These Python examples make use of bluepy: a Python interface to Bluetooth LE on Linux
print temperature data with handleNotification micro:bit
read the temperature value and exit micro:bit
receive a string from the micro:bit via UART, using notification handler. Reconnect on disconnection. micro:bit
, a simple game to move a ball on an OLED screen connected to a Raspberry Pi, using data collected from the micro:bit accelerometer Note: using bluetooth notify handler, there is a general slowdown due to the OLED interface, leading to ball moves heavily lagged compared to the accelerometer
moving a robot car using micro:bit as remote. The accelerometer moves the car (forward, backward, right, left). The A and B buttons enable or disable the L293D
use the micro:bit buttons as a remote controller to present your slides on, for instance, Libreoffice Impress on Linux, using evemu-event command line utility micro:bit blocks