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dbdb71b · Aug 27, 2021






IMPORTANT CAVEAT! The mpmd_marlin_1.1.x firmware is NOT
designed for the V2 model of the Monoprice Mini Delta
3D printer. Monoprice recently began selling a V2 model of
the printer, and I doubt that this firmware is compatible.
___Please, do NOT try to install this firmware on the Monoprice
Mini Delta V2 printer.___

an open-source upgrade for the Monoprice MP Mini Delta 3d printer

The mpmd_marlin_1.1.x project combines Marlin firmware 1.1.9 along with a few customizations to create a useful open-source firmware for the printer. Use the files in this zip archive to enhance your Monoprice MP Mini Delta 3d printer.


Note: you'll need a micro SD card to install the firmware. The printer can be finicky about the card (more about this at the project's wiki), but the micro SD card that Monoprice supplies with the printer usually works. It's a good idea to hang on to this card the comes with the printer, if only to be able to update the firmware if necessary.

Copy the contents of this folder to the ROOT directory of the micro SD card, i.e. this file should be in the card's ROOT directory. With the micro SD card, you can install the firmware, perform an initial printer calibration, and print a few test models. Complete instructions, tips, and help are avaiable at the wiki.

Please see the wiki for more information.


mpmd_marlin_1.1.x firmware

The several variants of the mpmd_marlin_1.1.x firmware are located in the /firmware folder. To install the firmware, ONE of the .bin files should be copied to the SD card's ROOT directory and RENAMED to /firmware.bin.

Please see Which Firmware? to help determine an appropriate firmware variant for your printer.

G-code command files

The /setup_gcode folder contains a set of "command" (gcode) files that extend the capabilities of the printer. Use the printer's "print" function to perform calibrations, change or save settings, and provide other capabilities that are normally not available on the Monoprice Mini Delta printer.

Example 3d models

There are a few example .stl and .gcode files in the /models folder. The .gcode files contain start and end gcode suited to the firmware and the MP Mini Delta printer, and are ready to print directly from the micro SD card.


Use the plugin located in /miscellany/OctoPrint to allow for faster uploads to the printer's micro SD card from within OctoPrint. Copy the single plugin file,, to OctoPrint's plugin folder.

Please see OctoPrint-plugin for more information.

Pronterface macro

The M990 g-code can be used from Pronterface to upload the currently loaded file to the printer's micro SD card. To configure Pronterface to allow for faster uploads, use the following steps:

  • Copy the command, /miscellany/, to a location that is included in your computer's command search path (make sure that the file is executable).

  • Create a macro (e.g. AO_M990) in Pronterface to hold the follow script:

    ! = ' -d "{}" -s "{}" "$s"'.format(self.p.port,self.p.baud)
    ! self.disconnect()
    ! print('AO_M990: {}'.format(self.filename))
    ! self.do_run_script(
    ! self.connect()
  • Create a custom button/command (e.g. Upload to SD) in Pronterface to call the macro you created in the previous step.

Please see Pronterface Tips for more information.