Import the package into your pubspec.yaml
app_tutorial: ^currentVersion
View the example project to see how to use the package.
Property | Description | Type | Required | Default value |
globalKey | The Global Key of the component you want to focus on | GlobalKey |
yes |
/ |
child | Widget to show on the screen when this item is active | Widget |
yes |
/ |
color | Color of the overlay | Color? |
no |
Color.fromRGBO(0, 0, 0, 0.6) |
borderRadius | Radius of the border of the higlighted item | Radius |
no |
Radius.circular(10.0) |
radius | Radius of the ShapeFocus.oval shape |
double? |
no |
null |
shapeFocus | Shape of the focus element | ShapeFocus.oval , ShapeFocus.square , ShapeFocus.roundedSquare |
no |
ShapeFocus.roundedSquare |
- the show () method, receives three parameters, the context, list of tutorial items you created and the onTutorialComplete callback.
Tutorial.showTutorial(context, items, onTutorialComplete: () {
// Code to be executed after the tutorial ends
print('Tutorial is complete!');
- the skipAll() method receives the context parameter and ends the onboarding process