outline |
deep |
When executing multiple tasks there are essentially two different paradigms: concurrent programming, which switches between tasks on a single thread:
and parallel programming which deals with multiple processors executing things at the same time:
Large parts of this lecture are based on chapter 2 of the book Parallel and Concurrent Programming in Haskell by Simon Marlow.
Much of the motivation for non-mutating, lazy, functional programming languages comes from the promise of easier parallelism. So, what do we actually gain from all the hoops that we are jumping through while we are programming Haskell code?
- Parallel programs in Haskell are deterministic! No parallel debugging needed! No race conditions, no deadlocks! This is possible because we only have pure, non-mutating functions in Haskell.
- High-level declarations of parallelism via
. No syncronization/communication code needed! This is possible because Haskell is lazy and we only have to choose a reasonably smart startegy of evaluating expressions/thunks.
When writing parallel programs we mostly just have to think about
- The granularity of how we divide up our tasks to achieve maximal performance. If we make chunks of our problem too small, managing tasks outweighs the benefit of parallelism, if we make them too large, not all processors will be working at all times.
- Data dependencies of our tasks. If one bit of our problem depends on a previous bit, we have to wait for the former.
You will see that (at least theoretically) parallelizing a Haskell program can be incredibly simple once we have understood a few key points and primitives of parallel evaluation strategies.
::: tip Install System.Parallel.Strategies
# install ghcup on your OS
ghcup install latest
ghcup set latest
ghcup install cabal
cabal install --lib parallel
Haskell is lazy, so the expressions that we write are not evaluated until the are needed.
For example, we can define a map over a list, but as long as we do not print it, it will not be
evaluated. We can investigate this by using :sprint
, which prints an expression without evaluating
it. Below _
indicates: unevaluated.
𝝺> xs = map (+1) [1,2,3,4,5,6] :: [Int]
𝝺> :sprint xs
xs = _
If we compute e.g. the length
of this list we need to know how many elements it contains, but the
elements itself do not matter for the length, so Haskell does not evaluate them:
𝝺> length xs
𝝺> :sprint xs
xs = [_,_,_,_,_,_]
We can explicitly force evaluation to the first constructor by using seq
𝝺> xs = map (+1) [1,2,3,4,5,6] :: [Int]
𝝺> :sprint xs
xs = _
𝝺> seq xs ()
𝝺> :sprint xs
_ : _
where seq
evaluates the first argument and returns the second. We can see that the list is only
evaluated to the first cons :
and no further.
::: tip WHNF
The evaluation to the first constructor is also called weak head normal form (WHNF).
For complete evaluation you can use deepseq
, but we will not need this today.
GHC's strategy to evaluate thunks is based on a work stealing queue (see also this blog about the GHC scheduler). We can tell Haskell to create sparks, which essentially are just pointers to thunks that are put on a queue to be executed in parallel. Given a bunch of thunks that you want to run in parallel, GHC will do the following:
- Create one work stealing queue per available processor (can have multiple threads).
- Put all sparks on the work stealing queue on the main process.
- All other processes are idle, so they can look for work, which means they try to steal sparks from the back of the queue of other processors.
- Processors with a non-empty queue will pop of sparks from the front of the queue and evalute them.
Advantages of this approach:
- The main thread does not have to sync with anyone, it can just take things from its own queue.
- Idle processors are looking for work by themselves, we don't actively have to distribute work from the main thread (this has to be synced; if I understand correctly then via compare-and-swap).
::: tip Life of a spark
- Creation of thunk/spark & push to queue
- If already evaluated (called a dud) nothing happens, we just return the value.
- If we have an overflow in the queue the spark is evaluated later (but not in parallel! this means we should take care to not create an unreasonable amount of sparks)
- Upon successful spark creation with still have multiple options:
- fizzled: already had to be evaluated (i.e. was stolen and evaluated first by another thread)
- garbage collected: was not needed
- converted: evaluated, yay. :::
To populate the spark queues of our system we will use a new type called Eval
. Parallel
computations themselves are represented by functions a -> Eval a
. They represent the valuation of
a value of type a
with a certain strategy (which is why we also have a type called Strategy
type Strategty a = a -> Eval a
The three most important and basic functions to work with Eval
and Strategy
rseq :: a -> Eval a
evaluates to weak head normal form (WHNF). This is basicallyseq
.rpar :: a -> Eval a
creates a spark.runEval :: Eval a -> a
gets a value out ofEval
All we need to do now is apply those functions to the thunks we want to evaluate in parallel.
In order to work with non-trivial types we will have to compose/sequence Strategy
s, which will of
course be done with the monad instance of Eval
::: tip Eval
The Eval
monad is a super simple monad instance, but it lets us compose parallel computations:
data Eval a = Done a
runEval :: Eval a -> a
runEval (Done x) = x
instance Monad Eval where
return :: a -> Eval a
return x = Done x
-- the pattern match in (Done x) *forces* evaluation
-- of the value that is passed to >>=
(>>=) :: Eval a -> (a -> Eval a) -> Eval a
(Done x) >>= f = f x
We have different options for parallel evaluation of an expensive function f
on a pair.
