diff --git a/docs/en/references/syntax.md b/docs/en/references/syntax.md
index 7975d1d..643d5e3 100644
--- a/docs/en/references/syntax.md
+++ b/docs/en/references/syntax.md
@@ -324,24 +324,26 @@ See the table below for which functions they are replaced with.
### List of Operators
The higher the precedence, the higher it is in the table. (Some have the same precedence)
- Operator | Corresponding Function | Meaning |
- ^ | Core:pow | Exponentiation |
- + (unary) | None | Positive |
- - (unary) | None | Negative |
- ! (unary) | None | Negation |
- * | Core:mul | Multiplication |
- / | Core:div | Division |
- % | Core:mod | Modulus |
- + | Core:add | Addition |
- - | Core:sub | Subtraction |
- > | Core:gt | Greater than |
- >= | Core:gteq | Greater than or equal to |
- < | Core:lt | Less than |
- <= | Core:lteq | Less than or equal to |
- == | Core:eq | Equal to |
- != | Core:neq | Not equal to |
- && | Core:and | And |
- || | Core:or | Or |
+ Operator | Corresponding Function | Meaning |
+ ^ | Core:pow | Exponentiation |
+ + (unary) | None | Positive |
+ - (unary) | None | Negative |
+ ! (unary) | None | Negation |
+ * | Core:mul | Multiplication |
+ / | Core:div | Division |
+ % | Core:mod | Modulus |
+ + | Core:add | Addition |
+ - | Core:sub | Subtraction |
+ > | Core:gt | Greater than |
+ >= | Core:gteq | Greater than or equal to |
+ < | Core:lt | Less than |
+ <= | Core:lteq | Less than or equal to |
+ == | Core:eq | Equal to |
+ != | Core:neq | Not equal to |
+ && | Core:and | And |
+ || | Core:or | Or |
### if
diff --git a/docs/ja/references/syntax.md b/docs/ja/references/syntax.md
index e6ffdc2..8a0c1b6 100644
--- a/docs/ja/references/syntax.md
+++ b/docs/ja/references/syntax.md
@@ -324,24 +324,26 @@ Ai:kun() // kawaii
### 演算子一覧
- 演算子 | 対応する関数 | 意味 |
- ^ | Core:pow | 冪算 |
- +(単項) | なし | 正数 |
- -(単項) | なし | 負数 |
- !(単項) | なし | 否定 |
- * | Core:mul | 乗算 |
- / | Core:div | 除算 |
- % | Core:mod | 剰余 |
- + | Core:add | 加算 |
- - | Core:sub | 減算 |
- > | Core:gt | 大きい |
- >= | Core:gteq | 以上 |
- < | Core:lt | 小さい |
- <= | Core:lteq | 以下 |
- == | Core:eq | 等しい |
- != | Core:neq | 等しくない |
- && | Core:and | かつ |
- || | Core:or | または |
+ 演算子 | 対応する関数 | 意味 |
+ ^ | Core:pow | 冪算 |
+ +(単項) | なし | 正数 |
+ -(単項) | なし | 負数 |
+ !(単項) | なし | 否定 |
+ * | Core:mul | 乗算 |
+ / | Core:div | 除算 |
+ % | Core:mod | 剰余 |
+ + | Core:add | 加算 |
+ - | Core:sub | 減算 |
+ > | Core:gt | 大きい |
+ >= | Core:gteq | 以上 |
+ < | Core:lt | 小さい |
+ <= | Core:lteq | 以下 |
+ == | Core:eq | 等しい |
+ != | Core:neq | 等しくない |
+ && | Core:and | かつ |
+ || | Core:or | または |
### if