <a class="only_number" href="#establishing"></a>.
+ See .
See <a class="number_name" href="#establishing"></a>.
+ See .
+### Linking to the documentation from outside the documentation
+You are encouraged to put links to the documentation from the code or scripts.
+To do so, use links of the form:
+ http://purl.org/dth/![topic ID]
+Here "`dth`" stands for "Duckietown Help". This link will get redirected to
+the corresponding document on the website.
+For example, you might have a script whose output is:
+ $ rosrun mypackage myscript
+ Error. I cannot find the scuderia file.
+ See: http://purl.org/dth/scuderia
+When the user clicks on the link, they will be redirected to [](#scuderia).
+## Comments
+You can insert comments using the HTML syntax for comments:
+any text between "<!--" and "-->" is ignored.
+# My section
+<!-- this text is ignored -->
+Let's start by...
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+# Special paragraphs and environments {#markduck-special-pars status=ready label-name="Special paragraphs"}
+## Special paragraphs tags {#special-paragraphs}
+The system supports parsing of some special paragraphs.
+Note: some of these might be redundant and will be eliminated. For now,
+I am documenting what is implemented.
+### Special paragraphs must be separated by a line {#empty-line-before-special}
+A special paragraph is marked by a special prefix.
+The list of special prefixes is given in the next section.
+There must be an empty line before a special paragraph;
+this is because in Markdown a paragraph starts only after an empty line.
+This is checked automatically, and the compilation will abort if the mistake is found.
+For example, this is invalid:
+ See: this book
+ See: this other book
+This is correct:
+ See: this book
+ See: this other book
+Similarly, this is invalid:
+ Author: author
+ Maintainer: maintainer
+and this is correct:
+ Author: author
+ Maintainer: maintainer
+### Todos, task markers
+ TODO: todo
+TODO: todo
+ TOWRITE: towrite
+TOWRITE: towrite
+ Task: task
+Task: task
+ Assigned: assigned
+Assigned: assigned
+### Notes and remarks
+ Remark: remark
+Remark: remark
+ Note: note
+Note: note
+ Warning: warning
+Warning: warning
+### Troubleshooting
+ Symptom: symptom
+Symptom: symptom
+ Resolution: resolution
+Resolution: resolution
+### Guidelines
+ Bad: bad
+Bad: bad
+ Better: better
+Better: better
+### Questions and answers
+ Q: question
+Q: question
+ A: answer
+A: answer
+### Authors, maintainers, Point of Contact
+ Maintainer: maintainer
+Maintainer: maintainer
+ Assigned: AndreaCensi
+Assigned: AndreaCensi
+### References
+ See: see
+See: see
+ Reference: reference
+Reference: reference
+ Requires: requires
+Requires: requires
+ Results: results
+Results: results
+ Next steps: next steps
+Next steps: next steps
+ Recommended: recommended
+Recommended: recommended
+ See also: see also
+See also: see also
+## Other `div` environments {#div-environments}
+For these, note the rules:
+- You must include `markdown="1"`.
+- There must be an empty line after the first `div` and before the closing `/div`.
+### Example usage
+ This is how you can use `rosbag`:
+ $ rosbag play log.bag
+This is how you can use `rosbag`:
+ $ rosbag play log.bag
+### Check
+ Check that you didn't forget anything.
+Check that you didn't forget anything.
+### Requirements
+ List of requirements at the beginning of setup chapter.
+List of requirements at the beginning of setup chapter.
+## Notes and questions {#notes-and-questions}
+There are three environments: "comment", "question", "doubt",
+that result in boxes that can be expanded by the user.
+These are the one-paragraph forms:
+ Comment: this is a comment on one paragraph.
+Comment: this is a comment on one paragraph.
+ Question: this is a question on one paragraph.
+Question: this is a question on one paragraph.
+ Doubt: I have my doubts on one paragraph.
+Doubt: I have my doubts on one paragraph.
+These are the multiple-paragraphs forms:
+ A comment...
+ A second paragraph...
+A comment...
+A second paragraph...
+ A question...
+ A second paragraph...
+A question...
+A second paragraph...
+ A question...
+ Should it not be:
+ $ alternative command
+ A second paragraph...
+A question...
