to support multiplexing
multiplex means to use one channel to transmit several signals
WDM (波分複用): 按照頻率來區分各路信號
TDM (時分複用): 按照時間片來區分各路信號
select() is to check several socket descriptors, and return when one is ready for multiplexing
/* select */
int select (int maxfd , fd_set * rdset , fd_set * wrset , fd_set * exset , struct timeval * timeout )
/* timeval */
struct timval
long tv_sec ; //second
long tv_usec ; //millisecond
maxfd: 需要測試的描述符集合中的最大值 + 1, 實際是測試[0, maxfd-1]
rdset: 需要測試是否可讀的描述符集合(包括處於listen狀態的socket接收到鏈接請求)
wrset: 需要測試是否可寫的描述符集合(包括以非阻塞方式調用connect是否成功)
exset: 需要測試是否異常的描述符集合(包括接受帶外數據的socket有带外数据到達)
timeout: 指定測試時間閾值上界
NULL: forever
>0: time
0: return immediately after check, without waiting
num: the number of ready descriptors
0: timeout but none is ready
-1: failure
errno: wrong code
2. Operations with sets of socket descriptors
FD_ZERO(fd_set* fdset)
FD_SET(int fd, fd_set* fdset)
FD_CLR(int fd, fd_set* fdset)
FD_ISSET(int fd, fd_set* fdset)