diff --git a/R/DataPreProcessing.R b/R/DataPreProcessing.R
index 4e58b1c1..ba5676e6 100644
--- a/R/DataPreProcessing.R
+++ b/R/DataPreProcessing.R
@@ -293,19 +293,19 @@ determine_preprocessing_parameters <- function(
-.get_feature_info_list <- function(run) {
-  # Find pre-processing control element for the current run
-  pre_proc_id_list <- .get_preprocessing_iteration_identifiers(run = run)
-  # Load feature info list from backend
-  feature_info_list <- get_feature_info_from_backend(
-    data_id = pre_proc_id_list$data,
-    run_id = pre_proc_id_list$run
-  )
-  return(feature_info_list)
+# .get_feature_info_list <- function(run) {
+#   # Find pre-processing control element for the current run
+#   pre_proc_id_list <- .get_preprocessing_iteration_identifiers(run = run)
+#   # Load feature info list from backend
+#   feature_info_list <- get_feature_info_from_backend(
+#     data_id = pre_proc_id_list$data,
+#     run_id = pre_proc_id_list$run
+#   )
+#   return(feature_info_list)
+# }
diff --git a/R/FamiliarS4Generics.R b/R/FamiliarS4Generics.R
index 2829e35b..05fc3b5e 100644
--- a/R/FamiliarS4Generics.R
+++ b/R/FamiliarS4Generics.R
@@ -377,3 +377,5 @@ setGeneric(".file_exists", function(object, ...) standardGeneric(".file_exists")
 setGeneric(".perform_task", function(object, data, ...) standardGeneric(".perform_task"))
 setGeneric(".get_task_descriptor", function(object, ...) standardGeneric(".get_task_descriptor"))
+setGeneric(".get_feature_info_list", function(object, ...) standardGeneric(".get_feature_info_list"))
diff --git a/R/TaskFeatureInfo.R b/R/TaskFeatureInfo.R
index 46463b8e..7e59840d 100644
--- a/R/TaskFeatureInfo.R
+++ b/R/TaskFeatureInfo.R
@@ -23,12 +23,10 @@ setMethod(
     if (is.null(file_paths)) return(object)
     # Generate file name of pre-processing file
-    file_name <- paste0(object@project_id, "_generic_feature_info.RDS")
-    # Add file path and normalise according to the OS
-    object@file <- normalizePath(
-      file.path(file_paths$process_data_dir, file_name),
-      mustWork = FALSE
+    object@file <- get_object_file_name(
+      object_type = "genericFeatureInfo",
+      project_id = object@project_id,
+      dir_path = file_paths$process_data_dir
@@ -58,17 +56,14 @@ setMethod(
-    settings = NULL,
+    outcome_info = NULL,
   ) {
     # This method is called when "data" is expected to be available somewhere in
     # the backend.
-    if (is.null(project_info)) {
-      ..error_reached_unreachable_code("project_info is required for retrieving data from the backend.")
-    }
-    if (is.null(settings)) {
-      ..error_reached_unreachable_code("settings is required for retrieving data from the backend.")
+    if (is.null(outcome_info)) {
+      ..error_reached_unreachable_code("outcome_info is required.")
     # Create a dataObject.
@@ -76,7 +71,8 @@ setMethod(
       data = get_data_from_backend(),
       preprocessing_level = "none",
-      outcome_type = settings$data$outcome_type
+      outcome_type = outcome_info@outcome_type,
+      outcome_info = outcome_info
     # Pass to .perform_task for dataObject.
@@ -141,15 +137,13 @@ setMethod(
   function(object, file_paths = NULL) {
     if (is.null(file_paths)) return(object)
-    # Generate file name of pre-processing file.
-    file_name <- paste0(
-      object@project_id, "_", object@data_id, "_", object@run_id, "_feature_info.RDS"
-    )
-    # Add file path and normalise according to the OS
-    object@file <- normalizePath(
-      file.path(file_paths$process_data_dir, file_name),
-      mustWork = FALSE
+    # Generate file name of pre-processing file
+    object@file <- get_object_file_name(
+      object_type = "featureInfo",
+      project_id = object@project_id,
+      data_id = object@data_id,
+      run_id = object@run_id,
+      dir_path = file_paths$process_data_dir
@@ -179,8 +173,8 @@ setMethod(
-    settings = NULL,
     project_info = NULL,
+    outcome_info = NULL,
   ) {
     # This method is called when "data" is expected to be available somewhere in
@@ -189,8 +183,8 @@ setMethod(
     if (is.null(project_info)) {
       ..error_reached_unreachable_code("project_info is required for retrieving data from the backend.")