+Should it not be:
+ $ alternative command
+A second paragraph...
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+# Using LaTeX constructs in documentation {#markduck-latex status=ready label-name="LaTeX constructs"}
+Requires: Working knowledge of LaTeX.
+## Embedded LaTeX
+You can use $\LaTeX$ math, environment, and references. For example, take a look at
+ x^2 = \int_0^t f(\tau)\ \text{d}\tau
+or refer to [](#prop:example).
+\begin{proposition}[Proposition example]\label{prop:example}
+This is an example proposition: $2x = x + x$.
+The above was written as in [](#code:latex-code).
+You can use $\LaTeX$ math, environment, and references.
+For example, take a look at
+ x^2 = \int_0^t f(\tau)\ \text{d}\tau
+or refer to [](#prop:example).
+\begin{proposition}[Proposition example]\label{prop:example}
+This is an example proposition: $2x = x + x$.
+For the LaTeX environments to work properly you *must* add a `\label`
+declaration inside. Moreover, the label must have a prefix that is adequate
+to the environment. For example, for a proposition, you must insert `\label{prop:![name]}`
+The following table shows the list of the LaTeX environments supported
+and the label prefix that they need.
+ definition
+ def:![name]
+ proposition
+ prop:![name]
+ remark
+ rem:![name]
+ problem
+ prob:![name]
+ theorem
+ thm:![name]
+ lemma
+ lem:![name]
+Examples of all environments follow.
+ I can also refer to all of them:
+ [](#def:lorem),
+ [](#prop:lorem),
+ [](#rem:lorem),
+ [](#prob:lorem),
+ [](#exa:lorem),
+ [](#thm:lorem),
+ [](#lem:lorem).
+I can also refer to all of them:
+## LaTeX equations {#latex-equations}
+We can refer to equations, such as \eqref{eq:one}:
+ 2a = a + a \label{eq:one}
+This uses `align` and contains \eqref{eq:two} and \eqref{eq:three}.
+ a &= b \label{eq:two} \\
+ &= c \label{eq:three}
+We can refer to equations, such as \eqref{eq:one}:
+ 2a = a + a \label{eq:one}
+This uses `align` and contains \eqref{eq:two} and \eqref{eq:three}.
+ a &= b \label{eq:two} \\
+ &= c \label{eq:three}
+Note that referring to the equations is done using the syntax `\eqref{eq:![name]}`,
+rather than `[](#eq:![name])`.
+## LaTeX symbols
+The LaTeX symbols definitions are in a file called [`docs/symbols.tex`][symbols].
+[symbols]: github:org=Duckietown,repo=duckuments,path=docs/symbols.tex
+Put all definitions there; if they are centralized it is easier to check
+that they are coherent.
+## Bibliography support {#bibliography-support}
+You need to have installed `bibtex2html`.
+The system supports Bibtex files.
+Place `*.bib` files anywhere in the directory.
+Then you can refer to them using the syntax:
+ [](#bib:![bibtex ID])
+For example:
+ Please see [](#bib:siciliano07handbook).
+Will result in:
+> Please see [](#bib:siciliano07handbook).
+## Embedding Latex in Figures through SVG {#svg-figures}
+Requires: In order to compile the figures into PDFs you need to have Inkscape installed. Instructions to download and install Inkscape are [here](https://inkscape.org/en/release/0.92.2/).
+To embed latex in your figures, you can add it directly to a file and save it as `![filename].svg` file and save anywhere in the `/docs` directory.
+You can run:
+ $ make process-svg-figs
+And the SVG file will be compiled into a PDF figure with the LaTeX commands properly interpreted.
+You can then include the PDF file in a normal way ([](#figures)) using `![filename].pdf` as the filename in the <img> tag.
+ Embedding LaTeX in images
+ Image saved as svg
+ Image as PDF after processing
+It can take a bit of work to get the positioning of the code to appear properly on the figure.
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+# Embedding videos {#markduck-vimeo status=ready}
+It is possible to embed Vimeo videos in the documentation.
+Note: Do not upload the videos to your personal Vimeo account; they must all be
+posted to the Duckietown Engineering account.
+This is the syntax:
+For example, this code:
+ Cool Duckietown by night
+produces this result:
+ Cool Duckietown by night
+Depending on the output media, the result will change:
+* On the online book, the result is that a player is embedded.
