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# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at http://localhost:8080/
npm run serve
# serve with hot reload at https://localhost:8080/
npm run serve -- --https
# run on android emulator or device
npm run serve:android
# run on ios emulator
npm run serve:ios
# build for production with minification
npm run build
# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build -- --report
# generate resources for cordova
npm run gen:cordova-resources
# build for cordova
npm run build:cordova
# build an app file
npm run build:ios
# build an apk file
npm run build:android
# run unit tests
npm run test:unit
# run e2e tests
npm run test:e2e
# run all tests
npm test
We use the gitflow workflow this is also helpful.
- Development of features happens in branches made from develop called feature/ like feature/show-token-balance.
- When development is finished a pull request to develop is created. At least one person has to review the PR and when everything is fine the PR gets merged.
- The develop branch gets deployed to the stage environment by travis.
- To make a new release create a release branch called release/vX.X.X, also bump the version number in package.json in this branch.
- Create a PR to master which then also has to be accepted.
- Create a tag for this version and push the tag.
- Also merge back the changes (like the version bump) into develop.
- The master branch has to be deployed to the production environment manually.
We have a stage (develop) and a production (master) branch and environments where these branches will be deployed to.
- Is used to see changes to the code in effect in a "real" environment without the fear of breaking the production environment.
- Is the production environment, code lives in the "master" branch.
- Every branch is auto-deployed on https://
branch-name, with each/
symbol in a branch name replaced by-
- Find
file in the latest release or download corresponding version from a branch https://branch-name - Find
file in the latest release or download corresponding version from a branch https://branch-name
- Get bundle analyzer report on each domain by adding /report.html. Example