-    if (is.null(settings)) {
-      ..error_reached_unreachable_code("settings is required for retrieving data from the backend.")
+    if (is.null(outcome_info)) {
+      ..error_reached_unreachable_code("outcome_info is required.")
     # Find the run list.
@@ -212,14 +206,14 @@ setMethod(
       data = get_data_from_backend(sample_identifiers = sample_identifiers),
       preprocessing_level = "none",
-      outcome_type = settings$data$outcome_type
+      outcome_type = outcome_info@outcome_type,
+      outcome_info = outcome_info
     # Pass to method that dispatches with dataObject for further processing.
       object = object,
       data = data,
-      settings = settings,
diff --git a/R/TaskMain.R b/R/TaskMain.R
index 5a9a7c32..3a92da08 100644
--- a/R/TaskMain.R
+++ b/R/TaskMain.R
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ setMethod(
 .generate_trainer_tasks <- function(
@@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ setMethod(
   # Add tasks related to data processing for learners.
   task_list <- c(
-    .generate_learner_tasks(
+    .generate_learner_data_preprocessing_tasks(
       file_paths = file_paths,
       project_id = project_id
@@ -58,46 +59,7 @@ setMethod(
-.generate_vimp_tasks <- function(
-    file_paths,
-    project_id
-) {
-  task_list <- list()
-  # Check if vimp should be computed separately or is computed during 
-  # hyperparameter optimisation.
-  for (data_id in data_ids) {
-    for (run_id in run_ids) {
-      for (vimp_method in vimp_methods) {
-        # Check if the variable importance method requires any computation.
-        # For example, signature_only, none and random do not require
-        # computation.
-        # Set up variable importance computation task.
-        # Set up variable importance hyperparameter task.
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  # Check if any vimp-related tasks are required.
-  if (len(task_list) == 0L) return(NULL)
-  # Add tasks related to data processing for vimp methods.
-  task_list <- c(
-    task_list, 
-    .generate_vimp_data_preprocessing_tasks(
-      file_paths = file_paths,
-      project_id = project_id
-    )
-  )
-  return(task_list)
diff --git a/R/TaskVimp.R b/R/TaskVimp.R
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..546266a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/TaskVimp.R
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+# familiarTaskVimp -------------------------------------------------------------
+  "familiarTaskVimp",
+  contains = "familiarTask",
+  slots = list(
+    "vimp_method" = "character",
+    "hyperparameter_file" = "character",
+    "feature_info_file" = "character",
+    "run_table" = "ANY"
+  ),
+  prototype = methods::prototype(
+    vimp_method = NA_character_,
+    hyperparameter_file = NA_character_,
+    feature_info_file = NA_character_,
+    run_table = NULL,
+    task_name = "compute_variable_importance"
+  )
+# .set_file_name (vimp task) ---------------------------------------------------
+  ".set_file_name",
+  signature(object = "familiarTaskVimp"),
+  function(object, file_paths = NULL) {
+    if (is.null(file_paths)) return(object)
+    return(object)
+  }
+# .get_task_descriptor (vimp task) ---------------------------------------------
+  ".get_task_descriptor",
+  signature(object = "familiarTaskVimp"),
+  function(object, ...) {
+    return(paste0(object@task_name, "_", object@data_id, "_", object@run_id, "_", object@vimp_method))
+  }
+# .perform_task (vimp task , NULL) ---------------------------------------------
+  ".perform_task",
+  signature(
+    object = "familiarTaskVimp",
+    data = "NULL"
+  ),
+  function(
+    object,
+    data,
+    project_info = NULL,
+    outcome_info = NULL,
+    ...
+  ) {
+    # This method is called when "data" is expected to be available somewhere in
+    # the backend.
+    if (is.null(project_info)) {
+      ..error_reached_unreachable_code("project_info is required for retrieving data from the backend.")
+    }
+    if (is.null(outcome_info)) {
+      ..error_reached_unreachable_code("outcome_info is required.")
+    }
+    # Find the run list.
+    run_list <- .get_run_list(
+      iteration_list = project_info$iter_list,
+      data_id = object@data_id,
+      run_id = object@run_id
+    )
+    # Select unique samples.
+    sample_identifiers <- .get_sample_identifiers(
+      run = run_list,
+      train_or_validate = "train"
+    )
+    sample_identifiers <- unique(sample_identifiers)
+    # Create a dataObject.
+    data <- methods::new(
+      "dataObject",
+      data = get_data_from_backend(sample_identifiers = sample_identifiers),
+      preprocessing_level = "none",
+      outcome_type = outcome_info@outcome_type,
+      outcome_info = outcome_info
+    )
+    # Pass to method that dispatches with dataObject for further processing.