+* On the e-book version, the result is that a thumbnail is produced, with a link to the video;
+* (future improvement) On the dead-tree version, a thumbnail is produced with a QR code linking to the video.
+# `move-here` tag {#move-here status=deprecated}
+Note: This feature is deprecated, as it causes more problems than it solves.
+If a file contains the tag `move-here`, the fragment pointed by the `src` attribute is moved at the place of the tag.
+This is used for autogenerated documentation.
+ # Node `node`
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+# Referring to Github files {#markduck-github status=ready}
+You can refer to files in the repository by using:
+ See [this file](github:org=![org],repo=![repo],path=![path],branch=![branch]).
+The available keys are:
+- `org` (required): organization name (e.g. `duckietown`);
+- `repo` (required): repository name (e.g. `Software`);
+- `path` (required): the filename. Can be just the file name or also include directories;
+- `branch` (optional) the repository branch; defaults to `master`;
+For example, you can refer to [the file `pkg_name/src/subscriber_node.py`][link1] by using the following syntax:
+[link1]: github:org=duckietown,repo=Software,path=pkg_name/src/subscriber_node.py
+ See [this file](github:org=duckietown,repo=Software,path=pkg_name/src/subscriber_node.py)
+You can also refer to a particular line:
+This is done using the following parameters:
+- `from_text` (optional): reference the first line containing the text;
+- `from_line` (optional): reference the line by number;
+For example, you can refer to [the line containing "Initialize"][link2]
+of `pkg_name/src/subscriber_node.py` by using the following syntax:
+[link2]: github:org=duckietown,repo=Software,path=pkg_name/src/subscriber_node.py,from_text=Initialize
+ For example, you can refer to [the line containing "Initialize"][link2]
+ of `pkg_name/src/subscriber_node.py` by using the following syntax:
+ [link2]: github:org=duckietown,repo=Software,path=pkg_name/src/subscriber_node.py,from_text=Initialize
+You can also reference a range of lines, using the parameters:
+- `to_text` (optional): references the final line, by text;
+- `to_line` (optional): references the final line, by number.
+You cannot give `from_text` and `from_line` at the same time.
+You cannot give a `to_...` without the `from_...`.
+For example, [this link refers to a range of lines][interval]: click it to see how Github highlights the lines from "Initialize" to "spin".
+[interval]: github:org=duckietown,repo=Software,path=pkg_name/src/subscriber_node.py,from_text=Initialize,to_text=spin
+This is the source of the previous paragraph:
+ For example, [this link refers to a range of lines][interval]: click it to see how Github highlights the lines from "Initialize" to "spin".
+ [interval]: github:org=duckietown,repo=Software,path=pkg_name/src/subscriber_node.py,from_text=Initialize,to_text=spin
+## Putting code from the repository in line
+In addition to referencing the files, you can also copy the contents of a file inside the documentation.
+This is done by using the tag `display-file`.
+For example, you can put a copy of `pkg_name/src/subscriber_node.py` using:
+and the result is the following automatically generated listing:
+If you use the `from_text` and `to_text` (or `from_line` and `to_line`), you can actually display part of a file. For example:
+creates the following automatically generated listing:
diff --git a/docs/20_markduck/69_markduck_troubleshooting.md b/docs/20_markduck/69_markduck_troubleshooting.md
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+++ b/docs/20_markduck/69_markduck_troubleshooting.md
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+# Troubleshooting {#markduck-troubleshooting status=ready}
+## Troubleshooting errors in the compilation process
+Symptom: "Invalid XML"
+Resolution: "Markdown" doesn't mean that you can put anything in a file. Except
+for the code blocks, it must be valid XML. For example, if you use
+">" and "<" without quoting, it will likely
+cause a compile error.
+Symptom: "Tabs are evil"
+Resolution: Do not use tab characters. The error message in this case is quite
+helpful in telling you exactly where the tabs are.
+Symptom: The error message contains `ValueError: Suspicious math fragment 'KEYMATHS000ENDKEY'`
+Resolution: You probably have forgotten to indent a command line by at least 4 spaces. The dollar in the command line is now being confused for a math formula.
