is a script to create an annotation comparison matrix from Proteinortho5 output.
- Synopsis
- Description
- Usage
- Options
- Output
- Run environment
- Author - contact
- Citation, installation, and license
- Changelog
perl po2anno.pl -i matrix.proteinortho -d genome_fasta_dir/ -l -a > annotation_comparison.tsv
Supplement an ortholog/paralog output matrix from a
calculation with annotation information. The resulting tab-separated
annotation comparison matrix (ACM) is mainly intended for the
transfer of high quality annotations from reference genomes to
homologs (orthologs and co-orthologs/paralogs) in a query genome
(e.g. in conjunction with tbl2tab.pl
). But of course
it can also be used to have a quick glance at the annotation of
genes present only in a couple of input genomes in comparison to the
Annotation is retrieved from multi-FASTA files created with
. See
for a description of the
format. These files are used as input for the PO analysis and option
-d for po2anno.pl
Proteinortho5 (PO) has to be run with option -singles to include also genes without orthologs, so-called singletons/ORFans, for each genome in the PO matrix (see the PO manual). Additionally, option -selfblast is recommended to enhance paralog detection by PO.
Each orthologous group (OG) is listed in a row of the resulting ACM,
the first column holds the OG numbers from the PO input matrix (i.e.
line number minus one). The following columns specify the
orthologous CDS for each input genome. For each CDS the ID,
optionally the length in bp (option -l), gene, EC number(s), and
product are shown depending on their presence in the CDS's
annotation. The ID is in most cases the locus tag (see
). If several EC numbers exist
for a single CDS they're separated by ';'. If an OG includes
paralogs, i.e. co-orthologs from a single genome, these will be
printed in the following row(s) without a new OG number in the
first column. The order of paralogous CDSs within an OG is
The OGs are sorted numerically via the query ID (see option -q). If option -a is set, the non-query OGs are appended to the output after the query OGs, sorted numerically via OG number.
for i in *.[gbk|embl]; do perl cds_extractor.pl -i $i [-p|-n]; done
proteinortho5.pl -graph [-synteny] -cpus=# -selfblast -singles -identity=50 -cov=50 -blastParameters='-use_sw_tback [-seg no|-dust no]' *.[faa|ffn]
perl po2anno.pl -i matrix.[proteinortho|poff] -d genome_fasta_dir/ -q query.[faa|ffn] -l -a > annotation_comparison.tsv
-i=str, -input=str
Proteinortho (PO) result matrix (*.proteinortho or *.poff), or piped STDIN (-)
-d=str, -dir_genome=str
Path to the directory including the genome multi-FASTA PO input files (*.faa or *.ffn), created with
-h, -help
Help (perldoc POD)
-q=str, -query=str
Query genome (has to be identical to the string in the PO matrix) [default = first one in alphabetical order]
-l, -length
Include length of each CDS in bp
-a, -all
Append non-query orthologous groups (OGs) to the output
-v, -version
Print version number to STDERR
The resulting tab-delimited ACM is printed to STDOUT. Redirect or pipe into another tool as needed (e.g.
, ortail
The Perl script runs under Windows and UNIX flavors.
Andreas Leimbach (aleimba[at]gmx[dot]de; Microbial Genome Plasticity, Institute of Hygiene, University of Muenster)
For citation, installation, and license information please see the repository main README.md.
- v0.2.2 (23.10.2015)
- minor syntax changes to
and README - changed option -g|-genome_dir to -d|-dir_genome for consistency with
- minor syntax changes to
- v0.2.1 (07.09.2015)
- get rid of underscores in product annotation strings (from
) - debugged hard-coded relative path for
- get rid of underscores in product annotation strings (from
- v0.2 (15.01.2015)
- give number of query-specific OGs and total query singletons/ORFans in final stat output
- changed final stat output to an easier readable format
- fixed bug: %Query_ID_Seen included also non-query IDs, which luckily had no consequences
- v0.1 (18.12.2014)