For example, we can implement a strategy that just creates two sparks and returns immediately:
parPair :: (a,b) -> (a,b)
parPair (x,y) = runEval $ do
x' <- rpar (f x)
y' <- rpar (f y)
return (x',y')
The Eval
monad is strict in the first argument of >>=
and therefore eagerly evaluates
rpar (f x)
, which creates a spark. If Eval
was not strict nothing would happen at all apart from
creation of normal, new thunks. The dashed line in the figure below indicates when the retrun
The examples here are taken from Simon Marlow's book, you can play with a scripts that nicely
illustrates what is happening in rpar.hs
Another strategy could be to return after f y
is done by using rseq
to evaluate f y
to WHNF.
::: code-group
parSeqPair :: (a,b) -> (a,b)
parSeqPair (x,y) = runEval $ do
x' <- rpar (f x)
y' <- rseq (f y) -- wait until y' is done
return (x',y')
parSeqPair :: (a,b) -> (a,b)
parSeqPair (x,y) = runEval $ do
x' <- rpar (f x)
y' <- rpar (f y) -- could be executed on another processor
rseq y' -- but we wait for it here
return (x',y')
With rpar
/ rseq
we can implement a simple parallel map that evaluates every element of a list
in parallel:
parMap :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> Eval [b]
parMap f [] = return []
parMap f (a:as) = do
b <- rpar (f a)
bs <- parMap f as
return (b:bs)
With parMap
we can solve a number of mazes with the solver from the labs.
To run the file below you need the Parser.hs
and Mazes.hs
import System.Environment
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
import Data.Maybe
import Parser
import Mazes
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- read maze files into strings
fs <- getArgs
ss <- mapM readFile fs
-- parse mazes into [Maze]
let ms = catMaybes (map (parse file) ss)
-- solve them in parallel!
xs = runEval $ parMap (solve . fst) ms
-- make sure they are solved by checking if they are `Just`
print $ length $ filter isJust xs
To actually run things in parallel you have to
# compile with rtsopts so that we can choose number of processors
ghc -threaded -rtsopts --make parmaze.hs
# run with one processor (-N1) and printed timings (-s)
./parmap +RTS -N1 -s -RTS maze1.txt maze2.txt ...
Total time 0.954s ( 0.976s elapsed)
# run with two processors (-N2) and printed timings (-s)
./parmap +RTS -N2 -s -RTS maze1.txt maze2.txt ...
Total time 1.003s ( 0.625s elapsed)
The parMap
function is nice and simple, but we can do slightly better by not implementing parallel
versions of all higher order functions like filter
or fold
, but instead defining strategies
for datatypes. These strategies will all return Strategy a = a -> Eval a
, which will make them
composable (and thus more general). This is possible, again, because Haskell is lazy. An unevaluated
thunk of a list could be passed to different list strategies (e.g. something that creates a new
spark for every element in the list like parMap
or another strategy that divides the list into
chunks before sparking). This is where Strategy
s become handy:
type Strategy a = a -> Eval a
using :: a -> Strategy a -> a
x `using` strat = runEval (strat x)
We can implement a parPair
::: code-group
parPair :: Strategy (a,b)
parPair (a,b) = do
a' <- rpar a
b' <- rpar b
return (a',b')
-- annotate any pair with strategy
(f x, f y) `using` parPair
parPair :: (a,b) -> (a,b)
parPair (x,y) = runEval $ do
x' <- rpar (f x)
y' <- rpar (f y)
return (x',y')
Finally, we can parametrize strategies to get the different pair evaluation strategies in one definition:
evalPair :: Strategy a -> Strategy b -> (a,b) -> Eval (a,b)
evalPair sa sb (a,b) = do
a' <- sa a
b' <- sb b
return (a', b')
-- and now e.g. the second strategy
-- that returns after (f y) is done
(f x, f y) `using` evalPair rpar rseq
We can implement a parallel parList
strategy with a common strategy for every individual element
of the list:
parList :: Strategy a -> Strategy [a]
parList strat [] = return []
parList strat (x:xs) = do
x' <- rpar (x `using` strat)
xs' <- parList xs strat
return (x':xs')
This lets us define parMap
like below:
parMap :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
parMap f xs = map f xs `using` parList rseq
where we use parList rseq
to define a strategy that returns after the last element of the list is
done evaluating.
As a last example we can return to our integral example. A simple, sequential implementation is
given in the example below. Instead of naively parallelizing this example with parListChunk
we can
also perform the accumulation step in the fold in chunks. This will introduces some overhead in the
but when throwing enough compute at it we get a decent speedup. The updated lines are highlighted
::: code-group
integral :: (Ord a, Floating a, Enum a) => (a -> a) -> a -> a -> a -> a
integral f step start end = sum quads
quad (a,b) = (b-a) * f ((a+b)/2)
quads = map quad (zip (init steps) (tail steps))
steps = [start, start+step .. end]
integralchunk :: (Ord a, Floating a, Enum a) => (a -> a) -> a -> a -> a -> Int -> a
integralchunk f step start end chunksize = sum cs
cs = [sum xs | xs <- chunks chunksize quads] `using` parList rseq
quad (a,b) = (b-a) * f ((a+b)/2)
quads = map quad (zip (init steps) (tail steps))
steps = [start, start+step .. end]
This example is stolen from here.
You can find a full script that compares the two approaches in
# compile it
$ ghc -threaded -rtsopts --make pfold.hs
# run the sequential version
$ ./pfold 1
time: 2.6484s
# run the parallel version
$ ./pfold 2 +RTS -N8
time: 0.8188s
- Folds and parallelism among others explains