+## Common mistakes with Markdown {#common-markdown-mistakes}
+Here are some common mistakes encountered.
+### Not properly starting a list {#invalid-list}
+There must be an empty line before the list starts.
+This is correct:
+ I want to learn:
+ - robotics
+ - computer vision
+ - underwater basket weaving
+This is incorrect:
+ I want to learn:
+ - robotics
+ - computer vision
+ - underwater basket weaving
+and it will be rendered as follows:
+I want to learn:
+- robotics
+- computer vision
+- underwater basket weaving
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+version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
+oid sha256:049eece86365e244716d25b5fcfbb66553753d16858182161f08539127291a3b
+size 50877
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/docs/20_markduck/example.bib
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ author = {Siciliano, Bruno and Khatib, Oussama},
+ title = {Springer Handbook of Robotics},
+ year = {2007},
+ isbn = {354023957X},
+ publisher = {Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.},
+ address = {Secaucus, NJ, USA},
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+version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
+oid sha256:0f50decb4bd64816c7a73812a1c39b5c9a21754078cef809160c5d64d8ec7779
+size 2895
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6a064b
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/20_markduck/sample-no-process.pdf differ
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+++ b/docs/20_markduck/sample.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
+oid sha256:48faf9b57e4677aaa151bd751b03ee1a2e0e5e53f6b61001a6647ece1bae7125
+size 4084
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# Documentation style guide {#part:style-guide status=ready}
+This part describes the style guide for our documentation.
diff --git a/docs/30_style_guide/76_style_guide.md b/docs/30_style_guide/76_style_guide.md
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/docs/30_style_guide/76_style_guide.md
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+# Style guide {#documentation-style-guide status=ready}
+This chapter describes the conventions for writing the technical documentation.
+## General guidelines for technical writing
+The following holds for all technical writing.
+- The documentation is written in correct English.
+- Do not say "should" when you mean "must". "Must" and "should" have precise
+ meanings and they are not interchangeable.
+ These meanings are explained [in this document][rfc].
+[rfc]: https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt
+- "Please" is unnecessary in technical documentation.
+> Bad: "Please remove the SD card."
+> Better: "Remove the SD card".
+- Do not use colloquialisms or abbreviations.
+> Bad: "The pwd is `ubuntu`."
+> Better: "The password is `ubuntu`."
+> Bad: "To create a ROS pkg..."
+> Better: "To create a ROS package..."
+- Python is capitalized when used as a name.
+> Bad: "If you are using python..."
+> Better: "If you are using Python..."
+- Do not use emojis.
+- Do not use ALL CAPS.
+- Make infrequent use of **bold statements**.
+- Do not use exclamation points.
+## Style guide for the Duckietown documentation
+- The English version of the documentation is written in American English. Please note that your spell checker might be set to British English.
+Bad: behaviour
+Better: behavior
+Bad: localisation
+Better: localization
+- It's ok to use "it's" instead of "it is", "can't" instead of "cannot", etc.
+- All the filenames and commands must be enclosed in code blocks using Markdown backticks.
+> Bad: "Edit the ~/.ssh/config file using vi."
+> Better: "Edit the `~/.ssh/config` file using `vi`."
+- Ctrl-C, `ssh` etc. are not verbs.
+> Bad: "Ctrl-C from the command line".
+> Better: "Use Ctrl-C from the command line".
+- Subtle humor and puns about duckies are encouraged.
+## Writing command lines
+Use either "`laptop`" or "`duckiebot`" (not capitalized, as a hostname) as the prefix for the command line.
+For example, for a command that is supposed to run
+on the laptop, use:
laptop $ cd ~/duckietown
+It will become:
+ laptop $ cd ~/duckietown
+For a command that must run on the Duckiebot, use:
duckiebot $ cd ~/duckietown
+It will become:
+ duckiebot $ cd ~/duckietown
+If the command is supposed to be run on both, omit the hostname:
+ $ cd ~/duckietown
+## Frequently misspelled words
+- "Duckiebot" is always capitalized.
+- Use "Raspberry Pi", not "PI", "raspi", etc.
+- These are other words frequently misspelled:
+ 5 GHz
+ WiFi
+## Other conventions
+When the user must edit a file, just say: "edit `/this/file`".
