diff --git a/launch_7.3.0.yml b/launch_7.3.0.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index c996cea..0000000
--- a/launch_7.3.0.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-- name: Setup SSH Keys
-  hosts: local
-  connection: local
-  gather_facts: False
-  pre_tasks:
-    - name: Import Secret Variable file
-      include_vars: "environments/shared_secrets.yml"
-    - name: Copy SSH private key file
-      copy:
-        content: "{{ AGRSSL2_content }}"
-        dest: "/root/.ssh/id_rsa"
-        mode: 0600
-- name: Setup Docker Server
-  hosts: local
-  connection: local
-  gather_facts: False
-  vars_files:
-    - "environments/{{ env }}/main.yml" # ENV must always be loaded first
-    - "environments/shared_secrets.yml"
-    - "environments/shared_aws_instance_variables.yml"
-  tasks:
-    - name: Launch instances
-      ec2_instance:
-        key_name: AGR-ssl2
-        security_groups: ["default"]
-        instance_type: "{{ WEBSERVER_INSTANCE_TYPE }}"
-        image_id: ami-05668c1bb69ebd078
-        region: us-east-1
-        availability_zone: us-east-1a
-        iam_instance_profile: S3DataAccess
-        aws_access_key: "{{ AWS_ACCESS_KEY }}"
-        aws_secret_key: "{{ AWS_SECRET_KEY }}"
-        volumes:
-          - device_name: /dev/xvda
-            ebs:
-              volume_type: gp3
-              volume_size: 1700
-              delete_on_termination: yes
-        wait: yes
-        wait_timeout: 600
-        user_data: "" # Otherwise get weird error on start up
-        tags:
-          Name: "AGR Release 7.3.0"
-      register: ec2
-    - name: Add all instance public IPs to host group
-      add_host:
-        hostname: '{{ item.private_ip_address }}'
-        groupname: launched
-      with_items: "{{ ec2.instances }}"
-      register: launched
-    - name: Retrieve all volumes for a queried instance
-      ec2_vol_info:
-        region: us-east-1
-        aws_access_key: "{{ AWS_ACCESS_KEY }}"
-        aws_secret_key: "{{ AWS_SECRET_KEY }}"
-        filters:
-          attachment.instance-id: '{{ item.instance_id }}'
-      with_items: "{{ ec2.instances }}"
-      register: ec2_volumes
-    - name: Ensure all volumes are tagged
-      ec2_tag:
-        region: us-east-1
-        resource: '{{ item.1.id }}'
-        aws_access_key: "{{ AWS_ACCESS_KEY }}"
-        aws_secret_key: "{{ AWS_SECRET_KEY }}"
-        tags:
-          Name: "Ansible Generated Volume - AGR Release 7.3.0"
-      with_subelements:
-        - "{{ ec2_volumes.results }}"
-        - volumes
-    - name: Waiting for SSH to be up
-      wait_for:
-        host: "{{ item.private_ip_address }}"
-        port: 22
-        delay: 5
-        timeout: 300
-        state: started
-      with_items: "{{ ec2.instances }}"
-- name: Configure Servers
-  hosts: launched
-  user: core
-  gather_facts: False
-  roles:
-    - install_python
-    - setup_docker
-    - setup_swap
-  vars:
-    NEO_PAGE_CACHE: "8g"
-    NEO_MAX_HEAP: "6g"
-    REPO: "stage"
-  vars_files:
-    - "environments/{{ env }}/main.yml" # ENV must always be loaded first
-    - "environments/shared_secrets.yml"
-    - "environments/shared_variables.yml"
-    - "environments/shared_aws_instance_variables.yml"
-  tasks: 
-    - name: Setup Neo, Run Loader, Run Loader Tests
-      block:
-        - include_tasks: tasks/start_monitoring.yml
-        - include_tasks: tasks/start_es_env.yml
-        - include_tasks: tasks/start_neo_data.yml
-        - include_tasks: tasks/start_infinispan_data.yml
-        - include_tasks: tasks/start_api_quarkus.yml
-        - include_tasks: tasks/start_jbrowse.yml
-        - include_tasks: tasks/start_apollo.yml
-        - include_tasks: tasks/run_restore_index.yml
-        - include_tasks: tasks/start_nginx.yml
-      rescue:
-        - fail:
-            msg: 'Tasked Failed Terminating instances'