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347 lines (231 loc) · 9.52 KB

File metadata and controls

347 lines (231 loc) · 9.52 KB


v.2.1.1 (2024.4.20)

  • new feature: reading parent node in resolve, post and post_default_handler

v.2.1.0 (2024.04.08)

  • bugfix: #7
  • migrating collctor and internal optimization from pydantic-resolve

v.2.0.0 (2024.02.29)

  • rename pydantic2_resolve -> pydantic_resolve to align with pydantic-resolve (v1)
  • add more diagrams in readme.

v.1.1.3 (2024.02.08)

  • add model_config into __all__

v.1.1.2 (2024.02.08) yanked

  • add global_loader_filter for convinence. (thanks Dambre)
  • add model_config for better schema definition (same as output) and hide fields.

v.1.1.1 (2023.12.20)

  • fix corner case of empty list input. tests/core/

v.1.1.0 (2023.12.16)

v1.8.0 + v1.8.1 of pydantic-resolve

  • internal refactor: performance improvement
  • remove Resolver.annotation_class, it will be processed automatically
  • new helper function copy_dataloader_kls to generate a copy of DataLoader
  • pydantic_resolve.utils provide several internal generate_loader functions.

v1.0.1 (2023.11.11)

  • optimize TypyAdapter based on pydantic's suggestion
  • clean doc
  • fix broken examples/

v1.0.0 (2023.11.10)

  • adapt to pydantic v2.

pydantic-resolve (v1)

v.1.7.1 (2023.10.19)

  • fix raising error when __pydantic_resolve_exposed__ field value is None
class Bar(BaseModel):
    __pydantic_resolve_expose__ = {'num': 'bar_num'}  # expose {'bar_num': val }

    num: Optional[int]  # may be None

v.1.7.0 (2023.9.2)

  • add a port in ancestor class to expose value of specific field to its descendants.
  • resolve_field and post_field of descendant class can read those from ancestor_context
  • DO NOT EXPOSE resolver_fields (eg Bar.kars, Kar.desc), it is empty by default.
class Kar(BaseModel):
    name: str

    desc: str = ''
    def resolve_desc(self, ancestor_context):
        return f"{} - {ancestor_context['bar_num']}"  # read ancestor value from 'ancestor_context'

class Bar(BaseModel):
    __pydantic_resolve_expose__ = {'num': 'bar_num'}  # expose {'bar_num': val }

    num: int

    kars: List[Kar] = []
    def resolve_kars(self):
        return [{'name': n} for n in ['a', 'b', 'c']]

class Foo(BaseModel):
    bars: List[Bar] = []

    def resolve_bars(self):
        return [{'num': n} for n in self.nums]

v.1.6.5 (2023.8.12)

  • post_field method and post_default_handler now can read context (setting in Resolver)

v.1.6.4 (2023.8.7)

  • some inside refactor

v1.6.3 (2023.7.20)

  • fix dataclass exception under lazy annotation. refer to tests/resolver/
  • provide extra tip on auto map fails.

recursion dataclass type is still not supported, refer to test/resolver/, L81

v1.6.2 (2023.7.12)

  • fix output minor bug

v1.6.1 (2023.7.11)

  • fix output decorator, it will modify schema_json's required field and fill all fields

v1.6.0 (2023.7.11)

  • add Resolver.context param
  • remove core.resolve
  • change post_method, return value will be assined to target field.
  • add output decorator
  • add post_default_handler for spacial use.

v1.5.2 (2023.7.10)

  • fix pydantic annotation related minor issue

v1.5.1 (2023.7.9)

  • fix the order of auto map, which will break the resolve chain

v1.5.0 (2023.7.9) [has bug, do not use]

  • new feature. the return value from resolve_method will be automatically converted to the type of target field, which means mapper with params of type is not required any more.
  • if you fromt __future__ import annotations at top, make sure you define schemas in global scopes.
    class Book(BaseModel):
        name: str

    async def batch_load_fn(keys):
        books = [[bb for bb in BOOKS.get(k, [])] for k in keys]
        return books

    class Student(BaseModel):
        id: int
        name: str

        books: List[Book] = []
        def resolve_books(self, loader=LoaderDepend(batch_load_fn)):
            return loader.load(  # auto convert dict into Book type

    class ClassRoom(BaseModel):
        students: List[Student]

    students = [Student(id=1, name="jack"), Student(id=2, name="mike"), Student(id=3, name="wiki")]
    classroom = ClassRoom(students=students)
    classroom = await Resolver().resolve(classroom)
    assert isinstance(classroom.students[0].books[0], Book)
  • recommend: using mapper with lambda only

v1.4.1 (2023.7.6)