+Writing down the command line for editing, like the following:
+ $ vi /this/file
+is too much detail.
+(If people need to be told how to edit a file, Duckietown is too advanced for them.)
+## Troubleshooting sections
+Write the documentation as if every step succeeds.
+Then, at the end, make a "Troubleshooting" section.
+Organize the troubleshooting section as a list of symptom/resolution.
+The following is an example of a troubleshooting section.
+### Troubleshooting
+Symptom: This strange thing happens.
+Resolution: Maybe the camera is not inserted correctly. Remove and reconnect.
+Symptom: This other strange thing happens.
+Resolution: Maybe the plumbus is not working correctly. Try reformatting the plumbus.
diff --git a/docs/40_backend/00_part_backend.md b/docs/40_backend/00_part_backend.md
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/docs/40_backend/00_part_backend.md
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Backend for `docs.duckietown.org` {#part:duckumentation-backend status=ready}
+This part describes the backend that allows the website to be published
+at `docs.duckietown.org`.
diff --git a/docs/40_backend/20_circle_ci.md b/docs/40_backend/20_circle_ci.md
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/docs/40_backend/20_circle_ci.md
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# CircleCI integration {#duckumentation-circleci status=draft}
+TODO: Describe what is going on.
diff --git a/docs/40_backend/69_compiling_pdf.md b/docs/40_backend/69_compiling_pdf.md
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/docs/40_backend/69_compiling_pdf.md
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# \*Compiling the PDF version {#duckuments-pdf status=deprecated}
+Note: these are instructions that should not be needed anymore.
+This part describes how to compile the PDF version.
+Note: The dependencies below are harder to install. If you don't manage to do it, then you only lose the ability to compile the PDF.
+## Installing `nodejs`
+Ensure the latest version (>6) of `nodejs` is installed.
+ $ nodejs --version
+ 6.xx
+If the version is 4 or less, remove `nodejs`:
+ $ sudo apt remove nodejs
+Install `nodejs` using [the instructions at this page][nodejs].
+[nodejs]: https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager/#debian-and-ubuntu-based-linux-distributions
+Next, install the necessary Javascript libraries using `npm`:
+ $ npm install MathJax-node jsdom@9.3 less
+### Troubleshooting `nodejs` installation problems
+The only pain point in the installation procedure has been the installation of `nodejs` packages using `npm`. For some reason, they cannot be installed globally (`npm install -g`).
+Do **not** use `sudo` for installation. It will cause problems.
+If you use `sudo`, you probably have to delete a bunch of directories,
+such as: `~/duckuments/node_modules`, `~/.npm`, and `~/.node_modules`, if they exist.
+## Installing Prince
+Install PrinceXML from [this page](https://www.princexml.com/download/).
+## Installing fonts
+Copy the `~/duckuments/fonts` directory in `~/.fonts`:
+ $ mkdir -p ~/.fonts # create if not exists
+ $ cp -R ~/duckuments/fonts ~/.fonts
+and then rebuild the font cache using:
+ $ fc-cache -fv
diff --git a/docs/50_slides/00_part_slides.md b/docs/50_slides/00_part_slides.md
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/docs/50_slides/00_part_slides.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Slides {#part:slides status=ready}
+# Creating slides {#creating-slides status=ready}
+See this presentation: [](#making-slides)
diff --git a/docs/50_slides/duckuments_slides.md b/docs/50_slides/duckuments_slides.md
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+++ b/docs/50_slides/duckuments_slides.md
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+# Making slides {#making-slides type=slides status=ready nonumber=1 label-name="🎦 Making slides"}
+To create slides, use `type=slides` for an H1 header:
+# Making slides {#making-slides type=slides status=ready nonumber=1}
+To create slides, use the attribute `type=slides` for an H1 header:
+## Next slides
+Use second-level headers to make subsequent slides:
+# Making slides {#making-slides type=slides status=beta}
+To create slides, use `type=slides` for an H1 header:
+## Next slides
+Use second-level headers to make subsequent slides:
+## Stepping
+Use the symbol `▶` to make the corresponding fragment appear on click.
+* Step 1 ▶
+* Step 2 ▶
+* Step 3 ▶
+* Step 1 ▶
+* Step 2 ▶
+* Step 3 ▶
+## Maths
+Latex still works here.
