Javascript example to demonstrate how can fit the BPMN diagram on load.
- ⏩ live environment
- to run locally, open the index.html directly in a Web Browser
- Declare the BPMN container with a fixed width & a fixed height
.bpmn-container {
/* use absolute values for height to ensure that the vertical diagram is not fully displayed when the page is opened. */
width: 100%;
height: 600px;
border-style: solid;
border-color: #B0B0B0;
border-width: 1px;
/* This ensures that the parts of the diagram outside of the container are not displayed. */
overflow: hidden;
- Load BPMN content
const bpmnContainerElt = window.document.getElementById('bpmn-container');
const bpmnVisualization = new bpmnvisu.BpmnVisualization({ container: bpmnContainerElt });
const bpmnContent = ``; // your BPMN 2.0 XML content
bpmnVisualization.load(bpmnContent, { fit: {type: bpmnvisu.FitType.Center, margin: 10} });
ℹ️ type
and margin
are optional.
Moreover, margin
is only considered when FitType is not None.