+    return(.perform_task(
+      object = object,
+      data = data,
+      ...
+    ))
+  }
+# .perform_task (vimp task, dataObject) ----------------------------------------
+  ".perform_task",
+  signature(
+    object = "familiarTaskVimp",
+    data = "dataObject"
+  ),
+  function(
+    object,
+    data,
+    settings = NULL,
+    feature_info_list = NULL,
+    hyperparameters = NULL,
+    message_indent = 0L,
+    verbose = FALSE,
+    cl = NULL,
+    ...
+  ) {
+    logger_message(
+      paste0(
+        "\nVariable importance: starting variable importance computation using the \"",
+        object@vimp_method, "\" method for run ",
+        object@task_id, " of ",
+        object@n_tasks, "."
+      ),
+      indent = message_indent,
+      verbose = verbose
+    )
+    # Check that outcome_info is present on data
+    if (!is(data@outcome_info, "outcomeInfo")) {
+      ..error_reached_unreachable_code(
+        "outcome_info attribute of data (dataObject) does not contain an outcomeInfo object"
+      )
+    }
+    # Check and retrieve feature info list.
+    feature_info_list <- .get_feature_info_list(
+      object = object,
+      feature_info_list = feature_info_list,
+      data = data,
+      settings = settings,
+      message_indent = message_indent,
+      verbose = verbose,
+      cl = cl,
+      ...
+    )
+    if (is.null(hyperparameters) && is.na(object@hyperparameter_file)) {
+      # Check that a list of hyperparameters is provided, otherwise create an ad-
+      # hoc list of hyperparameters.
+      browser()
+    } else if (is.null(hyperparameters)) {
+      # Assume that the hyperparameter file attribute contains the path to the
+      # file containing hyperparameters.
+    } else if (is.character(hyperparameters)) {
+      # If hyperparameters is a string, interpret this as a path to file
+      # containing the feature info.
+    }
+    # Create the variable importance method object or familiar model object to
+    # compute variable importance with.
+    vimp_object <- methods::new(
+      "familiarVimpMethod",
+      outcome_type = data@outcome_type,
+      hyperparameters = hyperparameters,
+      vimp_method = object@vimp_method,
+      outcome_info = data@outcome_info,
+      run_table = object@run_table
+    )
+    # Promote to the correct subclass.
+    vimp_object <- promote_vimp_method(object = vimp_object)
+    # Set multivariate methods.
+    if (is(vimp_object, "familiarModel")) is_multivariate <- TRUE
+    if (is(vimp_object, "familiarVimpMethod")) is_multivariate <- vimp_object@multivariate
+    # Find required features. Exclude the signature features at this point, as
+    # these will have been dropped from the variable importance table.
+    required_features <- get_required_features(
+      x = data,
+      feature_info_list = feature_info_list,
+      exclude_signature = !is_multivariate
+    )
+    # Limit to required features.
+    vimp_object@required_features <- required_features
+    vimp_object@feature_info <- feature_info_list[required_features]
+    # Compute variable importance.
+    vimp_object <- .vimp(
+      object = vimp_object, 
+      data = data
+    )
+    if (!is.na(object@file)) {
+      saveRDS(vimp_object, file = object@file)
+    } else {
+      return(vimp_object)
+    }
+    return(invisible(TRUE))
+  }
+# .get_feature_info_list (vimp task) -------------------------------------------
+  ".get_feature_info_list",
+  signature(object = "familiarTask"),
+  function(object, feature_info_list, ...) {
+    # Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
+    can_pre_process <- NULL
+    # Attempt to get the feature info list from the backend.
+    if (is.null(feature_info_list) && !is.null(object@run_table)) {
+      # Find the last entry that is available for pre-processing
+      pre_processing_run <- tail(object@run_table[can_pre_process == TRUE, ], n = 1L)
+      feature_info_list <- get_feature_info_from_backend(
+        data_id = pre_processing_run$data_id[1L],
+        run_id = pre_processing_run$run_id[1L]
+      )
+    }
+    # If no feature list is present on the backend, check other options.
+    if (is.null(feature_info_list) && is.na(object@feature_info_file)) {
+      # Check that a feature info list is provided, otherwise create an ad-hoc
+      # list as an template.
+      # Set up task, and explicitly don't write to file.
+      generic_feature_info_task <- methods::new(
+        "familiarTaskFeatureInfo",
+        project_id = object@project_id,
+        file = NA_character_
+      )
+      # Execute the task.
+      feature_info_list <- .perform_task(
+        object = generic_feature_info_task,
+        ...
+      )
+    } else if (is.null(feature_info_list)) {
+      # Assume that the feature info file attribute contains the path to the
+      # file containing feature info.