+A simple test for math:
+a + b \geq \sqrt{c}
+## Stepping through equations
+You can also step through equations:
+Consider: ▶
+a = b ▶
+Then we get: ▶
+c = d ▶
+Consider: ▶
+a = b ▶
+Then we get: ▶
+c = d ▶
+Stepping through partial parts of equations is not supported.
+## Sub-slides
+You can have "sub slides" to make the presentation nonlinear.
+**Defining subslides**: Create a subslide by using header `h3`:
+### Subslide 1
+This is lower.
+### Subslide 2
+This is even lower.
+**Showing subslides**: Press down to show the subslides.
+**Showing the slides map**: Press ESC again to look at the slides map.
+### Subslide 1
+This is lower.
+### Subslide 2
+This is even lower.
+## Presentation mode
+Press the key S to enter presenters mode.
+Press ESC to exit presenter mode.
+## Presenter notes
+Use a blockquote at the end of a slide to encode the presenter notes.
+## Presenter notes
+Use a blockquote at the end of a slide to encode the presenter notes:
+> These are presenter notes that will appear in presenter mode.
+> These are presenter notes that will appear in presenter mode.
+## Under the hood
+* All of this is built on top of `reveal.js`.
+* Please see [`reveal.js`](https://revealjs.com/) for the complete list of features.
+## Figures {#other-features}
+All other duckuments features work as expected.
+Example of a figure:
+## Subfigures
+Subfigures with animation:
+ ▶
+ Main caption
+ ▶
+ Hello
+ ▶
+ second
+ ▶
+ Main caption
+ ▶
+ Hello
+ ▶
+ second
+## Cross references
+You can link to chapters and vice-versa: [](#creating-slides)
+You can link to chapters and vice-versa: [](#creating-slides)
+Link [to the previous slide](#other-features).
+## References
diff --git a/docs/duckietown.css b/docs/duckietown.css
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/docs/duckietown.css
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+/* Duckuments-specific CSS file */
+ margin-top: 1em;
+ margin-bottom: 0.5em;
+ padding-left: 0;
+section, p{
+ max-width: 100%;
+section[status=beta], section[status=draft], section[status=unknown],
+section[status=to-update], section[status=recently-updated], section[status=deprecated]{
+ padding-right: 1em;
+ width: 30em;
+#tocdiv ul:first-child{
+ padding: 10px;
+ border: 1px solid gray;
+ border-radius: 6px;
+ background-color: white;
+ width: 520pt;
+ margin: auto;
+ font-size: 11pt;
+ padding: 20px;
+ margin-top: 1.4em;
+ border: 1px solid gray;
+ border-radius: 6px;
+ background-color: white;
+ transform: none;
+#not-toc section ul{
+ text-indent: 11pt;
+#not-toc section .video-vimeo-player{
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 18em;
+ margin-top: 1em;
+#tocdiv ul li{
+ line-height: 1.5;
+#not-toc ul li{
+ line-height: 1.4;
+#tocdiv > ul > li > ul{
+ margin-left: 0.2em;
+ padding-left: 0.8em;
+ border-left: 3px solid lightgray;
+#tocdiv > ul > li > ul > li > ul{
+ padding-left: 1.2em;
+#not-toc .github-etc-links{
+ transform: scale(1.6);
+ outline: none;
+ border-radius: 4px;
+ background-color: #efeaea;
+ margin-right: 1em;
+ padding: 1.1pt 4pt 0.5pt 4pt;
+#not-toc .github-etc-links .github-edit-link{
+ font-size: inherit;
+ color: black;
+#not-toc .github-etc-links .purl-link{
+ font-size: 6pt;
+ margin: 0;
+ margin-left: 4pt;
+#not-toc h4{
+ margin-top: 1.2em;
+#not-toc section > .navigation:first-child{
+ margin-bottom: 2em;
+#not-toc section > .navigation:last-child{
+ margin-top: 4em;
+body:not(.show_todos) details.task,
+body:not(.show_todos) details.error {
+ display: none;
+body.show_todos details.task,
+body.show_todos details.error {
+ display: block;
diff --git a/run-book-docker.sh b/run-book-docker.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..117ff29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/run-book-docker.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# language=sh
+# set -euo pipefail
+set -x # echo commands
+if [ "$CI" = "" ]
+ branch=`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`
+ branch=${CIRCLE_BRANCH}
+org=`git config --get remote.origin.url | cut -f2 -d":" | cut -f1 -d/ | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`
+if [ "$CI" = "" ]
+ echo "Not on Circle, using parallel compilation."
