- MATLAB 2022b
- MPT3 Toolbox - Link
- Robust Control Toolbox
- Optimization Toolbox
- Communications Toolbox
- Control System Toolbox
- Signal Processing Toolbox
- DSP System Toolbox
The code is developed by Aren Karapetyan (ETH Zurich), in collaboration with Yuchao Li (ASU) and Niklas Schmid (ETH Zurich). This the code repository for the paper "Parallel Rollout for Deterministic Optimal Control" by Yuchao Li (ASU), Aren Karapetyan (ETH Zurich), Niklas Schmid (ETH Zurich), John Lygeros (ETH Zurich), Karl H. Johansson (KTH), and Jonas Mårtensson(KTH).
This work was supported by the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research, the Swedish Research Council, and the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. It is also supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation under NCCR Automation (grant agreement 51NF40_180545).
Each example in the paper is coded in its homonymous MATLAB file.
The code is under the MIT License.