A pytorch implementation of AIR-Act2Act.
A Kinect sensor captures the user's 3D joint positions through skeletal tracking.
Then, the user's behavior is recognized using a deep neural network (DNN).
The robot's behavior that responds appropriately to the user's behavior
is selected according to the predefined rules.
Finally, the selected behavior is modified according to the user's posture.
├── data files/ # Path to save the extracted data files
├── joint files/ # Path to move the joint files of AIR-Act2Act dataset
├── robot/
│ ├── server/
│ │ └── server.exe # Connect to a virtual Pepper robot in Chreographe
│ ├── adapter.py # Adapt robot behaviors to the user posture
│ └── selecter.py # Select robot behaviors according to the user behavior
├── user/
│ ├── models/
│ │ ├── k-means/ # K-means clustering models to label the user behavior classes
│ │ └── lstm/ # DNN models to recognize the user behavior
│ ├── classifier.py # Train and test the DNN models for user behavior recognition
│ ├── constants.py # Global constants
│ ├── data.py # Get AIR-Act2Act dataset
│ ├── label.py # Label user behavior classes using K-means clustering
│ └── model.py # Deep neural network
├── utils/
│ ├── AIR.py # Read AIR-Act2Act data files
│ ├── draw.py # Draw 3D skeletons
│ ├── kcluster.py # K-means clustering
│ ├── kinect.py # Run Kinect camera
│ ├── openpose.py # Detect 2D skeleton from RGB image
│ └── robot.py # Convert between 3D joint position and robot joint angles
├── .gitignore
├── LICENSE.md
├── LICENSE_ko.md
├── README.md
├── generate.py # Demo: generating robot behaviors
├── setting.py # Global constants
├── preprocess.py # Generate training and test data
└── recognize.py # Demo: recognizing user behaviors
└── requirements.txt # installed packages
The scripts are tested on Windows 10 and Anaconda Python 3.6.
You also need to install the following modules.
$ conda install pytorch==1.1.0 torchvision==0.3.0 cudatoolkit=9.0 -c pytorch
$ pip install simplejson tqdm matplotlib seaborn argparse opencv-python
$ pip install pandas==0.25.0
$ pip install scikit-learn==0.22.1
CUDA Toolkit 9.0 installation
We already provide a trained model in 'models/lstm/A001A004A005A007A008/vector/2D/False/model_0045.pth'.
But if you want to train the model by yourself, download the AIR-Act2Act dataset.
You need to join as a member to get to the download page.
The data all you need is the refined 3D skeleton files (.joint) of P001-P050.
For more information on the AIR-Act2Act dataset, please visit here.
If you want to use a Webcam to test, you need to download OpenPose v1.6.0.
Then, install the OpenPose using CMake following the instructions.
After setting openpose_path
, you can test the OpenPose by running python utils\openpose.py
If you want to use a Kinect camera to test, you need to install Kinect for Windows SDK 2.0.
Then, install the Pykinect2 and PyGame modules: pip install pykinect2 pygame
You can test your Kinect sensor by running python utils\kinect.py
To solve AssertionError: 80
, replace the .py
files in Lib\site-packages\pykinect2
with these files.
To solve ImportError("Wrong version")
, reinstall comtypes as pip install comtypes==1.1.4
If you want to use a virtual Pepper robot, you need to download Choregraphe.
We recommend to download Choregraphe for PC for NAO V6.
After installing Choregraphe, launch it.
Then, cilck [Edit] - [Preferences] - [Virtual Robot] and select Pepper for Robot model.
You need to remember the port number which is written at the bottom.
To recognize the user's behavior, we use a long short-term memory (LSTM) based model.
The LSTM is a popular model in sequential data understanding and makes a great success.
The input is set to a sequence of feature vectors of user poses.
The output is set to a one-hot vector of behavior class label.
The user recognition is performed at 10 fps.
- Put all ".joint" files of the AIR-Act2Act dataset in
joint files/
. - Run
python preprocess.py
to extract training and test data. - Run
python user\label.py
to label sub-action classes for all data.- If the K-means clustering models do not exist in
runpython utils\kcluster.py
after changing parameters.
- If the K-means clustering models do not exist in
- Change parameters in
.INPUT_DATA_TYPE = '2D' # {'2D', '3D'} NORM_METHOD = 'vector' # {'vector', 'torso'} B_HANDS = False # {True, False} ACTIONS = ['A001', 'A004', 'A005', 'A007', 'A008']
- Run
python user\classifier.py -m train
to train the model.
(All trained models are stored inuser/models/lstm/
- Run
python user\classifier.py -m verify
. - Enter the model number to verify, into the command line.
- The average accuracy and loss of the model will be printed on the command line as follows:
Test Loss: 0.03972, Test Acc: 0.98527
- The confusion matrix of the model will be displayed on a pop-up window.
- Run
python recognize.py -m data
. - If you want to test a specific model, e.g. 'model_0010.pth',
runpython recognize.py -m data -l 10
. - Enter the data number to test, into the command line.
- The recognition results will be displayed on a pop-up window.
- Set
. - Connect to the Webcam.
- Run
python recognize.py -m webcam
. - If you want to test a specific model, e.g. 'model_0010.pth',
runpython recognize.py -m webcam -l 10
. - The captured video and the recognition results will be displayed on pop-up windows.
- Set
. - Connect to the Kinect camera.
- Run
python recognize.py -m kinect
. - If you want to test a specific model, e.g. 'model_0010.pth',
runpython recognize.py -m kinect -l 10
. - The captured video and the recognition results will be displayed on pop-up windows.
The robot generates a behavior that suits the user's behavior according to predefined rules.
Robot behavior adaptation has not yet been implemented.
It will be updated soon.
- Run
python generate.py -m data
. - If you want to test a specific model, e.g. 'model_0010.pth',
runpython generate.py -m data -l 10
- Enter the data number to test into the command line.
- The input user behavior will be displayed on a pop-up window.
The selected robot behavior will be printed on the command line as follows:robot: stand robot: stand ... robot: handshake robot: handshake ... robot: avoid
- Set
. - Connect to the Webcam.
- Run
python generate.py -m webcam
. - If you want to test a specific model, e.g. 'model_0010.pth',
runpython generate.py -m webcam -l 10
- The captured video and the recognition results will be displayed on pop-up windows.
The selected robot behavior will be printed on the command line.
- Set
. - Connect to the Kinect camera.
- Run
python generate.py -m kinect
. - If you want to test a specific model, e.g. 'model_0010.pth',
runpython generate.py -m kinect -l 10
- The captured video and the recognition results will be displayed on pop-up windows.
The selected robot behavior will be printed on the command line.
- Launch Choregraphe and connect to a virtual Pepper robot.
- To send commands to Choregraphe, open command prompt and run server:
robot\server\server-1.0.exe -p {port number} -r pepper
- Open an other command prompt, run
python generate.py -m {mode}, -l {model number} --use_robot
. - The captured video and the recognition results will be displayed on pop-up windows.
The selected robot behavior will be generated by a virtual Pepper in Choregraphe.
Please email [email protected] if you have any questions or comments.
Woo-Ri Ko, et al., "Adaptive Behavior Generation of Social Robots Based on User Behavior Recognition," Workshop on Social HRI of Human-Care Service Robots in RO-MAN 2020.
This software is a part of AIR, and follows the AIR License and Service Agreement.