+ cmd="rparmake n=4"
+ options1="--extra_crossrefs ${extra_crossrefs}"
+ echo "On Circle, not using parallel compilation to avoid running out of memory."
+ cmd=rmake
+ options1=""
+if [ "$ONLY_FOR_REFS" = "" ]
+ options2="--output_file ${dist}/${short}/out.html --split ${dist}/${short}/out/"
+ echo "Skipping polish, ONLY_FOR_REFS"
+ # XXX: need to do split because of cross refs
+ options2="--split ${dist}/${short}/out/ --ignore_ref_errors --only_refs"
+# only andrea and CI build the PDF version
+if [ "$USER" = "andrea" ]
+ options2="${options2} --pdf ${dist}/${short}/out.pdf"
+if [ "$CI" = "" ]
+ echo
+ options2="${options2} --pdf ${dist}/${short}/out.pdf"
+mkdir -p ${dist}
+#source deploy/bin/activate
+mcdp_render_manual="sudo docker run -v $PWD:/duckuments -e USER=$USER -e USERID=$UID -v $PWD:/home/$USER --user $UID andreacensi/mcdp_manual:1 mcdp-render-manual"
+DISABLE_CONTRACTS=1 NODE_PATH=${NP} ${mcdp_render_manual} \
+ --src ${src} \
+ --resources docs:${dist} \
+ --stylesheet v_manual_split \
+ --stylesheet_pdf v_manual_blurb_ready \
+ --wordpress_integration \
+ --output_crossref ${dist}/${short}/crossref.html \
+ -o out/${short} \
+ --permalink_prefix ${permalink_prefix} \
+ ${options1} \
+ ${options2} \
+ -c "config echo 1; ${cmd}"
+# --symbols docs/symbols.tex \
diff --git a/run-book-native.sh b/run-book-native.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bce771d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/run-book-native.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# language=sh
+# set -euo pipefail
+# set -x # echo commands
+if [ "$CI" = "" ]
+ branch=`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`
+ branch=${CIRCLE_BRANCH}
+org=`git config --get remote.origin.url | cut -f2 -d":" | cut -f1 -d/ | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`
+if [ "$CI" = "" ]
+ echo "Not on Circle, using parallel compilation."
+ cmd="rparmake n=4"
+ options1="--extra_crossrefs ${extra_crossrefs}"
+ echo "On Circle, not using parallel compilation to avoid running out of memory."
+ cmd=rmake
+ options1=""
+if [ "$ONLY_FOR_REFS" = "" ]
+ options2="--output_file ${dist}/${short}/out.html --split ${dist}/${short}/out/"
+ echo "Skipping polish, ONLY_FOR_REFS"
+ # XXX: need to do split because of cross refs
+ options2="--split ${dist}/${short}/out/ --ignore_ref_errors --only_refs"
+# only andrea and CI build the PDF version
+if [ "$USER" = "andrea" ]
+ options2="${options2} --pdf ${dist}/${short}/out.pdf"
+if [ "$CI" = "" ]
+ echo
+ options2="${options2} --pdf ${dist}/${short}/out.pdf"
+mkdir -p ${dist}
+#source deploy/bin/activate
+DISABLE_CONTRACTS=1 NODE_PATH=${NP} mcdp-render-manual \
+ --src ${src} \
+ --resources docs:${dist} \
+ --stylesheet v_manual_split \
+ --stylesheet_pdf v_manual_blurb_ready \
+ --wordpress_integration \
+ --output_crossref ${dist}/${short}/crossref.html \
+ --likebtn 5ae54e0d6fd08bb24f3a7fa1 \
+ -o out/${short} \
+ --permalink_prefix ${permalink_prefix} \
+ ${options1} \
+ ${options2} \
+ -c "config echo 1; ${cmd}"
+# --symbols docs/symbols.tex \