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Can you give some details about the grammar that tinylr accepts ? #1

mingodad opened this issue Jan 9, 2024 · 0 comments


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mingodad commented Jan 9, 2024

Hello !
I did an online playground for Charles Baker's lalr parser and I'm curious about your parser generator.

Can you give some details about the grammar that tinylr accepts ?

Is it really a GLR parser ? How to deal with ambiguous grammars ?

I converted the grammar in to test here (because the LALR playground refuse to run grammars with unresolved conflicts).

Copy and paste the grammar shown bellow on the Grammareditor and the input shown after inInput sourceeditor then clickParse` to see a parser tree .

%token literal identifier

%right '='
%left "||" "&&" "==" '<' '>' '+' '-' '*' '/' "->"
%right ':' '?'
%precedence '(' ')'
%right "else"

%start programs


programs : programs program //$1{$2}
          | program ;//@Program {$1};

program : function_declare //$1
         | class_declare //$1
         | variable_declare //$1
         | import //$1

import : "import" import_items ';' ;//$2 ;
import_items : import_items '.' import_item //$1{$3}
              | import_item //@Import{$1}
              | //@Error{content:'null import item'}
import_item : identifier //$1
             | '*' //@1
             //| error //$1

class_declare : "class" identifier template super '{' classbody '}' ;//@Class {name:$2, template_args:$3, super:$4, body:$6};

super : ':' identifier //$2

template : '<' template_args '>' //$2
template_args : template_args ',' identifier //$1{$3}
               | identifier //{$1}

classbody  : classbody classmember //$1{$2}
            | classmember //{$1};

classmember : field_declare //$1
             | method_declare //$1
             | cast_method_declare //$1
             | property_read //$1
             | property_write //$1
             | overload //$1
field_declare : type identifier ';' //@FieldDeclare{type:$1, name:$2}
        | type identifier '=' expr ';' //@FieldDeclare{type:$1, name:$2, init:$4}
        | "public" field_declare //@FieldDeclare //$2{is_public:true}
        | "private" field_declare //@FieldDeclare //$2{is_public:false}
        | "static" field_declare //@FieldDeclare //$2{is_static:true}

method_declare : type identifier '(' params ')' block //@MethodDeclare {type:$1, name:$2, params:$4, block:$6}
        | "public" method_declare //@MethodDeclare //$1{is_public:true}
        | "private" method_declare //@MethodDeclare //$2{is_public:false}
        | "static" method_declare //@MethodDeclare //$2{is_static:true}
        | "inline" method_declare //@MethodDeclare //$2{is_inline:true}
cast_method_declare : type block ;//@CastMethodDeclare{type:$1, block:$2};
property_read : type identifier block //@PropertyReadDeclare{type:$1, name:$2, block:$3}
          | "public" property_read //@PropertyReadDeclare //$2{is_public:true}
          | "private" property_read //@PropertyReadDeclare //$2{is_public:false}
property_write : type identifier '=' '(' params ')' block //@PropertyWriteDeclare{type:$1, name:$2, params:$5, block:$7}
                | "public" property_write //@PropertyWriteDeclare //$2{is_public:true}
                | "private" property_write //@PropertyWriteDeclare //$2{is_public:false}

overload : overload_op '(' params ')' block //@OverloadOperator{op:$1, params:$3, block:$5}
          | overload_op '(' params ')' "->" type block //@OverloadOperator{op:$1, params:$3, type:$6, block:$7}
overload_op : '[' ']' //@1
             | '(' ')' //@1
             | '+' //@1
             | '-' //@1
             | '*' //@1
             | '/' //@1
             | '<' //@1
             | '>' //@1
             | "++" //@1
             | "--" //@1
             | "==" //@1
             | "->" //@1
             | "<<" //@1
             | ">>" //@1

function_declare : type identifier '(' params ')' block //@FunctionDeclare{type:$1, name:$2, params:$4, block:$6}
        | "public" function_declare //@FunctionDeclare //$2{is_public:true}
        | "private" function_declare //@FunctionDeclare //$2{is_public:false}
        | "static" function_declare //@FunctionDeclare //$2{is_static:true}
        | "inline" function_declare //@FunctionDeclare //$2{is_inline:true}

params : params ',' param //$1{$3}
        | param //{$1}

param : type identifier //@Param{type:$1 , name:$2};

block  : '{' stmts '}' //$2
        | '{' '}'
        //| error //@Error{content:'error block', value:$1}