  • minor optimization, iteration of object attributes.

v1.4.0 (2023.7.6)

  • support resolve through objects which intermediate items has not resolve_ methods.

more detail: tests/resolver/

class C(BaseModel):
    name: str = ''

class B(BaseModel):
    name: str
    c: Optional[C] = None
    async def resolve_c(self) -> Optional[C]:
        await asyncio.sleep(1)
        return C(name='hello world')

class A(BaseModel):
    b: B

class Z(BaseModel):
    a: A
    resolve_age: int

async def test_resolve_object():
    s = Z(a=A(b=B(name="kikodo")), resolve_age=21)  # resolve starts from B

    result = await Resolver().resolve(s)

v1.3.2 (2023.7.4)

  • add subset check decorator ensure_subset.
    class Base(BaseModel):
        a: str
        b: int

    class ChildA(BaseModel):
        a: str

    class ChildB(BaseModel):
        a: str
        c: int = 0
        def resolve_c(self):
            return 21

    class ChildB(BaseModel):
        a: int  # raise attribute error

v1.3.1 (2023.7.3)

  • support auto-mapping from pydantic to pydantic and fix some testcases.

more detail: tests/resolver/

  • test_mapper_6
  • test_mapper_7

v1.3.0 (2023.6.27)

  • add Resolver.loader_instances param, user can create loader before Resolver and this loader will be used inside. for example: you can prime value and to avoid extra query.
loader = FriendLoader()'tangkikodo', ['tom', 'jerry'])'john', ['mike', 'wallace'])
result = await Resolver(loader_instances={FriendLoader: loader}).resolve(root)
# batch_load_fn will not run.

more detail: tests/resolver/

v1.2.2 (2023.6.21)

  • minor adjustment, build_list and build_object will return iterator instead of list.

v1.2.1 (2023.6.19)

  • fix, modify post_fieldname execution position, reduce the duplication.

v1.2.0 (2023.6.18)

  • add post_fieldname method, it will be called after the object is fully resolve as a hook, developer can run some aggregation computation. tests/resolver/
class Friend(BaseModel):
    name: str

    cash: Optional[Cash] = None
    @mapper(Cash)  # auto mapping
    def resolve_cash(self, contact_loader=LoaderDepend(cash_batch_load_fn)):
        return contact_loader.load(

    has_cash: bool = False
    def post_has_cash(self):    # <----------------------
        self.has_cash = is not None

class User(BaseModel):
    name: str
    age: int

    friends: List[Friend] = []
    @mapper(lambda names: [Friend(name=name) for name in names])
    def resolve_friends(self, friend_loader=LoaderDepend(friends_batch_load_fn)):
        return friend_loader.load(

    has_cash: bool = False
    def post_has_cash(self):    # <----------------------
        self.has_cash = any([f.has_cash for f in self.friends])

v1.1.1 (2023.6.17)

  • extend @mapper decorator with target class option, this will call auto_mapping function inside.
comments: List[CommentSchema]  = []
def resolve_comments(self, loader=LoaderDepend(CommentLoader)):
    return loader.load(

v1.1.0 (2023.6.16)

  • add @mapper decorator, to enable custom data transform
comments: List[CommentSchema]  = []
@mapper(lambda items: [CommentSchema.from_orm(item) for item in items])
def resolve_comments(self, loader=LoaderDepend(CommentLoader)):
    return loader.load(

v1.0.0 (2023.6.11)

  • support batch_load_fn as params for LoaderDepend
  • add test tests/resolver/
  • build_object, build_list can be imported from pydantic_resolve

v0.5.1 (2023.6.11)

  • add helper utils for Dataloader.batch_load_fn built_list and build_object, see examples/fastapi_demo/
  • FIX: fix potential error caused by same loader name from different module. see tests/resolver/

v0.5.0 (2023.6.1)

  • Resolver.ensure_type: True will ensure resolve_* methods have return annotation.
  • add FastAPI integrated example examples/fastapi_demo

v0.4.0 (2023.4.6)

  • add new install option pip install "pydantic-resolve[dataloader]" to include aiodataloader` by default
  • add new doc/, doc/ to explain the convinence of using LoaderDepen
  • add new params in Resolver: loader_filters to support global filter setting for inside loaders.
  • add examples/ for global filter

v0.3.2 (2023.4.5)

  • refact tests, group by core and resolver
  • replace unittest with pytest.mark.asyncio
  • little change, new top sample code

v0.3.1 (2023.4.3)

  • change code examples in
  • add unittest for pydantic validationError
  • code refactor (rename)


  • add DataloaderDependCantBeResolved, it will raise if use resolve to handle schema with Dataloader
  • add and in doc folder