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Project-16: Cloud State with Terraform

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Project-16: Cloud State with Terraform

Project Source


  • AWS Account
  • GitHub account
  • Terraform, Maven, JDK installed locally
  • Any IDE (VS Code, IntelliJ, etc)

Step-1: Create a repository in GitHub

We will create a repo in GitHub and name it as terraform-aws-vprofile. You can make it private not to expose any Access keys you are using, since my AWS credentials are configured with awscli, I will create thsi repo as public.

Step-2: Clone the repo to your local

We will clone the repository to the IDE that we will be using. I will be using IntelliJ for this project.

Step-3: Terraform Setup

We need to install Terraform and awscli locally for this project. You can follow documentation to do so.

Install Terraform Install AWSCLI

Once both are installed, check their version from terminal/powershell.

You need to create an IAM user with Programmatic Access keys. Download credentials. configure aws from cli:

Step-4: S3 for Backend

First we will create an s3 bucket to store the state in AWS. I will create bucket with awscli command:

aws s3 mb s3://terra-state-vprofile-rd --region=us-east-1
aws s3 ls

Create file under terraform-aws-vprofile repo with below content:

terraform {
 backend "s3" {
 bucket = "terra-state-vprofile-rd" # replace with your s3 bucketname
 key = "terraform"
 region = "us-east-1"

Go to project directory and run terraform init to initialize backend.

Step-5: Variables and Providers

We will create a HA infrastructure for our vprofile project. We will create a VPC with 3 Public subnets and 3 Private subnets. We will create Elasticache, ActiveMQ and RDS-MySQL services for our application. To be able to create a reusable code, we will use variables in our Terraform code.

Create file and file as in given under terraform-files directory.

Step-6: KeyPairs

We will create an SSH key with name of vprofilekey as we mentioned in file. Go to terraform-aws-vprofile directory, run below command:

Now we can create file with below content. We will use file function to get the content from path instead of copy-pasting whole content.

We can commit/push files to GitHub except private/public key files.

Run below commands from local:

terraform init
terraform validate
terraform fmt
terraform plan
terraform apply

Our first resource keypair is created with terraform.

Step-7: VPC Module & Setup

One easier way to create resources with terraform is using modules. we can find modules in terraform registry. We will use official VPC module from AWS.

Create file similar to given file under terraform-files directory.

We will commit/push this file to remote repo.

Since we added a new module, first we need to run:

terraform init
terraform validate
terraform fmt
terraform plan
terraform apply

Step-8: Security Groups Setup

We need to create SecGrp for below services:

  • Beanstalk Load Balancer
  • Bastion Host
  • Beanstalk instances
  • Backend services (Active MQ - Elasticache - RDS)

Create file similar to given file under terraform-files directory.

We will commit/push this file to remote repo.

Run below commands to create secgrp resources:

terraform validate
terraform fmt
terraform plan
terraform apply

Step-9: RDS, Elasticache and ActiveMQ Setup

Create file similar to given file under terraform-files directory.

We will commit/push this file to remote repo.

Step-10: Beanstalk ENV Setup

Create and files similar to given file under terraform-files directory.

We will commit/push this file to remote repo.

Run below commands to create secgrp resources:

terraform validate
terraform fmt
terraform plan
terraform apply

Step-11: Bastion Host & DB Initialization

We will create a Bastion host then connect to RDS instance through this instance and initialize the Database.

We will use templatefile function to initialize RDS. You may checkout more about this function from documentation

We need to get RDS-endpoint as a environment variable after it is created and replace it in template file to be able to connect to mysql database.

Create templates directory in project, under the same directory create a file named as db-deploy.tftpl with below content:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install git mysql-client -y
git clone -b vp-rem
mysql -h ${rds-endpoint} -u ${dbuser} --password=${dbpass} accounts < /home/ubuntu/vprofile-project/src/main/resources/db_backup.sql

Create file similar to given file under terraform-files directory.

We will commit/push this file to remote repo.

Run below commands to create secgrp resources:

terraform validate
terraform fmt
terraform plan
terraform apply

Step-12: Artifact Deployment

Clone repository to from bewlo repository, we need to do some updates in file.

git clone -b vp-rem

We will update below parts in that file. Replace db01 -> RDS endpoint Replace mc01 -> elasticache Endpoint Replace rmq01 -> Actice MQ AMQP endpoint(only take url after //) and port rabbitmq.username=rabbit rabbitmq.password=<replace_with_pwd_you_give_in_tf_vars>

#JDBC Configutation for Database Connection

#Memcached Configuration For Active and StandBy Host
#For Active Host
#For StandBy Host

#RabbitMq Configuration

Save and exit, then go to project directory where pom.xml exists and run mvn install to generate our artifact.

Our artifact is ready, we will upload it to Beanstalk manually.

Go to Beanstalk from AWS Console, click on application you created by terraform. Upload and Deploy

Step-13: Validate and CleanUp

We can validate our application now from browser, click on url given in Benstalk page.

You can run below command to clean-up your AWS account.

terraform destroy -auto-approve