stmts  : stmts stmt //$1{$2}
        | stmt //{$1}

stmt   : expr ';' //@ExprStatement{value:$1}
        | block //@BlockStatement{value:$1}
        | "return" expr ';' //@ReturnStatement{value:$2}
        | "continue" ';' //@ContinueStatement
        | "break" ';' //@BreakStatement
        | variable_declare //$1
        | if_stmt //$1
        | while_stmt //$1

if_stmt : "if" '(' expr ')' stmt //@IfStatement{condition:$3, then_block:$5}
         | "if" '(' expr ')' stmt "else" stmt //@IfStatement{condition:$3, then_block:$5, else_block:$7}

while_stmt : "while" '(' expr ')' stmt ;//@WhileStatement{condition:$3, body:$5};

//lhs : variable //$1
//     | dot //$1
//     | array //$1
//     ;

variable_declare : type identifier ';' //@VariableDeclare{type:$1, name:$2}
        | type identifier '=' expr ';' //@VariableDeclare{type:$1, name:$2, init:$4}

type   : identifier //@TypeSpecifier{type:$1}
        | identifier '<' type_args '>' //@TypeSpecifier{type:$1, args:$3}
type_args : type //@TypeArgs{$1}
           | type_args ',' type //$1{$3}

expr : expr '<' expr //@BinaryExpr{left:$1, op:@2, right:$3}
      | expr '>' expr //@BinaryExpr{left:$1, op:@2, right:$3}
      | expr '+' expr //@BinaryExpr{left:$1, op:@2, right:$3}
      | expr '-' expr //@BinaryExpr{left:$1, op:@2, right:$3}
      | expr '*' expr //@BinaryExpr{left:$1, op:@2, right:$3}
      | expr '/' expr //@BinaryExpr{left:$1, op:@2, right:$3}
      | expr '=' expr //@BinaryExpr{left:$1, op:@2, right:$3}
      | expr "==" expr //@BinaryExpr{left:$1, op:@2, right:$3}
      | expr "&&" expr //@BinaryExpr{left:$1, op:@2, right:$3}
      | expr "||" expr //@BinaryExpr{left:$1, op:@2, right:$3}
      | expr '?' expr ':' expr //@TernaryExpr{condition:$1, left:$3, right:$5}
      | '(' params ')' "->" block //@ArrayFuncExpr{params:$2, block:$5}
      | '(' type ')' expr //@TypeCastExpr{cast_to:$2, value:$4}
      | '(' expr ')' //$2
      | primary //$1

primary : literal //$1
         | invoke //$1
         | variable //$1
         | dot //$1
         | array //$1
         | "new" type '(' args ')' //@NewExpr{type:$2, args:$4}

variable : identifier ;//@VariableExpr{name:$1};
dot   : expr '.' identifier ;//@DotExpr{lhs:$1, field:$3};
array : expr '[' expr ']' ;//@ArrayExpr{lhs:$1, field:$3};
invoke : identifier '(' args ')' ;//@InvokeExpr{name:$1, args:$3};

args   : args ',' expr //$1{$3}
        | expr //@ArgumentList{$1}



[\n\r\t ]+	skip()
"//".*	skip()
"/*"(?s:.)*?"*/"	skip()

"<"	'<'
"="	'='
">"	'>'
"-"	'-'
","	','
";"	';'
":"	':'
"?"	'?'
"/"	'/'
"."	'.'
"("	'('
")"	')'
"["	'['
"]"	']'
"{"	'{'
"}"	'}'
"*"	'*'
"+"	'+'

"<<"	"<<"
"=="	"=="
">>"	">>"
"||"	"||"
"->"	"->"
"--"	"--"
"&&"	"&&"
"++"	"++"
"break"	"break"
"class"	"class"
"continue"	"continue"
"else"	"else"
"if"	"if"
"import"	"import"
"inline"	"inline"
"new"	"new"
"private"	"private"
"public"	"public"
"return"	"return"
"static"	"static"
"while"	"while"

\"(\\.|[^"\n\r\\])*\"	literal //@String{value:@1}
[0-9]+	literal //@Number{value:@1}
[0-9]+"."[0-9]*"f"?	literal //@Float{value:@1}
[0-9]+u	literal //@Unsigned{value:@1}
[0-9]+L	literal //@Long{value:@1}
"0x"[0-9A-F]+	literal //@HexExpr{value:@1}
"0b"[0-1]+	literal //@BinExpr{value:@1}
'(\\.|[^'\n\r\\])'	literal //@CharExpr{value:@1}

[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*	identifier  //@1;


Input :

int yywrap()
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