+    } else if (is.character(feature_info_list)) {
+      # If the feature info list is a string, interpret this as a path to the
+      # file containing the feature info.
+      browser()
+    }
+    return(feature_info_list)
+  }
+.generate_vimp_tasks <- function(
+    file_paths,
+    project_id
+) {
+  task_list <- list()
+  # Check if vimp should be computed separately or is computed during 
+  # hyperparameter optimisation.
+  for (data_id in data_ids) {
+    for (run_id in run_ids) {
+      for (vimp_method in vimp_methods) {
+        # Check if the variable importance method requires any computation.
+        # For example, signature_only, none and random do not require
+        # computation.
+        # Set up variable importance computation task.
+        # Set up variable importance hyperparameter task.
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  # Check if any vimp-related tasks are required.
+  if (length(task_list) == 0L) return(NULL)
+  # Add tasks related to data processing for vimp methods.
+  task_list <- c(
+    task_list, 
+    .generate_vimp_data_preprocessing_tasks(
+      file_paths = file_paths,
+      project_id = project_id
+    )
+  )
+  return(task_list)
diff --git a/R/Utilities.R b/R/Utilities.R
index ffce3923..0c78ca6c 100644
--- a/R/Utilities.R
+++ b/R/Utilities.R
@@ -752,11 +752,11 @@ get_id_columns <- function(id_depth = "repetition", single_column = NULL) {
 get_object_file_name <- function(
-    learner,
-    vimp_method,
+    learner = NULL,
+    vimp_method = NULL,
     pool_data_id = NULL,
     pool_run_id = NULL,
@@ -783,42 +783,83 @@ get_object_file_name <- function(
   if (object_type == "familiarModel") {
     # For familiarModel objects
-    output_str <- paste0(base_str, "_model")
+    if (is.null(learner) || is.null(vimp_method) || is.null(project_id)) {
+      ..error_reached_unreachable_code("missing arguments")
+    }
+    output_str <- paste0(
+      project_id, "_", 
+      learner, "_", 
+      vimp_method, "_", 
+      data_id, "_", 
+      run_id,
+      "_model"
+    )
   } else if (object_type == "familiarEnsemble") {
     # For familiarEnsemble objects
-    if (is.null(is_ensemble)) {
-      ..error("The \"is_ensemble\" parameter is not set to TRUE or FALSE.")
+    if (is.null(learner) || is.null(vimp_method) || is.null(project_id) || is.null(is_ensemble)) {
+      ..error_reached_unreachable_code("missing arguments")
     output_str <- paste0(
-      base_str, "_", 
+      project_id, "_", 
+      learner, "_", 
+      vimp_method, "_", 
+      data_id, "_", 
+      run_id, "_", 
       ifelse(is_ensemble, "ensemble", "pool")
   } else if (object_type == "familiarData") {
     # For familiarData objects
-    if (is.null(is_ensemble)) {
-      ..error("The \"is_ensemble\" parameter is not set to TRUE or FALSE.")
-    }
-    if (is.null(is_validation)) {
-      ..error("The \"is_validation\" parameter is not set to TRUE or FALSE.")
-    }
-    if (is.null(pool_data_id) || is.null(pool_run_id)) {
-      ..error("pool_data_id and pool_run_id should be provided.")
+    if (
+      is.null(learner) || is.null(vimp_method) || is.null(project_id) ||
+      is.null(is_ensemble) || is.null(is_validation) || is.null(pool_data_id) ||
+      is.null(pool_run_id)
+    ) {
+      ..error_reached_unreachable_code("missing arguments")
     output_str <- paste0(
-      base_str, "_",
+      project_id, "_", 
+      learner, "_", 
+      vimp_method, "_", 
+      data_id, "_", 
+      run_id, "_",
       ifelse(is_ensemble, "ensemble", "pool"), "_",
       pool_data_id, "_",
       pool_run_id, "_",
       ifelse(is_validation, "validation", "development"), "_data"
+  } else if (object_type == "featureInfo") {
+    # Complete feature info objects.
+    if (is.null(project_id)) {
+      ..error_reached_unreachable_code("missing arguments")
+    }
+    output_str <- paste0(
+      project_id, "_",
+      data_id, "_",
+      run_id, 
+      "_feature_info.RDS"
+    )
+  } else if (object_type == "genericFeatureInfo") {
+    # Generic feature info objects.
+    if (is.null(project_id)) {
+      ..error_reached_unreachable_code("missing arguments")
+    }
+    output_str <- paste0(project_id, "_generic_feature_info")
+  } else {
+    ..error_reached_unreachable_code(paste0("unknown object_type: ", object_type))
   # Add extension